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Susan Hunt Jul 2012

I had not seen my father in over two years when he showed up at my mom and step dad's condo. He had a slick knack of disappearing when laws were broken and he was wanted for questioning. He had an even better ability to re-enter when the heat was off.

My father owned three nightclubs in Oklahoma City. His first was the Silver Sword, and then he opened The Red Slipper. After he met his second wife, they together, opened the Jade Club.

All were successful, but the Red Slipper had a reputation. On a rare occasion, my dad would take me with him to open up the place. At first, it scared me. It was so dark in there. But as the lights came on behind the bar, I fell in love with the atmosphere.

Bobby Orr’s hockey stick hung on the wall, along with an endearing note from F. Lee Bailey. At six years old, all I knew was that they were the objects that made my dad beam.

I learned to play pool by standing on a phone book. I watched the colorful smacking ***** bounce around the most beautiful color of green I had ever seen. Chalking the stick was a chore, but after nearly poking my eye out once, I soon caught on.

It was a struggle to climb up on a barstool, but it was worth the effort. I sat at the bar and had lunch: popcorn, pretzels, peanuts and Pepsi.

As I grew older, I saw less and less of him, until he became a stranger, drifting in every once in awhile.  Every few weeks or so, I would come home from school, and see his car in the driveway.

This always shot fear and excitement through me. The air of unpredictability always made me want to ***. Unfortunately, most of the time, we were locked out of the house for a few hours, so I would have to *** in the back yard or at the neighbors. We waited on the stairs for the front door to open. And it always did, by my mom. She usually looked satisfied and serene but other times, I saw dread and sadness on her face.

Ever since I could remember, my dad had been a string of disappointments for me with a few indescribable moments of pure enjoyment mixed in between He could be kind, funny and like a real dad sometimes, that was the dad I missed. I tried to hold onto those experiences, even though he was such a mean ******* most of the time. But mostly, I just didn't know him.

Their divorce became final around the summer of 1972, but that didn't stop my mom from loving him. I don't know why, but she chased him frequently, going out to bars with her friends, trying to get a glimpse of him, and maybe more.

The last time I’d seen my father had not been pleasant. When I was thirteen, he broke down the door to our apartment and went straight to my mother’s bedroom. The noises were terrifying. The screaming, and punching sounds were followed by my mother’s whimpering, begging, groveling.

"How dare you do this to me, Patsy!? And behind my back! You could have at least told me!"

My dad had bailed himself out of jail that night. She promised him she would never seek alimony or child support again. Her lawyer was wrong. It wasn’t worth getting killed over.  

Shortly after, he had to leave the state. It had something to do with a low-level mob deal involving an insurance fraud. Too bad, it involved burning a building with someone in it. My dad became nothing but a memory, which faded away over time.


Alcohol and tobacco were constants in my family, so when my older brother, Tim, started smoking at ten years old, I don't remember much protest from anyone. I was seven and when my sister Abby, turned ten the next year, she also started smoking.  All the older kids were smoking cigarettes. I wanted to be cool, so I puked and coughed as I practiced. By the time I was ten, I too, was inhaling properly.  Around that time, I was introduced to *** by my sister's boyfriend. It did help my mood, somewhat, but it wasn't enough.

By 1974, I was using drugs from my sister’s boyfriend. John was a true drugstore cowboy. At first, he committed burglaries, which were easy at the time. There were no sophisticated electronics to stop someone from cutting a hole in the roof of a pharmacy. It took only minutes to pry open the safe that contained the narcotics. Then it took maybe another minute to fill a pillowcase full of every variety of amphetamines, barbiturates, valiums, etc.

It wasn’t long before I graduated to using morphine, ******* and then overdosed on Demerol. My stepfather sent me to a treatment facility in Tulsa Oklahoma, about one hundred miles away from Oklahoma City. The Dillon treatment center didn’t accept clients under age of sixteen but made an exception with me. I was a walking-talking disastrous miracle...or a miraculously saved disaster.

They figured that since I was fourteen, the sooner the better to start my road to recovery. Apparently, they didn’t condone sneaking *** and valiums in to the facility. I was kicked out of Dillon after about a month.

I came back home and laid low. I went back to Hefner Jr. High and enrolled back into the ninth grade. I quietly picked up where I left off, going back into business with John. My job was to sell the safe stuff; valiums, seconols, white bennies, ***, etc.

Summer came; I turned fifteen and had developed a tendency to over test my wares. I overdosed and nearly died in the hospital several times, which had led to my current predicament. Nobody knew what to do with me.

In August, I entered the tenth grade...for two weeks. I was expelled, (you guessed it) for dealing drugs. I was on homebound teaching twice a week with little supervision. My mother worked, my step-dad, **** ,worked, and I was home all day. However, I was not just sitting idly around. I was into enterprise.


In September, I overdosed again. I was quickly killing myself and my mother didn’t know what to do to stop it. That is why what happened was not my mother’s fault. But it wasn’t my fault either.

I never figured out how he knew where we lived. My mother moved over at least fourteen times in between the time I was six and twelve years old. Yet, here he was, at our front door, with his undeniable ‘ah shucks’ charm. His modesty was convincing. His timing was incredible. My mother stood frozen, her mouth agape. **** took the lead. He placed himself between my mother and father.

“You must be Gary Don, my name is ****; I’m Patsy’s husband." **** had never met my dad, but he'd heard enough about him to surmise who was standing at the door.

"Um, yeah, I'm Gary Don, it's nice to meet you ****", he said; as he offered a friendly hand shake to ****.

"I hope I'm not interrupting you, I was just in Duncan with my parents and they suggested I stop by and talk with you before heading back west. It's about Susie....

"Yes, Patsy said you called yesterday. We weren't expecting you this soon, but it's no problem. Why don't you come in and tell us what your plans are? Patsy, honey, would you mind putting on a *** of coffee?”

This unfroze my mother and she scurried to the kitchen. I was still in shock at seeing my dad’s face. I retreated to the staircase, but poked my head around and caught him glance at me. I flew up to the landing. I could easily escape up the rest of the stairs to my bedroom.
I was small enough to remain hidden on the landing, and heard the conversation between my mother, my dad and ****. **** was the classiest, most even-tempered adult I had ever encountered. I wished I could stop hurting him and my mother.  

