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Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
Trek my siel uit met swart onlogiese krapmerke op my pick n pay strokie.

Breek my fingers af op n hout skryf blad
en hou die honde naby vir die bene wat spat.

Vermergel dan my vellies
en gooi dit op n graf
en se dis vir al die girlys
-dis van papers wat smag.

Edel en opreg is die regter se kaf.
Heilig is die helde van die bars van die nag.
Ons onthou die spoke van Oranje stad,
Ons kleef aan hulle woorde soos n tros vol kak.
Ons hou van die serries en die doef van Jak,
En moenie met my stry nie ek sal jou in pak.

Melodie jou wysie met ewige tone,
mengel mooi jou woordtjies met jou oulike drome.
Hou die fort van veiligheid en nasionalisme,
Wees n patriot en vermoor Anglisisme.

Beskerm jou mother language teen n kombuis taal.
Daar is niks in hierdie wereld wat die taal mag vaal.
Awkward Moments Sep 2010
A single pebble
A blad of grass.
Easy life,
But alas.

A battle feild
Is were I lay.
A place of beauty,
Gone astray.

No one ever stops to think
Of wars effect on everything.
The chaos and blood,
That it may bring.

But I do not have a say
On what happens now.
For i am only a pebble,
And I dont know how.
© Awkward Moments 09/20/10
et lille stykke sky

et lille blad, der har fløjet rundt indtil den landede på vejen

et græsstrå, der ikke bliver klippet, fordi det står et sted hvor græsslåmaskinen ikke kommer

en tom taleboble, der venter på at nogen snakker

et enligt ben der leder efter en makker

et mindre skænderi, der aldrig blev løst

en lille glød i et slukket bål

en knækket kam

et forhenværende hvidt snørrebånd der nu er brunt

en lille nullermand nede i min mørkeste skuffe

en førstepræmie, der aldrig blev vundet

en afklippet tånegl på badeværelsesgulvet

en tyggegummi-klat foran et storcenter

et vindue ingen kigger ud af

et udbrændt fyrfadslys

en sæbebobbel der aldrig sprang

en lille månesten der flyder rundt i rummet

en streg på væggen, som ikke kan fjernes med vand

en bøtte maling, der ikke ved hvordan en pensel ser ud

et vissent blad, der ikke vil give slip på sin gren

en stor plet

en brugt papkasse, der er blevet bølget i regnen

et glimt i øjet

en rusten skrue, der engang har siddet i et skib

et håbefuldt smil, som ingen så, og som hurtigt blev glemt igen
shoutout til lille mig der skrev dette
It’s the Shiite Protestants we fear the most.
It’s the neo-**** Christians
Scaring the **** out of us now.
It’s those John Birch Catholics
Making us fill our boots with ***,
As in shaking, quaking in our boots,
Complete loss of bladder control
I invite Pfizer, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline
To get in on this poem:
The poet continuing to reject the
Dying in the gutter-artist track,
Making poetry pay at last, that’s right:
A commercial right in the
Middle of a ******* poem.
Hey Big Pharma:
What are you selling?
What you got for incontinence, Babaloo?)
But I digress.
I was making a point about
Far-right Christian evangelicals,
A significant demographic within the
American electorate.
Jesus was an Aryan, they believe.
Degenerate Art, Literature, Music & Jews must go!
It’s time to purify the race again.
Time for the Huns &
Other Teutonic tribes to
Broadcast insidious seed.
Anti-Semitism rebooted.
Jew-bashing in America 8.0.
Need I remind the Tea Party that
Haym Solomon-- a Philadelphia Jew--
Financed the Revolution.
What about Bernie Madoff?
When a smart Jew goes to jail in America,
Anything could happen.
Poetic T Mar 2021
This is mostly based on the true-ish happenings of
Beth Huges was born in the 80s, her parents
called her Lizzy for short well that would explain
a few things. Her upbringing was more in the 70s
then the 80s. Her parents were new-age hippies but
with the chemical abuse of the 80s.

They were vegans, nothing on land was to be sacrificed
for the fulfillment of their needing only organic substitutes.
  They'd eat from the Ocean as that was the well of life
and always giving and in a continuous replenishment cycle.

Not knowing, she was repeatedly dosed with LSD.
to open the spiritual aspects. But Daddy had a bad trip.
            And wore mummies face saying she was
talking through him.

The cops didn't see that way and vented his body with
                           at least nine new breathing holes...
She was still high as daddies blood spayed over her and
she finger painted on the floor.

