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Phyllis T Halle Dec 2012
Caint Complain
                       By Phyllis T.  Halle  February 26, 2006
Growing up in a tiny coal mining town in the hills of Eastern Kentucky,
I frequently heard a response out of the lips of stooped, arthritic miners, toothless women, old before their time,
wretchedly poor widows with six children to feed.
It was just a common reply to the courteous, "How are you?" -
"Caint complain."
The high pitched voices of those descendents of English, Scottish, German, Irish pioneers still echo in my ears and I wonder always at the tenacity, strength and wisdom which resounded firmly in those two words,
                                          "Caint Complain."
Very few people had indoor plumbing, telephones, cars or two pair of shoes. Health insurance, retirement plans, paid sick days, furnaces, pizzas, air conditioners, jet planes, paid vacations, job security, career planning were all unheard of unknowns.
When someone became ill, the ‘‘kindly old general practitioner would come to the house and dispense his little pills and words of encouragement and instruction, knowing the limitations of his skill and ability to heal.
Mothers and fathers still buried their little children who died from diphtheria, pneumonia, whooping cough, measles, diarrhea, croup ( a disorder known in later years as asthma).
Husbands buried wives who died in childbirth, at an alarming rate. "Caint Complain," they'd say gently, with a soft 'almost' smile and deeply troubled eyes.
Sanitation was fought for, vigorously, by hard muscled women, who scrubbed and washed, and swept and mopped.
They'd boiled the family’s clothes which had been worn for a week, in pots in the back yard, "to get ‘em clean."  
Killing germs was not in their vocabulary, but that is what they'd were doing. Ask that little old gal who was out in the yard, stirring the clothes around in boiling water, over an open fire, "How are you doin’?"  
                            "Caint Complain, " she would invariably say.
WHY couldn't they'd complain? Where did their tenacity come from?
Where did that philosophy of not complaining come from?
Where did they find the resolve to place dire, critical deprivation, hard labor and malnourishment behind them and place a smile on their faces and say
                                Caint Complain?

I knew some of those people when they had grown very old and faced birthdays in their late nineties. Without exception, they had the sweetest dispositions, most grateful hearts, kindest words and calmest old ages of any among the many I have known who reached that age!
When the pressures of their life had faded and they had nothing remaining that had to be done except to live out the final part of their life, they did not have a habit of complaint.
Some recent phone calls I have received were what prompted me to think about this. One right after another, friends called and for the first ten minutes of each call, I listened to a long list of complaints about the trials and travails my dear friend was suffering.
Each friend has: no financial worries, a wonderful primary care doctor, prescriptions to keep their heart pumping, eyes seeing, brain focusing, stomach digesting and body sleeping, each night.
They are protected from financial ruin, by medicare and/or HMO, social security checks, pensions, savings and inherited wealth. They have loving, devoted sons, daughters, nieces and nephews who keep in touch and are there for them.
They each one have lovely heated and cooled homes, apartments or condos with every convenience known to Americans; cars or taxi/bus services to get them out and around. More than that, each has beautiful memories which they can call upon to bring a smile to their face at any moment of the day or night. But somehow we find plenty to complain about.
Why haven't we formed the habit of Caint Complain?
Maybe the philosophy of always seeking more comfort, more possessions, more money, more- more- more- of everything, has driven us to achieve, accumulate and accomplish but it required us to never know what the word contentment means.
Contentment doesn't mean having everything at one’s fingertips. It doesn't mean lacking nothing. It certainly doesn't mean every dream and desire fulfilled.

Yet there are many who have enough of everything except the common sense to know when they really "Caint Complain."
Happiness is a fleeting moment of joy. Contentment is finding peace in what you have, what you are and what you have accomplished.
Having the serenity to know which one brings lasting goodness into your life is wisdom.
Lots of love and hugs, Phyllis
jeffrey robin Apr 2014
() • ()

\ ••/

We come -- undone

We caint think -- clear -- anymore


We caint understand that we don't understand


( we are too scared )


We say that we have been betrayed

We do NOT say that we are also the betrayer !


Undone !!!


Even when we reminisce about a love

It is ALWAYS one that died so miserably

We caint believe it was a love !!




Why don't we understand what we are doing ?

You know I think it is because we don't want to !!

We don't want to look the EVIL in the face !

We know it will be

Our own faces that we see !