My mother sat down two cups of coffee on the dining room table where my dad and **** sat. As she retreated a few steps back into the kitchen, **** politely probed my dad. My dad had the right answer for every question.

He swore he was a completely different person. He had changed. He had no hard feelings, instead he was back to help. He was remorseful for being an absent father and he wanted to make things right. He was back for a reason. He had heard that I was in trouble with drugs and school and he felt guilty for that. He had the answer to my problems. He was so convincing, so….humble, almost shy.

As I listened, I began freaking out with fear and excitement. I always wanted my dad. The last time I tried to live with him, it didn’t work out; he sent me back to my mother’s after a month. Now my dad wanted me! He wanted to save me, take care of me!

He lived by himself now. He was the manager of The Palace Restaurant/Hotel in the little town of Raton, New Mexico. It was a refurbished hotel, built over a century ago The ground floor was an elegant bar and restaurant. He was making very good money, he paid no rent and he had an extra room for me.

With a population of 6000, it was not a place to continue a lucrative drug business. Also, he would enroll me into the little high school and I could get my diploma. I could work in the restaurant in the evenings where he would keep his eye on me. Then, there was the horse. He would buy me a horse. And on and on and on.

The logic and sincerity of his argument was convincing. So there it was. An hour later, my bags were packed. I was going to live with my father in New Mexico.

That’s how in September 1975, my father whisked me away from my home in Oklahoma City, under the guise of saving me from my own demise. I was stolen and held captive in Raton, New Mexico for what seemed like forever.

My dog, Baron was coming with me, I refused to go anywhere without him. He was a tiny black and tan Dachshund. I got him free when I was fourteen, when I got back from Tulsa. To me, he was priceless. He was my best friend. He couldn’t have weighed more than ten pounds, but his heart was huge.

I talked to him about everything and he consoled me by nodding, and licking me on the cheek non-stop…or he would admonish me through his expressions and demeanor. I had lived with Dachshunds since I was seven, so understood their language pretty well. Baron understood humans better. We developed a rare communication that worked well for both of us.
Herman, our older dachshund had greeted my dad cordially. Baron couldn’t figure this out, he expressed his apprehension. He looked at me and conveyed,

“Well, if Herman isn’t worried, I guess it’ll be Okay, right? Right, Susan?”

I was sorry I didn’t have an honest answer. I did my best to settle him.

“Sure, this’ll be fun, a whole new adventure!”

As we drove West, toward the Texas panhandle, Baron kept the conversation going by his curious interest expressed by wide eyes and attentive ears. My dad amazed him with his knowledge of history, geography, geology, astronomy, world geo-politics, weather, music on the radio, literature, mechanics, religion and countless other topics. I knew he was faking his fascination with my dad. He knew he was doing me a favor.

There was not a dead moment in the air. An occasional “really?” expressed by me was enough to keep my dad’s mouth running. I was thankful for that. It kept my attention away from my jangle of emotions. As we drove through the night, I was conflicted, scared, excited, happy and worried. I didn’t know where I was going, or who was driving me there.

My dad’s jovial demeanor comforted me. He made The Palace sound like the perfect place for his little princess.

When we arrived, it was late, after 10pm., Baron was exhausted. I stood on the corner and looked up. I gulped. The three-story building was like an old gothic castle. It was a huge rectangle with the front corner cut back with a fifth wall about ten feet wide. This provided the entrance with two giant oak doors. Baron was less than enthused by its foreboding appearance. I had to agree.

Dad ignored my hesitation. “Come on, you’re going to love this place!”

He pulled open one of the oak doors, which had to weigh at least five hundred pounds. I was hesitant, but thirsty. Baron’s squirming had started to annoy me. I went forward filled with adrenalin.

The initial entrance was a small round foyer with a domed ceiling of cut glass. It was about six feet round. As I stared up at the beautiful little pieces of color, I heard my dad chuckle.

“See? I told you, there’s no place like this!”

Then I saw the true entry to the bar, a set of small bat winged doors that swung back and forth. He pulled one of the doors back, beckoning me forward. He looked down at me with a tender expression.

“Welcome home, honey, this is home now.”

As we entered the bar, I was dumbstruck. Baron was not. I stepped back in time, to 1896, into The Palace Hotel.

The bar took up half of the first floor of the hotel. It was the most captivating centerpiece of the establishment. The mirror behind the bar was the longest continuous piece of reflection glass in all the states, the brochure proclaimed. A brass foot rail extended the length of the long cherry oak bar A few feet behind was a waist high railing just like the saloons in old John Wayne movies.

The carpet was a deep royal red interlaced with black swirly patterns. Bright golden paper covered the walls. It was smooth and shiny with raised curly designs made out of felt or maybe even velour. God, I just wanted to reach over and run my fingers across it!  

The wall opposite the bar had windows that were quizzically narrow and impossibly tall. Lush maroon velvet drapes adorned them, parted in the center to provide a view of the quaint town just beyond the sidewalk.

I looked up at the ornate ceiling, which seemed a mile above me. It was covered with tiles of little angels that all looked the same, yet different. The angels danced across the entire ceiling until it curved and met the wall. I got dizzy looking at them.

“You can’t find ceiling tiles like that anywhere! My dad grinned. “They’re covered in pure gold leaf!”

I didn’t know what pure gold leaf was, but the word ‘gold’ impressed me very much.

He introduced me to the staff. I l blushed when he said; “This is Susie, my favorite little girl!” I had never heard that before. The whole crew greeted me warmly, all smiles and friendliness.  

I always paid attention when Baron got nervous but I chose to ignore him. I jostled him in my arms. My stern look at him stopped his squiggling, but his look back conveyed that I was clueless.

I, however thought, Okay, I have died and gone to Heaven! I was enchanted. My fascination with this magical setting made me feel happy; I was in the neatest place I had ever seen. I’m going to love it here!

