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Ozzie Smith, Yazstremski,

Dave Stieb and Robin Yount

these men were of a special group

It's one I'm proud to count

There's players who achieve a goal

While others just achieve

They set a standard for the rest

In their heart they just believe

The game is full of heroes

Men depended on each game

They all have certain attributes

And we all know them by name

Kaline, Ripken, and Wade Boggs

The Carters, Joe and Gary

They're men who inspire us

They have a reputation tough to carry

To be a man of character

You must be better than the rest

You have to be a leader

If you ***** up, you must confess

Baseball doesn't make you one

For character's within

You just learn how to channel it

Bring it out from where it's been

Now, Cobb, Ruth and McLain

Were characters as well

But, not the kind of characters

That we are here to tell

They had a reputation

One that is not lost upon the game

But, to say that they had character

Then you would not speak their names

Tom Seaver and Clemente

Thurmon Munson, Sparky too

Were men who set examples

Of exactly what to do

To build a reputation

One that shows character and heart

Is something time consuming

It's built of many parts

To do the right thing once

Is not the thing I want to see

But to do it right consistently

That defines character to me

There are so many examples

Of players in this group

But there are ten times as many

Who miss the homer with a bloop

Baseball brings it out in you

It doesn't put it there

You show what you are made of

By be fair

Williams, Maris, Dimaggio

Robinsons, Jackie and Frank

They played with an integrity

You could take it to the bank

If you want to be a winner

Please do this if you can

Be a man of character

Not a character of a man.
kirklefrance Feb 2013
only when i look through The Eyes of God am I at peace,otherwise nothing else makes sense,nothing else matters.why?there's nothing else Mathers,Marshall law we were all mislead by indoctrinated Fathers,who sought to turn us into martyrs,for entertainment only like the top five NBA starters,consumed with keeping up with the carters n catering to you haters simply by having goals that's greater,keeping faith til one glorious day Sandy comes and meets me standing in the breeze blowing trees , wind and rain set my mind at ease,caught in a storm lost in a whirlwind my head spins tilted in a dribble passing the days,still giving thanks "forever"until the day I'm carried over to the center of the suns rays...finally i see the light...yet i remain the same so many things on the brain lost,grounded,clueless;stuck like a bird in the rain.
Last night I dreamed of you all night
And didn't want to wake

The dream was uncovering
memories of you, I'd buried.
A swat to the backs of my legs
to get me to open them.

Your carters blanket
up to shield us.
Doing things you didn't want
the God to see.

What was I dreaming then?
I wasn't.
Tags: little bluebird, bobby bland, carters, perfect firsts
©Atalanta Undigested 2013.  All Rights Reserved.
Tim Knight Feb 2013
She was a dancer,
caught off beat
by a neat little stranger lurking
in the body of the womb,
where once she strayed from danger,
within a motherly costume.

After show drinks, stage
& waits in the green room,
were pipe dreams for this
Mum without a groom.
Yet still, and continuing so,
she provides for two girls,
her blonde Monroe's; be that lifts
to school or another
big shop so the nonstop
keeps from turning blue.

But how up North can you keep from the cold,
when constant frost creates the vignette
to the serviette snow out there?
Cheap beans and even cheaper bread
won't make that meal you read and said to be good,
any better than it is.
But a text, fax, pigeon post fast, to your Mum back home
wipes clean these thoughts of being alone
and underfed,
and instead; restores your faith in everything
and anything you may do in the future,
and what you said-

to me once on that walk;
will stick with me until we next talk
or, maybe quite possibly, drink
until glasses are empty and
the wine bottles clink.