The betrayer has been betrayed

We were afraid to be born
We are afraid to grow up

We are terrified of love's reality
Of children being born

Of responsibility
Of death




The human race

We talk & talk


We who caint think -- clear --  anymore !!!


Under the holy sacred sky

The eternal morning

The rising sun
jeffrey robin Feb 2014
Caint even

Hitch hike
No more!


Surf the internet

Find what they want you to find

Lotta prostitutes out there!


(All real lovers are in re-hab)


You go to school cause
You go to school

When you're done going to school
You don't go to school no more




(in truth

rules the world

(Caint even

Hitch hike
No more!)


(You caint do a

Lotta things
No more!)


There is a Story

Larger than

The ones we tell

The ones we listen


Throw your diary away!

Throw the history books away!




(Or if you want

You can do it for Me)
jeffrey robin Nov 2010
caint  wait no more


aint got the time!

they gonna **** us

soft moon

soft stars

night's shelter

only drone airplanes
machine guns

and angry young men

lovely ladies

where are ya?

caint wait no more

for you to stop lovin

all the killers

the angry young boys

its the last time

all the lines

write  them now

Paul Roberts Apr 2012
My doors are always  open, they swing both ways.
You can come in and be welcomed, leave just the same.
There is always some food in the frig,
the cabinet is usually  stocked.
You won't find anything fancy but if you're hungry, it will hit the spot.
There are two stacks of fire wood, in case you're here when it's cold.
One is for a quick fire, the other for all night long.
Upstairs is the extra bed, clean towels too , on shelves,
extra razor in the drawer, case you need to shave yourself.
Now the beer is in the bottom drawer of the frig out in the shop,
yes there is a bottle behind the toolbox, case you needing a shot.
I really only got a few rules , most folks have heard before.
Take what you need,  leave what aint yours.
Help with the chores if you get a chance,
clean up behind yourself.
When the time comes at you again, help those that caint help themselves. Welcome.
Paul Roberts Apr 2012
She aint the pretties, old two tick, floppy ear hound,
she is a keeper though, best friend I ever found.
Now her breath can curl your eyebrows,
her **** fertilized my yard,
and if a thief gives her a treat, well, she forgets what to guard.
Now she aint no bigger then an average possum
but let me tell you what,
that girl can be the biggest bed hog, bet you a two dollars to one.
I reckon though she's a keeper, I see it in her eyes,
caint really see her winking but they're saying" best friends, you and I."
jeffrey robin Mar 2014
(    X    )

Caint go THERE no mo'

Ain't no love there no how


We ran together the fields

We swam naked
The stream


Then we grew up like fools


we sold the mountains of pure soul

For the praise of false friends


We spoke of understanding past deeds

...... Of finally choosing

To make amends


Then we played the same games

Ended up in shame -- again


Caint go there -- no mo'

Ain't no love there -- no how


Try to find that open field

Try to swim that stream again

Try to find you

And ask you

Come with me

To climb that MOUTAIN to our soul

To simply become a human being

I hope that we are not too late

Oh god! I hope it's not too late
katrinawillrich Mar 2015
Slayed caint and now im able
Gullas guided katrastofic contempo
More will than slaveholder.
More art in my key than modern renaissance redux
No trolls in the gargoyles,
Neo **** cause he the one.
My mind got me covered
Derick Van Dusen Nov 2010
Been so ******* and frustrated lately,
that I think everybody ****** hate me.
Somebody say some **** dat shoulda never been said.
so I sit around and mope cause I took it the wrong way.

Its all ****** up, they all goin they own direction and im lost
so all i do is sit an scratch my head  an wonder whats the ******  cost.
I dont want to have to be the one to pay the price for him ****** up his life. So insteada goin toe to toe and throwin blow for blow, im gonna smoke anotha  bowl.
I didnt ask for the silence or the tears and I aint gonna try to wipe away his fears. I got enough of my own without addin more. I dont need all this stress and I feel funny in this dress. No, Im not really wearin a dress but I bet I gotta laugh like a Jedi. I played their little mind trick on myself and seems to be workin cause now Im on a role.