On the first night, my dad led me around the ground floor. The restaurant was as elegant as the bar. To the rear of the restaurant, there was a large commercial kitchen. Off the rear of the kitchen, he showed, me a short hallway to the back exit. To the right, a huge staircase led to the two upper floors of dilapidated hotel rooms. A manager’s apartment had been converted from several hotel rooms connected together on the second floor, just above the entrance to the hotel.

We ended up back in the bar and sat at a table for two. Crystal, the head bartender stayed on for a little while longer after the rest of the staff were allowed to go home.

Sitting at the table, he ordered Harvey’s Bristol Cream Sherry. I had never had Cream Sherry before, but it tasted like candy with nuts and I had no problem going through numerous rounds in a very short time. I was hungry but I was too nervous to eat.

Baron, however, was ravenous. My dad fed him little pieces filet mignon and French bread with real butter. He played cute for my dad, sitting up and begging. He jumped up, putting his paws on my dad’s leg, wagging his tail like crazy.

I was a little befuddled until I caught his sideways glance that said, “I do not like this guy, but I gotta eat, I’m starving. You’re the one falling into his into his trap, not me.”

Ouch. “Baron, sometimes I wish you would shut the hell up.”

After having his fill, he settled into a wary sleep on top of my feet. I never worried about losing Baron. Where I went, he went, period.

I wasn’t aware when the bartender left. The bottle was on the table before I knew it; he kept my glass full. I was five feet tall and weighed 106 pounds. I had a lethal level of alcohol pulsing threw my entire body…and I had my daddy.

I was in a haze. Actually, it was more of a daze than a haze. My vision was
Susan Hunt Jul 2012

I had not seen my father in over two years when he showed up at my mom and step dad's condo. He had a slick knack of disappearing when laws were broken and he was wanted for questioning. He had an even better ability to re-enter when the heat was off.

My father owned three nightclubs in Oklahoma City. His first was the Silver Sword, and then he opened The Red Slipper. After he met his second wife, they together, opened the Jade Club.

All were successful, but the Red Slipper had a reputation. On a rare occasion, my dad would take me with him to open up the place. At first, it scared me. It was so dark in there. But as the lights came on behind the bar, I fell in love with the atmosphere.

Bobby Orr’s hockey stick hung on the wall, along with an endearing note from F. Lee Bailey. At six years old, all I knew was that they were the objects that made my dad beam.

I learned to play pool by standing on a phone book. I watched the colorful smacking ***** bounce around the most beautiful color of green I had ever seen. Chalking the stick was a chore, but after nearly poking my eye out once, I soon caught on.

It was a struggle to climb up on a barstool, but it was worth the effort. I sat at the bar and had lunch: popcorn, pretzels, peanuts and Pepsi.

As I grew older, I saw less and less of him, until he became a stranger, drifting in every once in awhile.  Every few weeks or so, I would come home from school, and see his car in the driveway.

This always shot fear and excitement through me. The air of unpredictability always made me want to ***. Unfortunately, most of the time, we were locked out of the house for a few hours, so I would have to *** in the back yard or at the neighbors. We waited on the stairs for the front door to open. And it always did, by my mom. She usually looked satisfied and serene but other times, I saw dread and sadness on her face.

Ever since I could remember, my dad had been a string of disappointments for me with a few indescribable moments of pure enjoyment mixed in between He could be kind, funny and like a real dad sometimes, that was the dad I missed. I tried to hold onto those experiences, even though he was such a mean ******* most of the time. But mostly, I just didn't know him.

Their divorce became final around the summer of 1972, but that didn't stop my mom from loving him. I don't know why, but she chased him frequently, going out to bars with her friends, trying to get a glimpse of him, and maybe more.

The last time I’d seen my father had not been pleasant. When I was thirteen, he broke down the door to our apartment and went straight to my mother’s bedroom. The noises were terrifying. The screaming, and punching sounds were followed by my mother’s whimpering, begging, groveling.

"How dare you do this to me, Patsy!? And behind my back! You could have at least told me!"

My dad had bailed himself out of jail that night. She promised him she would never seek alimony or child support again. Her lawyer was wrong. It wasn’t worth getting killed over.  

Shortly after, he had to leave the state. It had something to do with a low-level mob deal involving an insurance fraud. Too bad, it involved burning a building with someone in it. My dad became nothing but a memory, which faded away over time.


Alcohol and tobacco were constants in my family, so when my older brother, Tim, started smoking at ten years old, I don't remember much protest from anyone. I was seven and when my sister Abby, turned ten the next year, she also started smoking.  All the older kids were smoking cigarettes. I wanted to be cool, so I puked and coughed as I practiced. By the time I was ten, I too, was inhaling properly.  Around that time, I was introduced to *** by my sister's boyfriend. It did help my mood, somewhat, but it wasn't enough.

By 1974, I was using drugs from my sister’s boyfriend. John was a true drugstore cowboy. At first, he committed burglaries, which were easy at the time. There were no sophisticated electronics to stop someone from cutting a hole in the roof of a pharmacy. It took only minutes to pry open the safe that contained the narcotics. Then it took maybe another minute to fill a pillowcase full of every variety of amphetamines, barbiturates, valiums, etc.

It wasn’t long before I graduated to using morphine, ******* and then overdosed on Demerol. My stepfather sent me to a treatment facility in Tulsa Oklahoma, about one hundred miles away from Oklahoma City. The Dillon treatment center didn’t accept clients under age of sixteen but made an exception with me. I was a walking-talking disastrous miracle...or a miraculously saved disaster.

They figured that since I was fourteen, the sooner the better to start my road to recovery. Apparently, they didn’t condone sneaking *** and valiums in to the facility. I was kicked out of Dillon after about a month.

I came back home and laid low. I went back to Hefner Jr. High and enrolled back into the ninth grade. I quietly picked up where I left off, going back into business with John. My job was to sell the safe stuff; valiums, seconols, white bennies, ***, etc.

Summer came; I turned fifteen and had developed a tendency to over test my wares. I overdosed and nearly died in the hospital several times, which had led to my current predicament. Nobody knew what to do with me.