She'd lived with relatives but this didn't last long as they
were meat-eaters and she had a vast disdain for all who
murdered and disfigured the life of the land.
   Her auntie was a vegan, so realized the pressures.
   But as she got into her older years having episodes.
of repressed trips. Glaring at the walls and painting in
her own blood.
It hit a moment in her twenties when she caught
her auntie giving head to her new boyfriend..

She was disgusted as she heard her call it "the meat,
             distrustful of her auntie and she'd desecrated
the law of her body, after she pleaded no meat.

While her auntie was being contaminated she put
sleeping tablets into their drinks after the *****
inducing acts had finished and she came out of
the room wiping her mouth.

                     "Here guys I made you a drink,

She played it cool reading a book until they
fell unconscious. She was reprehensible that
                   what was being done was right.
Pulling down his joggers she got some
scissors and grabbed it, momentary she put
it in her mouth, it was soft and she felt a sturring
and gagged... with one fatal swipe she cut it off.
throwing this maggot in the fire, Burn filth...
Her auntie lied there silent, her breath deep.

"How could you,

Even though she has momentarily engaged in
                pleasures of the flesh.

She went into the cupboard and found a cleaner,
             the warning on the side said corrosive
wear gloves.

She stroked her aunties hair and then tipped the
entire bottle down her throat to clean the desecration
from her.
All that was heard was a curdling and then froth
expelling from her nostrils and mouth...
She got a cloth and wiped her mouth, even though
doing this had murdered her auntie, she still loved her.
Now she was clean from the manmade contamination.
    Pure once more, the acid mixed with her stomach acid
creating a pungent smell as it was eating through her side.

A pool of blood and partly digested food bubbled
on the floor, it started to eat through the laminate flooring.
At that very moment, she heard screaming incoming on
her kneeled position.
As she turned she saw the half-naked bleeding profusely boyfriend. In his anger, he never saw the pool of corrosive remanence of his departed girlfriend.

Scissors raised and ready for vengeance, he lurched
losing his balance and landed face down in the
bubbling maroon stench.
Lizy scrambled to her feet, ready to run.
Instead, she screamed as he got up and turned around.
The flesh was peeling off, as he grabbed at his now dissolving
features. The shock was too much as she passed out.
A while had passed and as she awoke she went to move
but the scissors were interred in her hair.
Her scalp felt wet, as she touched the area, red liquid coated
shaking hands. She put her fingers in her mouth and tasted,
yes, it was her blood. she pulled at the scissors and they
wouldn't dislodge as they were firmly embedded in the
laminate flooring.

She had no other option but to yank her hair out,
******* that hurt, she had a blad patch where
the hair follicles had pulled away.
Her head spinning, but as she turned around there
he was still, his face no more just white, with patches
of blood his hands around his throat.

She got a hand towel and threw it over his featureless
remanence, and then saw the disemboweled auntie.
If it wasn't for the middle missing dissolved all over the
floor, you'd think she was sleeping.

Lizzy had to think fast, how could she get out of this?
But it was easy, she'd heard shouting and saw her
auntie come out with scissors, soon after her boyfriend
came out blooded, she saw me and told me to hide.
As I watched he grabbed her dragging her to the
cupboard unscrewing a bottle with his mouth,
then pouring it down the struggling auties mouth
at that moment I ran at him pushing him away as her  
auntie convulsing. We struggled but he was too strong.

It was at that moment he grabbed the scissors lifting me up,
he lost his balance and that the last I remember before waking
up with my hair pinned to the floor by the scissors.

The flashing lights were so bright in the darkness as I was huddling it to the waiting ambulance.
Crocodile tears poured from my eyes.
I told my story, it was worthy of an Oscar.
There on the stage, thanking the gullible audience.

As I walked from the courthouse, tears flowing thanking
everyone for their condolences and wishing me well.

I looked in the mirror as I saw my aunties face,
wearing it like my daddy wore mummies.
sprinting at the policeman at the door I got him
in the neck. Shots echoing out into the dark night.

They must have been alerted by the screaming,
can't people just die quietly? I ran into the night.
Not been found yet, but I kept the scissors.

I go after men now, I'm quite pretty for being so
crazy. I offer them ****** favours for drinks,
I always make sure they have a car, that's a must.
My favourite trick is getting them to drive to a secluded
spot offering them head-on their bonnet.
somewhere we will not be disturbed.

It's amazing how gullible men are when they think with
there meat instead of there brain.
I found this awesome pen that's a tasar, telling them
I'm leaving my signature and number, so if they liked it
they knew where to look if they wanted more fun.
Its quite funny the gurgling scream they make when
you zap their ball bags, they crumble like wet paper.