  So now I guess I gotta impress, aint that what you supposed to do when all the fingers are pointed at you, oh, no, wait thats the wrong word, ****, ****, ****, **** it you **** ****, brain work right, the right word is: interrogate. Nope **** it that aint the right word either, so what am I supposed to now, cause I done lost that ****** word somehow. I thought I was on a role mane **** now I need to hit the next train, take anotha good long **** from the **** mane. Maybe that **** im smokin will inspire me to one day be the kinda man I know I wanna be for my little girls sake. Yep, thats right, I said it, I got a little girl now. Never thought that would ever happen, but shes three now. And daddies only gonna be away for a minute cause I gotta get a better education for you baby, so I can give you a better life than I had,  and you dont ever have to think Im a looser Dad. I know baby its pretty bad when I gotta come all the way here to hear that I aint got everything the **** school need like the money the want outta me that I aint got cause I got no job, but I **** sho aint gonna sit around and sob. Ima go to college and make myself a career, so I can better rear or raise you **** I dont like that word either, rear, sounds like im talkin bout my ****, but I aint so dont go gettin all twisted, oops did I just say somethin derogatory there, well I guess not. **** now I gotta knot in my stomach cause all this ***** makin me sick.

  I caint keep up with all the **** goin on here mane cause its like cane slew able and Im un able to understand why I feel like Im bein pushed aside but I aint tryin to hide from no one cause I love all an I dont wanna see em hurt each other anymore. So I pick the pieces off the floor and I do my best to put em back together agin but then I sit an wonder why do I try I know they just gonna tell each other one thing and tell me a lie. Whats makin it worse, is this thing like a curse, that hangs on me heavy like water against the leavy. I done went and got myself stuck, in a major royal mind ****. You see that triangle over there, yep that me in the middle of it and it all just comes crashin down around me. Now I just want it all to stop pounding and for the voices in my head to go the **** to bed and let me sleep to cause the first thing Id do is. TELL EM HOW STUPID THIS **** IS, YOUR WRONG, GROW UP.

  But anyway I digress, or is it egress, **** it dont matter, I aint the Mad Hatter and I found the right word but Ima be a **** and let it go unheard till I see fit, Yeah a little taste of it, control, there you go, its right there in front of my face. Just as plain to see as My Space. Hes a bit of a control freak. Oops I forgot, Im not, I like to treat people, like I like them to treat me. See how that works, its a little thing called respect, you should learn it sometime. Hell aint they a song by that name I do believe Id have to leave the room now If I didnt tell you Aretha Franklin sang R.E.S.P.E.C.T. she know what it mean and you can learn it too I hope somehow. But anyway I gotta go now, and I guess Im finished with my rap now, so im out, gotta preform.
While I obviously take a great deal of inspiration from Eminem the above work is entirely my original work and is not to be copied in whole or part with out my expressed written consent.
jeffrey robin Feb 2014

I know it all ain't right

But I got the wife and the kids



I know it all ain't right


Paint me a New Picture
(a NewTomorrow)

I ain't got no money
I caint do a thing

(Got me the wife and kids)


(There ain't no hippies in them hills
Ain't no food stamps any more

Caint live!

---------and I got me the wife and kids--------)


Sittin at the bar


**** some pain



It all ain't right


I got me some fight but I don't know
I'm fighting


I been thinking like this for a1000 days


I really do know what to do

Just like you

I'm paralyzed



I really do
Know what to do

I think I'll
Do it

And let it be
jeffrey robin Feb 2014
Fires in the night

Death within the sight

It ain't the time for love my friend

It's time to set a story down

So that THAT child might survive

(  & WE TOO

That is

We might live in dignity


The fires in the night

Souls start shining

Fierce with pride

We shall set the story right

& then we might love again
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
Gotta go!

Caint stay!


Killin me!

Truly is!


Long Walk

Everyone is hiding

My eyes grow dim from nothing to see


How can this be so?


Yes I know

It just IS !


Hey kid

Ya can't be saved by a kiss

Needs more substance

This Day


Church of life

We love

Here in the pews

The baby rocks herself to sleep and dreams of you


We are the humans here



Caint stay

Gotta find

In the madness

You to behold
Paul Roberts Jun 2012
Oh don't go deep into my waters baby,
for I run cold  under neath,
Stay close to your life line baby,
don't go where you caint see.
For I can be refreshing to you baby,
or sweep you out to sea.
No, No, don't go dredging in my dark waters, baby,
got no control over what you will see.
If you let the foolish side of you take over,baby,
you not going to like what you find in me.
I'm like the ocean waters, oh so much uncontrolled energy,
I can give so much to you baby,
just got to know there is no controlling me,
I'm not in charge of my dark waters baby,
so you'd be a fool to  not believe........
Don't go deep into my waters..........Baby.
jeffrey robin Feb 2014

The Brooklyn Bridge

the broken child before dawn

A question lingers

Like the child there lingers

Like you and I lingering

On the outskirts of the song


Talk away!