In August, I entered the tenth grade...for two weeks. I was expelled, (you guessed it) for dealing drugs. I was on homebound teaching twice a week with little supervision. My mother worked, my step-dad, **** ,worked, and I was home all day. However, I was not just sitting idly around. I was into enterprise.


In September, I overdosed again. I was quickly killing myself and my mother didn’t know what to do to stop it. That is why what happened was not my mother’s fault. But it wasn’t my fault either.

I never figured out how he knew where we lived. My mother moved over at least fourteen times in between the time I was six and twelve years old. Yet, here he was, at our front door, with his undeniable ‘ah shucks’ charm. His modesty was convincing. His timing was incredible. My mother stood frozen, her mouth agape. **** took the lead. He placed himself between my mother and father.

“You must be Gary Don, my name is ****; I’m Patsy’s husband." **** had never met my dad, but he'd heard enough about him to surmise who was standing at the door.

"Um, yeah, I'm Gary Don, it's nice to meet you ****", he said; as he offered a friendly hand shake to ****.

"I hope I'm not interrupting you, I was just in Duncan with my parents and they suggested I stop by and talk with you before heading back west. It's about Susie....

"Yes, Patsy said you called yesterday. We weren't expecting you this soon, but it's no problem. Why don't you come in and tell us what your plans are? Patsy, honey, would you mind putting on a *** of coffee?”

This unfroze my mother and she scurried to the kitchen. I was still in shock at seeing my dad’s face. I retreated to the staircase, but poked my head around and caught him glance at me. I flew up to the landing. I could easily escape up the rest of the stairs to my bedroom.
I was small enough to remain hidden on the landing, and heard the conversation between my mother, my dad and ****. **** was the classiest, most even-tempered adult I had ever encountered. I wished I could stop hurting him and my mother.  

My mother sat down two cups of coffee on the dining room table where my dad and **** sat. As she retreated a few steps back into the kitchen, **** politely probed my dad. My dad had the right answer for every question.

He swore he was a completely different person. He had changed. He had no hard feelings, instead he was back to help. He was remorseful for being an absent father and he wanted to make things right. He was back for a reason. He had heard that I was in trouble with drugs and school and he felt guilty for that. He had the answer to my problems. He was so convincing, so….humble, almost shy.

As I listened, I began freaking out with fear and excitement. I always wanted my dad. The last time I tried to live with him, it didn’t work out; he sent me back to my mother’s after a month. Now my dad wanted me! He wanted to save me, take care of me!

He lived by himself now. He was the manager of The Palace Restaurant/Hotel in the little town of Raton, New Mexico. It was a refurbished hotel, built over a century ago The ground floor was an elegant bar and restaurant. He was making very good money, he paid no rent and he had an extra room for me.

With a population of 6000, it was not a place to continue a lucrative drug business. Also, he would enroll me into the little high school and I could get my diploma. I could work in the restaurant in the evenings where he would keep his eye on me. Then, there was the horse. He would buy me a horse. And on and on and on.

The logic and sincerity of his argument was convincing. So there it was. An hour later, my bags were packed. I was going to live with my father in New Mexico.

That’s how in September 1975, my father whisked me away from my home in Oklahoma City, under the guise of saving me from my own demise. I was stolen and held captive in Raton, New Mexico for what seemed like forever.

My dog, Baron was coming with me, I refused to go anywhere without him. He was a tiny black and tan Dachshund. I got him free when I was fourteen, when I got back from Tulsa. To me, he was priceless. He was my best friend. He couldn’t have weighed more than ten pounds, but his heart was huge.

I talked to him about everything and he consoled me by nodding, and licking me on the cheek non-stop…or he would admonish me through his expressions and demeanor. I had lived with Dachshunds since I was seven, so understood their language pretty well. Baron understood humans better. We developed a rare communication that worked well for both of us.
Herman, our older dachshund had greeted my dad cordially. Baron couldn’t figure this out, he expressed his apprehension. He looked at me and conveyed,

“Well, if Herman isn’t worried, I guess it’ll be Okay, right? Right, Susan?”

I was sorry I didn’t have an honest answer. I did my best to settle him.

“Sure, this’ll be fun, a whole new adventure!”

As we drove West, toward the Texas panhandle, Baron kept the conversation going by his curious interest expressed by wide eyes and attentive ears. My dad amazed him with his knowledge of history, geography, geology, astronomy, world geo-politics, weather, music on the radio, literature, mechanics, religion and countless other topics. I knew he was faking his fascination with my dad. He knew he was doing me a favor.

There was not a dead moment in the air. An occasional “really?” expressed by me was enough to keep my dad’s mouth running. I was thankful for that. It kept my attention away from my jangle of emotions. As we drove through the night, I was conflicted, scared, excited, happy and worried. I didn’t know where I was going, or who was driving me there.

My dad’s jovial demeanor comforted me. He made The Palace sound like the perfect place for his little princess.

When we arrived, it was late, after 10pm., Baron was exhausted. I stood on the corner and looked up. I gulped. The three-story building was like an old gothic castle. It was a huge rectangle with the front corner cut back with a fifth wall about ten feet wide. This provided the entrance with two giant oak doors. Baron was less than enthused by its foreboding appearance. I had to agree.

Dad ignored my hesitation. “Come on, you’re going to love this place!”

He pulled open one of the oak doors, which had to weigh at least five hundred pounds. I was hesitant, but thirsty. Baron’s squirming had started to annoy me. I went forward filled with adrenalin.

The initial entrance was a small round foyer with a domed ceiling of cut glass. It was about six feet round. As I stared up at the beautiful little pieces of color, I heard my dad chuckle.

“See? I told you, there’s no place like this!”

Then I saw the true entry to the bar, a set of small bat winged doors that swung back and forth. He pulled one of the doors back, beckoning me forward. He looked down at me with a tender expression.

“Welcome home, honey, this is home now.”

As we entered the bar, I was dumbstruck. Baron was not. I stepped back in time, to 1896, into The Palace Hotel.

The bar took up half of the first floor of the hotel. It was the most captivating centerpiece of the establishment. The mirror behind the bar was the longest continuous piece of reflection glass in all the states, the brochure proclaimed. A brass foot rail extended the length of the long cherry oak bar A few feet behind was a waist high railing just like the saloons in old John Wayne movies.