Kind of pathetic really.  Now we alone and there quite,
snip, snip some do take two chops you know.
Then into the woods or the dirt side of the road.
But I learnt from my first time, cut the femoral attire
in the leg, that way they stay down some did come to
but a was driving away by then I heard their
screams and I smiled. Of to the next town now I think
Driving while its dark is better I sell their belongings
in a pawn shop to raise money the dead cant report
their belongings stolen after all. I just tell them there
my ex. They don't really care about where it came from.

I like my new  hobby, at last count I'd snipped fourteen
of them and I still have my auntie with me I wear her
sometimes just to feel close to her.
her pa
Louise Sep 2016
diskolysets skær strejfer henover mine blødende fingrespidser, mens hvert evig eneste lille ord fra sangen, så fint lader sig skære dybt ind under min hud, og efterlader mørkerøde blodaftryk på det ellers så hvide lagen. dog tvivler jeg på, om det kan være værre end den knugende tomhed, der finurligt forfører sig ind mellem de lydløse skrig og misantropiske tankegange, når ikke kassettebåndets søde klang af musik udløser rotationen af drømmescenarier, rundt i mine efterhånden slidte tankestrømme.
for ja, kærligheden til dig ramte mig som en syngende lussing, og mine våde kinder er stadig tydeligt afmærket fra slaget.
jeg tror aldrig jeg lærer, at leve med din signifikante tilstedeværelse, og dets påvirkninger på mig.
hver gang du vender hovedet, har du mine øjne i nakken, strålende af fascination, over dit æteriske jeg. for smuk, er du altså ikke kun - du er nærmere en spiritistisk ektoplasma, og jeg frygter altid, at det hele blot var en række af illusioner, der fuldstændigt uplanlagt, men gang på gang, plantede sig helt inden i mig.
jeg tager mig selv i at ønske ved hvert et stjerneskud, for ikke at nævne alle de gange jeg har siddet og pillet enkelte rosenblade af ad gangen, i et ihærdigt håb om, at ende med; "han elsker mig"
men som virkeligheden afspejler sig i denne latterlige metafor, så ender jeg altid med det forkerte sidste blad, hvorefter jeg med en apatisk bevægelse, smider alle de afrevne rosenblade ned på den kolde jord - som var de alle håbende, der dalede.
i en elegant slutning, afspiller jeg den hjerteskærende sang igen, mens jeg ganske nydeligt danser let henover rosenbladende,  som en ironisk præsentation af, at livet burde være en dans på roser
Nikki Apr 2023
Ik wil mooie, hoopvolle woorden neerpennen
Mijn geluk uiten in elk gedicht
Als nieuwe kleurrijke melodieën
Die dansen op mijn blad
En aanstekelijke vreugde zaaien

Maar ik kan enkel en alleen verdrinken in mijn duisternis
En inspiratie halen uit de verknipte hoeken van mijn gedachten
Elke letter gedrenkt in pijn
Iedere beweging van mijn spreekwoordelijke pen een wonde verwoord op papier
Dus schrijf ik donkere, scherpe teksten
Of hopeloze, onbereikbare fantasieën
Die slechts mijn eenzaamheid bevestigen
FlyvskeFia Oct 2015
siger jeg mens jeg fluks prøver at smutte væk fra mine inderste tanker, der hober sig op i mit hovede, som var de myrer i en tue der var blevet stoppet til af et blad. let for alle andre, men kilotungt for mig.
er du vågen?
spørger jeg med en undren som kunne synes vemodig men interesseret. søvnen har fanget ham i sine arme, og jeg kan ikke få ham væk. få ham hen til mig. søvnen er et muskelbundt der har ham i et stramt knus.
mumler han fra det nederste af halsen, helt nede i maven. som i en koma ligge han, livløs næsten.
nøgen, det eneste der dækker er et lagen der er blevet kastet henover, næsten iscenesat
jan assen Feb 2011
cry no more
tears are nothing more then a closed door
cry through the metal blad
as always
tears are blood
from the pain followed by the hate
do it, done
is it fun
not to cry another tear
crying is not fun away more
dry trying to lay
trying  to dry the lay
metal takes you to a new cry
that is the way to sigh
the high to cry
de hvide tænder, smilende, smilende, smilende
de hvide tennissokker, hvide jakker, hvide sneakers
den hvide indpakning
renhedens farve
den hvide sjæl
den hvide skyld
uskyldige konnotationer
som gnisten, der brænder landsbyen ned
snebolden, der sender lavinen afsted
lying through your white teeth
med dit skyldfrie white-collar work
pletfri samvittighed
hvide perler på snor om den hvide hals, skinnende med berettigelse
tilegne sig hvide lagner og hvidt marmor og hvide checks
korruptionens farve
med imperialismens skyldbølger, brusende ind over den privatiserede strand for hver en afblegning af hud der foregår i sydafrika