*for the Carters
Isabella Mar 2015
We saw two different night skies
Under the same moon
We looked at the same star
But wished for different things

You saw what science calls the night sky
A “galaxy”
And precision
Spilled from your lips
I thought I was talking to Galileo himself

I saw what art calls the night sky
A “brilliance and wonder”
Twirls of yellow and blue
Danced in my eyes
I saw bright wonders
Held in secrets
Hidden in the carters of the moon
I saw Van Gogh’s starry night

I saw wonder
You saw thought
Maybe that’s why
We both fought

You dictated facts
I dictated imagination
You were science
And I was art
But we smashed into each other
Causing another galaxy to form
Where art and science
Did not belong
Ellie Shelley Nov 2016
The take off
You start your life wanting to be a mom
Like a lot of little girls
Then as you get older and you see your mom working you realize you can’t just be a mom
So you want to be a vet
you get to middle school
and you see that being a vet is too much work with the grades you have
You decided you want to be famous
Look through all the thing you can be famous for
Realize you cannot sing
You have a very strong tell
And you laugh when you try to be serious
So acting is out
And you weren’t born with a body like Kim K’s
Or born with the money to get it
Come to the idea that you can’t be famous if you aren’t like other famous people
Settle for the idea you’ll be working some menial job you’ll hate
Just like your mom and dad
Just like your aunts and uncles
Just like everyone else in your family
Realize you love writing
Like no one else in your family
Pencil and paper always near by
And if not
You have three different journal apps on your phone
and four on your laptop
Along with two poetry blogs
And the hope you had for starting a book
The hope that started in 2014
that hasn’t been messed with
Realize you want to really write a book
And be the poet lauriet
Realize your dreams of being famous aren’t that far away
Come to the shocking reality that you cannot support yourself on just this book
Decide you want to be an easthation
A word you cannot even spell
So you can wax peoples legs and arms
And parts of people you don’t want to see
Go through your last year of high school
Get put back into carters class
See how this teacher has changed your life
Opened you from your shell
See that you have made real progress
Not just in your writing but through that
You have become a better person
See that the take off
Started when you realized that you wanted to be a teacher
The clock-compass offering of King David to Sholmó myrrh-timely is golden as a frankly incense.

I'll open my mouth one last time
In deep sayings
of the "hidden manna",

I'll speak in
Incantations (sacred sayings)
as one Oriented
In Oath & spells
from roots & truth,
I'll reveal it all in sequence.

Sons of the soil;
the ****** shall give birth to a child,
mother nature is our ******.

These are the 3 form of Gods will:
The good, permissive & perfect.
(the tree of good  principles
& the only evil in it is disobedience,
The tree of perfect & true standard balance).

For the image of God is his "Character behaviour = True Morality"
the likeness of the Lord is his "perfect calculation = Literacy "
So understand when I say
I & the Father are one,

For when the Father said
"two shall become one" (Absolutely absorbed)
this is what he truly mean

You must be in a deep sleep
having your ribs punctured out
by observing thoroughly in your mind
a woman's Morality & Literacy
If she's truly matured.

For when God formed a woman
all he made is a literate who is morally matured free from distortion & contamination,
so anything less than this is
"woe unto man".

Remember it was never said he who marries finds a good thing,
But he who "discovers true marraige materials"  (a morally matured literate woman) finds a helper & obtain favour from principles & laws.

Therefore the flesh of a man's flesh
is a woman of the same soul attraction (so carefully check if your features truly Jibe).

  The bones of a man's bones
is a woman of the same conscious interest (so carefully cross-check if same things excite you both).

& To be taken out of man
is to share the same intention (observe carefully if you both share same view & Ideas of things).

Also recognise to be a "Man"
is to be fully matured;
Attaining your daily growth
of literacy & morality
until you achieve the balance
of your true standard of living (Eden),
Flowing in your perfect atmosphere
of stability,
growing in your true
level of quality development
for this is the promised land.

Marriage is the absorption in one anothers personality,
It is absolutely sacred
& not to be abnormally used
even for once.

So forget about pleasure
Seek for balance!
Let your beauty
comes from inward attributes
then you'll find comfort in everything you do,
For this is the true joy of living
& Man's complete duty.

I speak as the Son of Man
& Son of God

And people often say
" with God all things are possible",
but with God stupid things are not possible (imbalance & err),
For God himself is balanced by his literacy
& morality is his standard
he is not an author of confusion.

Truly everyone choosed their choice course
ahead of existence,
God never lay a curse (burden) on anyone
even the stars bears Him withness
that he has measured clear balance &
clean standard daily for everyone.

For when ever men are gathered in the gates of Christ (wisdom)
Him is presence and they are caught up in the air.