The carpet was a deep royal red interlaced with black swirly patterns. Bright golden paper covered the walls. It was smooth and shiny with raised curly designs made out of felt or maybe even velour. God, I just wanted to reach over and run my fingers across it!  

The wall opposite the bar had windows that were quizzically narrow and impossibly tall. Lush maroon velvet drapes adorned them, parted in the center to provide a view of the quaint town just beyond the sidewalk.

I looked up at the ornate ceiling, which seemed a mile above me. It was covered with tiles of little angels that all looked the same, yet different. The angels danced across the entire ceiling until it curved and met the wall. I got dizzy looking at them.

“You can’t find ceiling tiles like that anywhere! My dad grinned. “They’re covered in pure gold leaf!”

I didn’t know what pure gold leaf was, but the word ‘gold’ impressed me very much.

He introduced me to the staff. I l blushed when he said; “This is Susie, my favorite little girl!” I had never heard that before. The whole crew greeted me warmly, all smiles and friendliness.  

I always paid attention when Baron got nervous but I chose to ignore him. I jostled him in my arms. My stern look at him stopped his squiggling, but his look back conveyed that I was clueless.

I, however thought, Okay, I have died and gone to Heaven! I was enchanted. My fascination with this magical setting made me feel happy; I was in the neatest place I had ever seen. I’m going to love it here!

On the first night, my dad led me around the ground floor. The restaurant was as elegant as the bar. To the rear of the restaurant, there was a large commercial kitchen. Off the rear of the kitchen, he showed, me a short hallway to the back exit. To the right, a huge staircase led to the two upper floors of dilapidated hotel rooms. A manager’s apartment had been converted from several hotel rooms connected together on the second floor, just above the entrance to the hotel.

We ended up back in the bar and sat at a table for two. Crystal, the head bartender stayed on for a little while longer after the rest of the staff were allowed to go home.

Sitting at the table, he ordered Harvey’s Bristol Cream Sherry. I had never had Cream Sherry before, but it tasted like candy with nuts and I had no problem going through numerous rounds in a very short time. I was hungry but I was too nervous to eat.

Baron, however, was ravenous. My dad fed him little pieces filet mignon and French bread with real butter. He played cute for my dad, sitting up and begging. He jumped up, putting his paws on my dad’s leg, wagging his tail like crazy.

I was a little befuddled until I caught his sideways glance that said, “I do not like this guy, but I gotta eat, I’m starving. You’re the one falling into his into his trap, not me.”

Ouch. “Baron, sometimes I wish you would shut the hell up.”

After having his fill, he settled into a wary sleep on top of my feet. I never worried about losing Baron. Where I went, he went, period.

I wasn’t aware when the bartender left. The bottle was on the table before I knew it; he kept my glass full. I was five feet tall and weighed 106 pounds. I had a lethal level of alcohol pulsing threw my entire body…and I had my daddy.

I was in a haze. Actually, it was more of a daze than a haze. My vision was
John F McCullagh Jan 2012
Last night they checked my garbage can.
It’s a good thing that I have a shredder.
My cell phones records are of interest-
I’ve made calls to known “tea baggers”.
Warrant-less “burglaries” have been made,
then I find my screen door broken.
The I.R.S. just called again
my case has been “ reopened”.
On every airline trip I take
I’m “Caressed “by the T.S.A.
I’m almost ready for a cigarette
after they’ve had their way.
Such harassment is “kinder spiel”
compared to what comes next.
They have a “brain wave” scanner
that can translate thoughts to text.
So I wear a cap of aluminum foil
whenever I’m on American soil.
To protect my ideas before they find them
I always make sure to copyright them.
Scientists are working to perfect a scanner that can read and translate brain waves creating pictures of what the Brain is experiencing. Conceivably they could eventually tap an individuals memories the same way.
That is the bit of science behind the poem.  I then read a contemporary writer complaining about "The thought Police" but  in a different context(political correctness).  This is the result, a piece of first person paranoia. ( I only really feel this way about the T.S.A.)
A Mareship Sep 2013
What kind of sleep
Do you want?

The lacy white kind
Where you remember
All of your dreams,
Like glimpsing gardens
Behind cobwebs?
The kind of sleep that
slips on air,
running out of oxygen
like a drowner,
a sleep where
you recall
the hour you
closed your eyes?

Or do you want a
A total blackout,
A sudden death,
Oblivious to fires
And burglaries
And nightmares?
Asleep so fast you
Can barely make out
A marathon of hours

****** or Ambien?
Choose and hush up,
Morning’s waiting.
Yenson Mar 2019
Chris Macaffarty thief & Gangstar moll:  You dare say you're going to organise a petition to evict us, aha, who do you think the ******
country belongs to?

ME : you are a bare-faced thief, how can you steep so low as to burgle your neighbour, after all we've done for you and your lot. From you
moed in over three years ago, there's been over twenty burglaries on the Estate. Police always at your door, your husband always in prison. I don't understand what you mean by Country belonging,
what do you mean.

Chris Macaffarty thief & Gangstar Moll: I know I am not black and
you can't do anything to evict us. Just watch yourself, you're going to be taught a lesson, you wait and see.

ME : Yeah! you're going to send your hoods round to beat me up or
maybe steal my four wheels like you did before, what are you gonna do, **** me! I have done nothing wrong, I am not a ****** thief!

Chris Macaffarty thief & Gangstar Moll :  Ah! just you wait, just you wait and see. We are going to do your head in, chuck mud at you, you ****** fool. we will hound you even into the hole of any woman, we will put ants in your head, we will drive you paranoid, you black man!

ME : I am not scared of you, let me tell you that, a thief, a drunkard, a scrounger and a Racist, what a lovely human being you are. I am going to report you.

Chris Macaffarty thief & Gangstar Moll : Haha..and I am going to steal the match on you, you don't know what you and your wife are in for, we are sorting you out, sunshine!

ME : You don't need to steal a match, I'll gladly give you matches to light yourself up, I hope you and your thieving gang go up in flames!