Louder and louder!

Drown out the pain!

( And the visions -
                                 All reminders )





Paul Roberts Feb 2011
Got my hair slicked back, pack of red Dentyne.
Fresh brushed boots and ironed jeans.
Just washed the truck out at the lake,
drop a dime in the phone and check on my date........
last night as a civilian.
Got big plans , hope  for that long , long kiss,
bet her eyes open wide when she gets a look at this!
Been hauling hay  all summer long,
knew I was going in for the long haul.
Caint make a living on this dried up land,
got to go with Uncle Sam's plan.
So this box holds all my wishes and dreams........
we'll see....
Last night as a civilian.

Well they sat me down in a barber chair,
spun me around and I had no hair.
Troops out in the parking lot marking time,
singing this reality song to pass the time.
No Dentyne gum out here, no teenage queen,
fresh starched fatiques  and a M16.
Still got that little box in my wall locker,
still got her picture , even got that big , long kiss...
it was my last night  for alot of things.........
Paul Roberts: Turn the Page
Geno Cattouse Jun 2014
I Stand firmly with my hands relaxed cause the kid looking down on me just cant FADE me.
His eyes smirk with disdain as he rubs against the grain but my years in the realm keep my hands firm at the helm just smirk him right back and now he's feeling wack cause I slipped his attack and the punk can't fade me. body is tough and conditioned. Swift still powerfull and lithe.
Six decades see I aint ***** made ....still cool as the shade and makin the grade...I moved in and stayed...aint shaky and the kids cant fade me.

Payed those dues early and often.....not boasting. Just love confounding young ducklings snotty  lil fucklings.
My mind is quick I pay my dues...use it or lose aint bout to dodder become cannon fodder for rooks with no stripes... talk that **** if I have to.
Walk that **** too.
Blessed and respectfull.
Man I love checkin chickens who get it wrong.My body is my carriage my spirit an amalgam of knowlege and physicality.
They try to cubby hole.This old dude dont fit mold.
Kick your *** and get witty. Aint fresh of no *****.
They shake their heads or feign disdain g
But again and again they misread. Down for the de de.
Aint no play pretty.Energiser bunny. You cant fade me punk.I might spank your *** like your uncle.....Nephew.
Your hands cant hit what your eyes cant see.
You cant chump me off play me no dozens. I aint old cause I'm lucky. Plucky.
Every dog has his day and one day the magic will end ask Houdini .....   ..... but till then my young friends,this old man's gonna play nick nack on your ****. And ya don't stop and ya don't quit. FEEL ME ? Cause ya caint fade me.....Yet.
hate snow Oct 2013
waiting for you Daren G to call me
thought id found my true love in you.
i was wrong thinking that bull cause
you dumped me and i is so sad bout that
and caint sleep and i is tired of waiting
for you to call and it is early in the morning
so now i go to bed got to get up and find a job
thanks for dumping after i switched myself
to be what you said you wanted
jeffrey robin Sep 2013
Ain't oughta say

"Caint do it"

Cause ya might believe yourself


The one Power
Hate caint touch!


-----(hold my hand, child)-----

Me and my Love


Oh yes

What a Glorious Thing!
jeffrey robin Apr 2014
() ::: ()
•  •

I hear you ---
I hear --- you (I do)


Soldiers are marching
Marching --- to your door
(Gonna kick it in )

Maybe today
Maybe tomorrow

Maybe next year

The cryin has started

The children are dyin

(Caint take the fear )


I hear you

I hear -- you (I do)

We gonna get Strong

We gonna get weaker than you
Can ever believe


I hear you

I'm calling your name

If you caint hear me

I gotta think you're insane




Life and death child

Are now one and the same

Give me your best

Know I'm listening


I hear you
I hear you
I hear you
jeffrey robin Feb 2014
Cover me back

I'm a goin in!



Caint get no love

Jes like that!

It ain't just a beer at the bar


(Gotta find out if he can ---- shoot straight !)

Gotta know what he knows



Gotta cross that bridge when we get to it

-- -- --


We got to

We on it!

