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Inspired by Loghain Carvo.

Repost this if you also cannot stand the cruelty of the trolls and haters on this site. We need to raise our voices against the malicious comments left by Loghain and many others, LET'S TAKE A STAND!
Joe Cole Jan 2015
Are we unjust in our biased views of this man?
Because we do not understand, do not comprehend
Just what Thee Artiste has to offer
A man of modesty, humility
A man fit to take up quill and ink
This sad and lonely unloved man
Reaches far the beseeching hand
Of friendship
We,we privileged few, we who swore to help
Those so deprived
Of litery and poetic skill
That we should now turn the scornful back
Upon one who does so sadly lack
The art with brush and pen
And so I call upon you my poetic friends
To turn the cheek and make amends
For the insults that we threw
So spread wide your arms
Make free the welcome in your halls
Invite the master through the door
Then kick a Carvo in the *****
False Poets Aug 2014
the quality of quantity is unmerciful,
prodigious production of
wine improperly aged,
pours soiled drops
spilled without craft,
care or taste,
poured too quick to be
nothing more than
less than waste

born in reckless unrestrained
than every thought a golden gift,
bestowed upon the masses,
droppeth like the harshest hurricane rains,
gives no moisture sustenance to the world,
only floods and lays waste in dazed hazes

blesses none but the one who
cannot but cant,
measures his own demeanor in the mirror,
unsuspecting the mirror mirrors
the ides of ego,
seeds of self destruction

the throned monarch
who giveth
but does not take,
thinking the king he is,
his own best,
even better than his creator
and tho he carvo's his retno critiques
upon the brows of his subjects,
he cares not,
for it boring brings
more mastubatory page views
his addition of success,
his edition of self congratulatory
of writs and snits,
which adds up to a whole lot of

but you may put you pen down now,
for the world needs only
need one poet,
and it ain't me,
and it certainly ain't

For Crumble
jeffrey robin Aug 2014
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Across the bridge
The Forest beckons

Will he find a name in the sky ?


All that mattered ..:..
                 Did it matter ?


Truth is a very awesome thing


What we are is so
Much greater

Than we even dare imagine


Under the ground in a state of forever

Or sitting cross - legged in the hills


We could be so much more generous than we are


After reading her poetry for 5 hours

I told her it was a little better than lousy

But -----

The next time I saw her she was more than just smiling


We cross that bridge when it appears

Under ground

Sitting cross - legged in the mountains



Love or we don't

That's the thing
Ryan Jakes Jun 2014
I do enjoy your poems
but his I cannot stand
and now I find, to my surprise
you might be the same man

Although the names are different,
the scathing natures strong
and now I read that others here
have thought it all along!

Though yours have some intelligence
and his are total *****
There's something so familiar
In the way both of you write

So I'll sit back and ponder this a while
a mystery its true
then maybe get the nerve to ask
is Loghain Carvo you?
I've read some pretty interesting comments over the last few days regarding our resident ******, many of them coming to the same conclusion. So I ask myself......who is this masked ****.
Joe Cole Jan 2015
I read your poem of a few days ago
And yes I was amazed at your command of language
Is that really what we want for this site
Honestly I don't think so
I don't detract from your ability in any way
But being a simple person I probably understood
About one word in three
I view this site as a venue where writers of all abilities
Can post their work and be judged fairly by their peers
You are a great supported of Carvo
And he has the right to express his views
Despite the fact that WE the MAJORITY find them offensive
In short allow us the MAJORITY to decide on what we like
Allow us to hit the like button
Allow us to be us and do not mock
The ability of us, the average writer
Do not measure us against your own ability
Joe Cole Jan 2015
Thee Artiste aka Loghain Carvo
I nominate him simply because when ever your feeling down and in need of a good laugh just read his works of artistic brilliance

— The End —