for hver af de 1/3 kvinders anvendelse af kemiske cremer indeholdende blandt andet kviksølv falder et blad af det indhegnede friserede haveareals træ til jorden

white man's burden og hvide menneskers indlærte fremmedgørelse
hvidt hvidt hvidt hvidt kridhvidt
Vraj thakkar Mar 2021
I remember the day I met him, skinny body and blad head,
Unusual walk and words with disordered pauses that led,
I remember looking at the sky and complaining, "why'd you do this to him?"
I saw him absurdly smile at me and my eyes were filled with tears up to the rim,
It was hard to look into his innocent eyes, they reminded how gifted I was,
I consoled myself by reasoning that maybe it is karma and that unvierse has its laws,
But then I saw him yesterday encircled by hundreds of people, begging for mercy,
Most of the people beating him, were just showing off their courtesy,
Collectively they pleasured the sadistic joy to watch him helplessly quaver in pain,
Everybody stood anchored hearing his cries while they turned his body into grains,
My body was shaking and palms sweating, I couldn't watch him bleeding,
But like a coward I stood there, waiting for those hungry wolves to stop feeding,
My heart dwindled to a state of non existence seeing the tears in his father's eyes,
I know he was wrong when he touched that eight year old girl between her thighs,
His mother shouldn't have told him to run away and nuture all the lies,
But one chance is all he asked for, when his feeble gaze chisled my eyes.
Daan Jul 2019
Ik heb moeten redeneren,
mezelf overtuigen, verweren
tegen het idee, het venijn,
de gedachte dat ik dokter zou willen zijn.

Iedereen is deze week afgestudeerd,
het blad nog warm, arm al in de lucht,
kijk eens allemaal, een diploma klucht.
Het staat erop en iedereen begeert

jouw geweldige prestaties, knuffel, zoen.
Het leven bolt verder en ik moet kaka doen.
Zal ik daar het resultaat ook van delen?
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2018
da swabian a saxon?!
then we sorted out
                   a prodigy
of world war two
                   and a calculation:
of komora-morda

as a "father"
i tell you:
                  keep it strict,
the rest remains
under the "brigade"
of a "journalism"...

        da contra dać....
i to byt...
tym-tam kreska...
                   nic i nić...
dwie lewe
     a raptem dwie
             pary sznurówek...
                   ten gra
i tym szeptem: ochota;
blud: pizda,
              a tym wart: wilk.

o grybo branie: borowik,
ciota, rz...
                          tzn. kurka:
kurva yego mac.

   no kurva: czytajem yem
   ten lady...
      błąd! błąd!
                   lady? 'krajnem?
                       kurva ni wim szto!

'yba 'udy, p.s.
Daan May 2019
Tekenen is mannelijk
gemakkelijker dan rekenen
in de les heb ik niet opgelet
maar wel wat moois op mijn papier gezet
wat heb ik dan geleerd
*** je met potloodkrassen
je maag omkeert
en met je gom dat allemaal weer wit kan wassen

Er zijn geen fouten op het blad
niet de pijn die ik bij falen had
en voelde, pijn die nogal kras
door mijn voorhoofd heen krioelde

Ik wilde enkele maar bedekken
wat ik maakte, wat ik zag
wat mij kraakte, met een lach
Ik wilde enkel maar verbergen
liet oordelende ogen mijn lieve leven tergen

Nu ben ik terug, de handdoek naast de ring
gesmeten, van mij afgebeten en gezegd
nee, joh, mijn tekeningen zijn niet slecht
Jouw reactie is niet waar het mij om ging.
AshtonLsantiago May 2018
A dark storm forms as i walk in the room, that storm is my soul, my soul is my Depression, my thoughts, my hate, and my longing for the sweet release of death, the darkness and silence death would bring, i long for it, but as i think why wait i have pills, i have a rope, and i have a blad, i can end it all now, all my pain, and all my suffering... so why not, it'll be quick, like i was never here, but i can't leave now, i can't leave you, you raised me all of you, you make life worth living, and if i were to leave than those who hert me would win
Stu Harley Sep 2018
red rose
dagger-blad thorn
lived a red rose

— The End —