( & it ain't real stable --no !)


Somewhere between Birth & Death

( & it ain't real stable -- no! )


Straight shooters


Come together

We bring TODAY

Truly to

Rightful place
Little Bear Feb 2016
Hey guess what?/?!!!
in ducking drunk out of my dublin house
i cant aven see the ****** floor holy shiv
this is my first druma text ha
a nun a texttiny thingo any more way....................
''''''''''''''''''''''''' colloalp
i  had so
many bears and now i caint ducking see
won inn i need a leba
in so hungry i could eat a eat any
love yo you assimlle forever
put the kettl on in booming good duel
So crap.. it has to be some form of art :o)
Actual text I found on my phone from last year.
I have no idea who I was going to send it to
and I had no memory of it the next day.
I think I was waiting for a taxi with my friend,
maybe I thought I was sending it to her???
Who knows..
Geno Cattouse Oct 2013
Mary Mack dressed in red.
A Bonnie blue ball cap adorns her head.
Painted on jeans and jungle boots.

Jet black eyeliner.
curled up lashes. Eyes dark brown. Catch the blue trolley heading uptown.
Mary Mack is a pleasure savant.for twenty-five  dollars you can get what u want.

You caint always get what u want, but if you cry sometimes  
you get what u need.

Mary McKenzie. All in a frenzy.
Sped up on ice. Nice baby. Nice.

Got that rare disease called noassatall.
Burning calories like crazy.
cant call the girl lazy. Never sit still.

Two degrees in arts.
trying out for bit and then.
Fame. An oasis/mirage

Singing lead in a band in a backyard garage.
Many parts to Ms. Mary.
Strange, sweet,smart and dumb.

Message to Mary.
Go back where your from.
Ken Pepiton Jul 2019
Ruler first or ruled

in the grand
of things

the inter-e-

interesting times, quants of time,

quants divisible, but

non-un-en-tangle-able as opposed

at tthis moment
with tangibility being the re-
al-it-if-I-can temptation

time is permanently temporary here,
if that's okeh with you, as

peacemakers were learned to say.

Leave us let this be, see we was never taught,
was caught, and we learned

I can-tations
I caint-tatations yessir nossir, damnright,
I'm white trash

from way back. Hillbilly Scotts and Fisher man Sicilians.

Outlaws hang from my family tree
with some honor, omerta. doncha know.

My great granddaddy fought in the Lincoln County War,
on the side that won.

Ever last one o' my kin's sons,
I ken re

was left with a life t' live after
winning a war.

Then came me,
and I'as left t'live after losing war after war after war

for no reason,

those was unreasonable wars.

We was poor boys made men by God
And the Corp-
us, the embodiment of an esprit d'corp

-- flash (the real kind, where you remember an event
in time re-
lated by the merest of mere threads of

what if, you are reading this and its like
re-veily girl wwwuwu
re-unveiling, luring


to a true-ly, like true,
(you can't tell the difference, no diff, right? D'Israeli, maybe.
said that, aside)
Hell. Imagine that.
You can't.

Searing hot iron truth:
no condemnation here, no more, ever on
this edge,

things stay balanced.
Any time, past now, is mortally pre-carrious

im' guessing that means pre-tooth rot,
but, I can check…

I 'as wrong, lookathis:
precarious (adj.)
1640s, a legal word,
"held through the favor of another,"
from Latin precarius 
"obtained by asking or praying,"
from prex (genitive precis)
"entreaty, prayer"
(from PIE root *prek- "to ask, entreat").

Notion of "dependent on the will of another" led to
extended sense "risky, dangerous, uncertain" (1680s).

"No word is more unskillfully used than this with its derivatives.
It is used for uncertain in all its senses;
but it only means uncertain, as dependent on others ..."
[Johnson]. Related: Precariously; precariousness.

From <>

tooth-rot persuasion-wise, I'as right.

Jahnsan, we assume Samuel or some other dangling
Johnson, says *******, who rides me

through the raison patch from time to time
so I can see the angel.