Chris Macaffarty thief & Gangstar :  Say goodbye to your life man,
nothing is ever going to be the same anymore. You will never be able to trust anyone again from now on..haha!

ME : How rich, a bare-faced crook talking about trust, what do you know about trust, I am not a thief and as you ****** know I live a lawful and blameless life, so carry your ****** threats and go stuff it. You do not frighten me one bit, you're a mean and racist crook!

Chris Macaffarty thief & Gangstar Moll : Somebody is in for the jump and its not me. Soon, somebody will wish they were dead and it's not me either, that's all I'm saying, man!

ME : Yeah, go get your gang, come and **** me, you can see I am shaking and trembling already. Hopefully, we all on this Estate will be rid of you and all the undesirables you bring here, we are fed up of you all!

Chris Macaffarty thief & Gangstar Moll : Ha..! all I'm saying is, Bye bye Blackbird, bye-bye Blackbird....haha, Gangster departs singing,
Bye-bye Blackbird, bye-bye Blackbird....hahaha...hahaha,,bye-bye
If you want to drive someone paranoid, do not tell them w1hat you are going to do, better still, do not live the sort of life where you'll need to drive another blameless innocent human paranoid..
Karijinbba Feb 2021
{In CA, USA -1982- present}
Elizabeth WG, Henry R W his nurse sociopath child sadomizers baby trasher is Susan WRat
Commercial/ residential burglaries, life insurance fraud (which includes ****** for hire for profit cases.
Billing and Medical Services fraud.

Inventing surgeries not authorized
cutting mother's privates up out of malice jealousy greed.
You aren't above the law
buying fraudulent birth certificates from human trafficking serial poisoners Is a malignant crime
to drug young beautiful intelligent gifted brides mothers, without them knowing for years is a crime!
You aren't above the law.
drugging lying cursing a victims mom trashing their hero mother
maligning damaging my childrens brains giving them psychotropics, hallucinogenics and methamphetamin
my grown daughter's nightmare
its against the law
This is the USA
my daughter's if you want to live follow this lead
  Take Taxi cob to Wilshire Blvd to The FBI offices ask for political assilum for you your sisters
your children Angel Mom backs you up.Elenita Rosita. Jeanette: Evil Susan W. Raitano bought you from Charalambos Mantalozis a poisoner serial killer urMom escaped from 1982 from Farron 58 Kalamata Messinia Greece
Arthur Susan Rat ano bought you for a fee
and it's human trafficking.
Susan Word Arthur Rat-ano
you are the **** of Earth
****** cows ****** bulls
you aren't above the law!
I am dismanteling your team of murderers and thieves.
LA and Washinghton
FBI have been informed
you snakes in my childrens paradise
human predators sterile sociopaths
you all wolves with pea size brains
you needed going to sadistic unprovoqued enemy to help you sadomize my family and continue trashing this hero Mom
this purple heart hero Mom

To all my enemies I am  
vomiting you here to public shame
to your team of ***** wolves
Jeff  A, John CH, shame on you!
Blind deaf mute cacaroach size brains
you need to go to Greece to pile more trash on a battered mother in law
a survivor wounded by the hand of that human predator deadly enemy.
My daughters
Rose Eleni & Jeanette M Wk I love you you adore you uaren't guilty of any wrong doing I believe in you.
You are my children you are being tortured trashed to the eleven winds because they convinced you
to trash me to the four winds.
you trashed Mom to the wolves 
out of fear be strong the more they trash you and Mom know they are your deadly enemies evidence of Mom's innocence
My reputation marred by poisonous snakes matters nothing, my character is impeccable can't be tinted
You allow them to befriend you,
But I do not blame your treason and cruelty to your only Angel mom on Earth
Those maggots narcissists you may think are mother like, are not they only have
selfish agendas very dangerous malignant,
a poison to your mind
and your childrens buy cheap phone write a letter to FBI call police from neighbor tell them not to tell make videos tell all criminal abuse take taxi put cell on airplane mode ditch car it's got tracking too call or  do not call friends they are in it too go market borrow phone call taxi get your kids go to FBI Wilshire Blvd LA tell how you have been suffering deprived
of liberty .
Mom will back you up.
Remember this
"A house divided by itself cannot stand it will utterly be destroyed"
i am your first home my children
and i am giver of life
your lover of life
boved Mom
I can't allow you 3 to trash me to my deadly unprovoqued enemy
so i deprive myself of your presence so the enemy you call friend and family can not plicate me in
macabre agendas
they are ****** for hire
and life insurances
You are always in my heart my mind
you are my baby girls and I will ways side with you don't admit to being mentally ill do not go to any Jeff's phychiatrist to force you to give your parental right

Sociopath Arthur Raitano your evil sterile Medusa Susan W.
Elizabeth W, Gzon stop calling my childrens extended family and cursing them then giving my name to them.
don't you have a name?

To my childrens deadly
two face enemies
Satan doesn't want you in hell
and God wont open gates of heaven
for you I curse the day your great grandparent
were born for all eternity
I bind to you all my pain
my childrens suffering too
soon you'll pay Karma and your many deadly enemies will be hunting you hundred fold as you do into others
I only seek an eye for an eye.
Elizabeth W G i loved Henry one split second because u
didn't understand love neither
Henry R Welonek
  you all tried murdering me by turning me to his satanic sadistic jealous ex girl friend
the evil nurse from hell.
your partner in hate crimes
i am a human being
not a dog ******* My children aren't dogs either to be drugged and forced to call criminals parents
to fill your empty cradle
God and his wise universe
did leave you sterile
for a reason
So let go of my kids
get a dogs to pet as vicious
as you all are.
By: karijinbba
purple heart Mom
A repost:1977- 2021.
To all your team of organized crime Go to hell
betterdays Apr 2017
heres is the story of
Bad boy Bill...
..with slight of hand
he had the plate
with eight pieces
of skate
which he quickly ate
not that he was
a deadweight
he did share
with a mate
before he did
donate the *****
plate to the nearest
gutter grate
he was a pick pocket
that he could not debate
he had given going straight
a trial but could not cognate
the traits of the cheapskate
state that gave him too many
gates to open only to end up
at the same old checkmate
so after beating his breastplate
he went on the lam
lashed out against
the ingrate magnates
and after a spate
of flyweight burglaries
he now awaits
as a sometimes
somnambulate inmate
at the pleasure
of the  abrogate state
in a room slightly
larger that a crate
with a surly
burly bedmate.
they who dictate
think he will be
down for at least eight
he was at this news
But that is the fate
of those who hesitate
to choose bad over good
and manipulate the laws
of the land.
Bit of silliness for the boy..with a handy lesson thrown in....some ones been stealing biscuits
Vernon Waring Jul 2015
When Sam woke up that summer morning,
he found Deborah next to him peacefully
asleep. They had been married for over
half a century. Now the couple found life
a daily struggle with inevitable health
setbacks and other issues.