When ever men tarry in their inner room to be endue with literacy & morality they get caught up on high
to Him's presence at attain peace.

For the Creator so Love everything he has made that he finalize his government by judging the illitracy that causes every error & the Immorality that leads to every imbalance against the universe,

This is the ritual he made
sending his only begotten who fully acknowledged the perfect balance that Literacy brings & the true standard that morality yeilds.

He did this ritual not to measure sins punishment or condemn the universe
but to justify his Principles & Laws as smooth & flawless
& to exposes completely the foolishness & wickedness of sin
"that he himself has not added a grain of burden to the sons of men but they as sheep has often gone astray alone in search for many things".

Therefore know this
for the streets do not love you
But the universe do,
Ignore the outward noises
& Listen to what nature is always telling you.

Then you'll avoid being the poor fool
Who tries to gain the whole world
But never carters for his soul true needs.

Come now I'll show you how Inspiration formed Ideas;

The Conscious keeps his "Universe" (space) safe,
The Spiritual do not need approval of
"Chance"  (connection),
The Mystic explores beyond "Age" (experience),
The Supernatural is not bound by "Season" (luck),
The Sacred one is not hindered by "Distance" (location),
Glory rules over "Time" (appointment),
Grace rule over  "days" (growth),
Holiness is the highest "Class" (qualifications).

To be Sacred is to be always clear in reasoning & clean in Judgement,
To be Holy Obatàlà is to be righteous in thoughts & upright in conscience,
To be full of Grace is to become flawless
& smooth in outward & inward expression,
To be full of Glory is have perfect emotion
& Truthful spirit.

To possess Wisdom is to become a mystic who attain sacredness for the sake of balance,
To get understanding is to attain spirituality & all it's glory at all cost for the sake of true comfort,
To attain peace is to become first & foremost holy then you'll attract true supernatural beauty,
To love, one must be conscious & full of grace then he'll possess the eternal joy.

For the shrine is made for cleansing only & nothing more,
Do not seek for anything else in the temple aside your daily bread,
Be faithful with the garden it's herbs, vegetables, fruit & even flowers & trees will keep you in perfect health even the shade is beautiful at sunrise & comforting at dusk,
The only festival accepted in heaven is one which ceremony promotes literacy & morality for every other is futile.

Do not be mislead:
The one who can forgive can also punish think of how in the beginning he covered the world in thick darkness and made it formless again,

The one who bless also curse remember who formed the world from waters upon waters & restricted the waters this is how far you can go,

The one who approves also rebukes remember who gathered the wind in his palm & authored spiritual realm,

The one who heals also kills think of how he wrapped up the universe as a cloud in his cloak.
Remember "oh" remember.

Consider this before you become foolish & say there is no Lord, God, Father & King
& sin against our forefather Creator
who rule over us all.
For the son of man & son of God is only a product of their perfect Literacy & true morality & nothing else added..

I speak as the gift of Sheba and the perfume oil of Mary at my feet
Delton Peele Dec 2023
Quantum physic
Algebraic circular reasoning .....
Strings tied themselves in knots.   .
Before the question asked ......
Do you make up everything......
The answer came back .....
I'm a frayed knot......
Is there intelligent life out there?
A square question
Reasoning would suggest if we could find it here
here...then it could be.
For it would take intelligence to perceive it.....
So far we haven't found any......
Fighting for peace.....
Freedom ,
Jumbo shrimp ,
Military intelegence.......
Human kind?.
Is our purpose for living just remembering to breath?
Want and need
One from necessity...
The other from greed....
Fate and destiny......
If there is no goal
...collaboration to find it ?
We can't even agree on a map.....
How many billions of gallons of blood have stained the soil .....and we don't even have a clue where we are going
...or even know where we could go....
Go get a new pair fo shoes and jeans mmmmm........
While people die starving
...yah I just went there .....but go ahead and shine it on .......
Hurry.  .....
Find an attractive distraction to take your mind off that....
Fur reals tho....
Don't worry....
Googles' got more apps than Carters'
Got pills for that....
Don't see humans living in dumps eating rotten deacay.

Was that your fate or thier destiny.....

Well Don't just stand there ...
Do something

— The End —