The messenger, the very one, told
the Prophet professed to be that lastest wit' the mostest

but un-propheside of precariousness

this very voice manifest aurally, in the
non-shadow-casting image of a pillar of light,

highbeams on a foggy night,
from far away,
then blam

the voice it said,

Twice. Nada mas. Read. He heard it.
But he could not read, so
highly spiritual
was he --
post allakindaholyshit
to him, alone,
an angel of light, with new good news,
just in time,

write this down,
Wars could …

They could.
Wait. ( as we have, and may, yet.)
I can see what the professed prophet can see.
I did read.
He could not.
Ought he to have taught? Who am
I to judge,

times and times and half a time,
that clock,
did it have an alarm?
Trust and obey, its the very most fun, Jeffersonian obediance, if y'please.
jeffrey robin Dec 2014
(          )
^               ^                ^
   ^                                 <^>                                   ^
(                             ^                           ^
//// • ||
||||                     <>                       ||||
/  (   (     \


This    my left breast / this   my right

This     my one face

Black and white


My One Eye
The pure light

My open heart in full revolt
Against this



Do you know me ?

Have you Love ?


It's bout the time

Not to give a ****


Lazy the liars
Deadly the lies

People stupid

Why are you not wise   ?


This the hour !

This Your Time

This Your World !

This your Life


How can I love what's not Real Man ?

It's ugly and painful

And caint last


Here I sit and overlook the Sea

Won't you come and sit with me

At least for just a little while
jeffrey robin Jun 2014
///   ||||
           \\  •  \\
                ( • ) ( • )      

Gonna make a pretty picture out of you


What do you REALLY WANT  ?

( it caint be what you say it is  !! )


If god picks you up you scream



Walking the long road past the **** labs in the hills


( The lawyer the ambulance the insurance scam )


You are not really here at all

You really don't even give a ****
Jeffrey Robin Apr 2016

another hello poetry babe got dumped on by

Her boy friend !!


Which one ?


There are already

100's of em lining the left edge

Of your screen by now !


Probably 1/2 of em on their 2nd or 3d

Dumping !


It's quite a show


Caint YE just see

All running around naked

Trying to cover themselves up !

Everyone throwing **** and  garbage at them

And giggling at their bouncing *****  !



These hello poetry babes !

Geno Cattouse Jul 2014
I must be schizophrenic but I caint say four shore.

There's this other Other that writes poems as if I'm not sitting here. He makes me write things that I.don't understand
he sits on my shoulder. Pushes my hand like a Houdini illusion
Pops up unannounced and bounces.
Works at his leisure.
Comes and goes as he pleases.
I think Im schizophrenic.
jeffrey robin Nov 2013
Sits and seeds

With light



She walks naked thru the school


"Come feel me up if YE got THE *****"


(Some do but later say

They're sorry)


In n out
In n out


In n out


Caint get out no mo')



I say




Sit and seed the world with light

We have lost THE WAY

If we don't find it soon WE DEAD

( say boy

What so you think?)


Into the wilderness

Find the trail

Leads forever

To the top a the Hill



(Better start movin they's closin in)
I get perplexed stares like there's something on my face
But there's only brown on my face
Have they never seen a ***** before?
I look around the ice capped mountains.
**** maybe they haven't.
This ***** is steep.
Cold, but not as cold as my old life
The north freezes my fears
As I create new ones
True ones
No time to fight them so they'll be permanent
I caint go back to what I once was
A shut in, who hurt whoever I let in
So now I'm really shut in
Nothing but strangers and a bottle of whiskey
The sun is my only friend here
And he rarely comes around
I think he's heard about me too
jeffrey robin Jul 2015

Naked in the moonlight

( blow YE winds )





she said


I said



I didn't see no child in her eye

Didn't see no mountain in her mind

Didn't feel no love for all mankind


So what good is she to me ?





() )) (( ()

everybody making an excuse

For why they wanting just to hide


They claim they

Just caint help themselves

Cause they're so broken inside !

Cause they hung with some girl or guy

For a little while

( but never told us --- Why ?) !