Recently they spent much of their time
searching their home for a gun they bought
a few years ago; they became concerned due
to a rash of burglaries in their normally safe
community. But they could not find the
weapon anywhere.

That morning he got out of bed to see if
Deborah might be stirring. He walked
to her side of the bed and recoiled - her
face resembled a frozen mask...and when
he touched her arms, they were shockingly
cold. After a brief pause, he knew he was
too late; she had crossed over; no hope of
reviving her. And then he lifted her slightly,
tearfully embracing her, when something
metallic seemed to slip from her stiff fingers
onto the floor. It was the gun! Obviously she
had found it - but had never told him, never
said a word about it.

It may have been snug in her hand all night,
resting under her satin pillow, her finger poised
on the trigger...what would possess her to do
such a thing, he wondered. Why did she never
tell him she had found it?

Jay earnest Jun 2017
he was sitting there for a few minutes and watched the flies buzzing around the rotten bananas
and oranges that sat there on the counter for the last 6 weeks.

maggots were pulsing out of the sink
and worms were coming out of the carpet.

the windows were boarded shut form the constant burglaries,

and all the valuables were packed into a brown sock that he hid in a purple vase.

no one ever came over-
and his only friend Greg hated him because he stuttered and licked his lips a lot--

so Greg would sometimes leave his feces on the steps and he'd walk on them sometimes in the morning and it was a sad
sight indeed.

he hung himself that night and there

was faint karaoke playing at the next bar whilst the bartender got head from some 16 year old.

and the flies consumed everything,

and the fire scorched all innocent beings.

none were spared, except for the worms in the carpet
Yenson Jul 2023
Karens are united
defending their colour
how dare a blackman speak to a white woman like that
The Socialist say 'its Class War
how can a black be privileged and above the 'struggle'
we are going to drive him paranoid or better still
make him commit suicide
The 'Useful idiots' say its solidarity
they are defending the thieving bullying underdogs
(as you do, eh... )
rather pointedly none of them see
The yawning sick insidious blatant Racism that underpins it all

Yes, I confronted the theiving neighbour woman
called Chris Macafferty after the break-in to our flat

I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, your neighbour's house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

go read about criminal gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one that's stood up to you.....
Yenson Oct 2022
A hardnosed product from the Gorbals in Glasgow
had washed blood from her knuckles in the river Clyde
ran the poliesh ragged and spent days in their cells
she, who knew Robbie Cut-throat and slept with all the bad boys
and can sink drams of ales better than Jimmy-no-limits
here she was now, shaken, still trembling like fleece in the wind.

By the thistle of loch Whistle, she was mad, apoplectic, incensed
the best whiskey from Glenfiddich Speyside wouldn't calm her down right now
His words ran rings in her head, did somersaults in her brain and punched holes in her guts only to then pour burning lava in her dry mouth
but most importantly it was the searing truths of every word that
kept on  burgeoning into her fat solar-plexus mercilessly

" look at you, look at what you are, a common thief, a prime wastrel,
a ***** unwashed drunkard, a useless piece of a woman, a morally bankrupt thing, reduced to stealing from a neighbour who had borrowed you money a hundred times, given you food, helped you out in all your frequently sad and desperate moments."
" look at you, in a civilised Nation, with opportunities a-begging, you
and your delinquent family would rather beg and steal than go find a job, all you do is sit around getting drunk on your Welfare cheques and then come borrowing, when your doles run out.
Have you ever seen my wife and I hanging out on the landings and corridors, smoking and drinking, No, we are out every week day at seven, running to work, not back till after six, have you ever seen us going around borrowing anything from anyone...No, we know you work hard to get what you need and want, You don't go around stealing from people. That is wrong, you thieving wastrel"
" I am going to set up a petition to have you evicted, burglaries started the minute you and your family moved into this Estate, you are nothing but trouble and I am going to make sure the Council know about you and your crimes!"

Those words kept on ringing in her head, running through her veins, Nobody had dared spoken to her like that, how dare he, thieves have rights too. She did what they've always done, that's their profession, he believes in working, she and her family steal.
simple, all he has to do was go claim on his Insurance, There was no need to confront her with TRUTHS, bitter truths, who deals in truths these days?