( hey

It's cause it made us look COOL MAN

Dat 's why )

Blow YE winds

Blow away all the JIVE

the fear is palpitating

As you run away to die



I'm sorry for what we 're doin

To your good name

Pretendin we know what it is

Whe we be acting so mean



Blow YE winds





Blow us all away

So some may live
jeffrey robin Dec 2014
0 /  0



Languid breezes

                                     ( the breath of Life ! )

Joey will love you tonight

( if he ain't killed out on the streets )                              

By gangs or by police


And you tryin to say yer a human being
And you tryin to be human / still


December dream

Christ on the rise

There in fantasy

But not in your eyes

•     •

Ah sweet girl

Joey's doin what he can

He caint be what you want

Until he feels like a whole man


Time to make new plans

Make  em the best you can


Best save all your strength

No use in feelin bad


And if Joey don't make it

He doin what he can


Doin what he can
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
Ain't no use




Ain't nothin to be gained

By pretending


Everybody  knows you are afraid

And your love don't do nobody no good




In the  middle of this friggin ugly scene

A  nation disintegrating

Try as YE might YE caint go free

Except  by facin the Evil
And doin some changing


Ain't no use




Ain't nothin ta be gained

by pretending


Ya gotta stop

Bein afraid


Trust your love

And let it be good
jeffrey robin Jul 2015
... ta get meself some coffee ...>

and as I'm waitin I sees this hot babe

Typin on this there laptop

N I caint help but notice

She typin a poem on ta Hello Poetry

N I says

OH !



And she smiles a real come - on

Sort a **** smile and says



N I says



TO **** AND **** THEIR WAY




she leaned forward

Rubbing her hand across

The top of her *******

And poppin a few buttons

Of her blouse open

And revealin ta me

A healthy rack a *****

While smiling quite seductively


she said


:::: oh ! I'm in ta meditation :::;




I got me me coffee

And headed for the door sayin


jeffrey robin Aug 2014
^  ^  ^  ^      

=  (                                        )   =          
=                                                                            =
=                      O                               =
(     )        
(         )          
She sings !


Come come home
Mama is cryin cryin

That's what she sings


All the world's a stage

The name of the play ?

Guess that's  up to you !


Me ?

I'm goin home to moma

(  Caint take that cryin !  )

Take it from the top

Is what I say

Gotta find me some real people

Sick a just seein

This masquerade
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
Lights growin dim


Lotta people caint be seen no more

(Like they ain't there!)


On the late night subway but it ain't goin home


Lights growin dim

Darkness in the heart

Cold is the hungry child too




We sing our songs of freedom and thank the bombs
we dropped to **** the poor


(But jes cause they is dead DONT mean

They ain't here no more)


****** hands

****** teeth




Lights goin out

My fellow Americans!

jeffrey robin Nov 2014



and in this dream

I was approaching this building

( and I knew I was arriving late )

But it was okay

Cause this was the




And as i approached the Doors it was in

Rapture of Wonder

as to what I would encounter

Once here !

Here !


I entered !

And there !

Before me !

Was a !

Horde of people !!!

They were all naked !

Most were engaged in copulation !

And  in many a strange and grotesque form
I had never even imagined

Many were just hovering around

Showing off their scars

While muttering


there were wild eyed maniacal guys

With chains roaming  screaming

WHERE DAT *****. !



There were these ***** enflamed gals with

Long fingernails runnin around screaming


Yes yes !

I thought

Here they are!

As they truly are !



jeffrey robin Aug 2014
)     V    (
////  • ||


Was a child in the rain

Was a hunger colored red


                  (        We are done      )


There is no world any more

Black skies

Evil eyes

Black dreams

Evil minds



On the corner

The cops gather

Someone gonna die


Poor drug dealer

Where ya gonna go ?

Banks are stealing

All your   Dough

Even god is unemployed

And caint get food stamps no more


And you ?

Lookin for somethin to numb ya

Find eachother !!

( and pretend it's love !!! )

Little child in the rain

I am sorry

For all we done
jeffrey robin Apr 2014

are YE dying  ?

COME ON ----( come on come on ! )

Tell me true


Howling winds !
Raging storms !

And YE talking like YE wish you were never born !


( Dying dying

Dying )

The pain's too much to take

COME ON  (come on come on )

We keep repeating the same mistakes


We caint hear the children crying

We complain while dishin it out just the same


are YE dyin ?



What it looks like to me

Dyin dyin

jeffrey robin Oct 2014
(                                                                ­        
(           ­         
/     \

I'm a countin on you

I'm a
                                                Callin your name


Ain't sayin there is somethin I want you to do


               I see YE out on the street


Rain a fallin all around

                                   Liars on the loose

We becomin afraid of each other

                                       But we got nothin to lose

I'm a countin on you

                              a callin your         Name

                              We gotta talk for awhile

We caint just let things come down this way                          



I'm a countin on you

( though I ain't sayin there is somethin I want you to do )

— The End —