And to make matters worse, to add insults to injuries, this truth talker is a black man...just imagine that. She thought ruefully...if this was America, she would have got a gun and go shoot him dead, right now!
But no worries, he's dead now anyways, the word is out, she has marshalled her contacts, a contract on him has been taken out, Its Slow death for blackie, slow and painful, he will suffer like never ever and wish he was dead every day. How dare that ******!
Yenson Jul 2021
The Left crawlers miscreants
the bedraggled underground thieves
in sleight of hands moves the greed of low class waster
who takes from the State and adds more from burglaries
without any honest toil but to take more from the workers
they move this greed to the one who worked all week
and never took anything from the State
in dross simple minds the loonies yell
infernal  damage to those with inheritance
these people are greedy and selfish
damage them and drive them paranoid
forget there are lots of ordinary folks
who leave houses money for their broods
the Millibands inherited two millions from father
they have not donated it to their Political Party
no lefty loonie is camping outside the Beckhams
screaming their children stand to inherit millions
the loonies are not protesting in Hampstead
in Knightsbridge, Chelsea and in Kensington
our dear rogues and mad loony commis
are picing on a black man because he's ennobled
this same man had worked from age sixteen
there is no grand mansion or trillions awaiting
this black man to the crazies personifies greed
not the greedy thieves who robs all and sundry
not the rich whites who have gained from industries
no no no, greed is the lone black man
who stood up to thieves and called them thieves
this is the man to discredit and cancel out
this is the man to stress out and drive paranoid
this is the thinking of the leftists narcissists
the crooks and insane liars with neon momentums
these are the racist brits who resent a successful black
they want blacks on the factory floor always second
or else a campaign starts to drive them paranoid
its the commonest weapon of the racists
us, we haven't done anything, its all in her/his mind
william a herzog Apr 2020
No time for crime for ******'s carjacking burglaries rapeing abusing woman no no no no gun's either no shooting no spying at all
Yenson Jun 2022
The East End Posse
they called themselves
I call them Chris, Joanne, Kelly and Tom
my bad luck they moved next door
twice a year the husband would be home from prison
a spate of house burglaries would happen
then husband returns to prison
my bad luck I had no criminal tendencies
my wife and I worked and kept our noses clean
my bad luck I was too decent to play
when lonely Chris and two teenage girls made moves to play
rejected, they said I thought I was better than them
my bad luck I was kind enough to keep lending them money
and giving them food, even though they never paid back the money
but how can you watch your neighbour starve  
my bad luck they now wanted hundreds cause I have affluent relatives
so its now my fault and I am greedy for refusing to be blackmailed
so its my fault when they started bullying my wife and I
so its my fault when they said they were going to rob us and they did
and its definitely my fault for standing up to gangsters
and saying I was going to organize a petition against them
they said when we finish with you, you will wish you're dead
they said it only takes one apple to rot a barrel
they said give a dog a bad name and hang him
they said we will mark you, label you and hound you to your grave
they said character assassination, public humiliation, we ruin your life
they said this is our manor
and we are without honour
and we are East-enders and we are going to end you
Yenson Oct 2021
I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, you neighbours house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

Guys, go read about gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one you fear.....
Yenson Oct 2021
I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, you neighbours house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

Guys, go read about gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one you fear.....
Yenson Oct 2022
A hardnosed product from the Gorbals in Glasgow
had washed blood from her knuckles in the river Clyde
ran the poliesh ragged and spent days in their cells
she, who knew Robbie Cut-throat and slept with all the bad boys
and can sink drams of ales better than Jimmy-no-limits
here she was now, shaken, still trembling like fleece in the wind.

By the thistle of loch Whistle, she was mad, apoplectic, incensed
the best whiskey from Glenfiddich Speyside wouldn't calm her down
right now
His words ran rings in her head, did somersaults in her brain and punched holes in her guts only to the pour burning lava in her dry mouth
but most importantly it was the searing truths of every word that
kept on  burgeoning into her fat solar-plexus mercilessly

" look at you, ;ppk at what you are, a common thief, a prime wastrel,
a ***** unwashed drunkard, a useless piece of a woman, a morally bankrupt thing, reduced to stealing from a neighbour who had borrowed you money a hundred times, given you food, helped you out in all your frequently sad and desperate moments."
" look at you, in a civilised Nation, with opportunities a-begging, you
and your delinquent family would rather beg and steal than go find a job, all you do is sit around getting drunk on your Welfare cheques and then come borrowing, when your doles run out.
Have you ever seen my wife and I hanging out on the landings and corridors, smoking and drinking, No, we are out every week day at seven, running to work, not back till after six, have you ever seen us going around borrowing anything from anyone...No, we know you work hard to get what you need and want, You don't go around stealing from people. That is wrong, you thieving wastrel"
" I am going to set up a petition to have you evicted, burglaries started the minute you and your family moved into this Estate, you are nothing but trouble and I am going to make sure the Council know about you and your crimes!"

Those words kept on ringing in her head, running through her veins, Nobody had dared spoken to her like that, how dare he, thieves have rights too. She did what they've always done, that's their profession, he believes in working, she and her family steal.
simple, all he has to do was go claim on his Insurance, There was no need to confront her with TRUTHS, bitter truths, who deals in truths these days?

And to make matters worse, to add insults to injuries, this truth talker is a black man...just imagine that. She thought ruefully...if this was America, she would have got a gun and go shoot him dead, right now!
But no worries, he's dead now anyways, the word is out, she has marshalled her contacts, a contract on him has been taken out, Its Slow death for blackie, slow and painful, he will suffer like never ever and wish he was dead every day. How dare that ******!
Yenson Oct 2021
I'll say it again loud and clear
I said
"look at you Chris, you and your family
common cheap house burglars
you go around stealing, too useless and lazy to work
you're scroungers, none of you have ever done a day's honest work
you come to us always borrowing, money, food, sugar even bread
you pay nothing back
then you start trying to blackmail us
give us money, we know you have rich parents
you are nothing but a bunch of ***** crooks
look at you, its morning and you're already drunk, you stink
you're white, in your country, you have more opportunities than me
yet all you can make of yourselves are burglars and extortionists
you're shameless, a disgrace
how can you break into us, you neighbours house
after all we've given to you, you truly have no shame, you're scums
I will make sure the neighbourhood knows all about you
since you and your family move in there's been so much burglaries
you hubby and son, only fifteen are always in and out of jail
i am going to organize a petition to get you removed from here
you godforsaken family of troublemakers and thieves"

White faced and trembling
she said
" Character assassination, public humiliation, we're going to ruin your life"

Guys, go read about gang stalkers and what they do

Stalk me, harass me, taunt me torment me, hound me, troll me
sabotage everything I do, ruin my relationships, defame me to all
isolate me, threaten me, terrorize me, frame me, disrespect me
label me, **** my dogs, steal my cars twice, gaslight me, erase me,
void me, cancel me, do all the street theatre-ing you like

You thought I would run like most would,
you thought I would have been driven mad like most would have
you thought I would have taken my life like some would

No, thieves thrive on bullying and terrorizing people
I have deserved contempt for you and all in your control
I am not afraid of contemptible thieving scums
I have nothing but contempt for all of you and all you've done
I am not your victim....I am the one you fear.....

— The End —