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tread Aug 2013
"you don speek my languish"

"I'm learning. Learning takes time so leave it to me."

"I'll wait anoth ur 150 yeers, if you are not fluid it is good see yeah."

"'Goodbye.' You don't speak my language either."

"you don speek my languish."

waiting politely, Tinkerbell glow fading curiously into the overheat overwhelm of city neon and street lights, Soul's glazed eyes of hypnotic intuition begin to close.

"150 yeers. meet me everywhere."

Fading into a geometrically dark centre (dark as in far too bright, similar to when one stares incessantly at anything at all and the peripheral begins to fade into whatever greater colour scheme the senses have meshed into a Rorschach blot you've been asked to interpret), Soul fleets a smile (you feel Soul's smile, as Soul has no real face- Soul has all faces and hence none).

"Goodbye. You will find me when you find yourself."

"You do speak my language."

"I do." Soul whispered back, adding--

"It is you who doesn't."
starting to wonder if I've ever been able to write
Olga Valerevna Aug 2016
I have no lines to read
I threw them in the sea
it's where the people are
it's there they fall apart
We're bound by flesh and blood
and fill the pages up
our minds are going fast
We try to make them last
But everybody's doubt
is being thrown about
And as the words collide
We die another time
Don't let the voices in
or watch the curses win
remember you are here
but not to disappear
title and inspiration taken from Daughter's, "Not to Disappear" album
harry ride Sep 2014
as I lay on the ground all tatterd and useless
as people walk by not seeing or caring
my bruise grow bigger as my heart grows smaller
for who is left to care for the worthless ******* the street
my parents disowned me
my friend betrayd me
I lie all a lone as the snow glides down
i  tremble and shiver in the cold
no one that loved me anoth to warm me
the cloud that i make with my very last breath
flys away to the stars and to a much better place
i wath as it gose leaving me to die all wortless and young

now i'm a sight to dehold with my tears of ice and my lips of blue
my dress of frost and my lack of shoes i wonder the streets unknowen to man and for those that rember my face they do not care for the worthless ******* the street
Dave Williams Aug 2018
it's me
i miisss yookuouoso muruch i dontnowottodoabouutitit
iim acaar fulll of ******, a shipp ffull of sssailas
a ccsamp fullof boyscouutss

it's you
twiddledy-twiddly-twiddle the kknob
pussshing thhe buutons, fiftyytwo, fourtythree, tennn-hup
a maggneticpo leto my compasss

it's us
qmdkksjdjjaiekmkrrrrfkfk, nsdjndf
kkksksiashiuyiddrirttranoth erone, go on, doit
do it aagin, ynotit works dunnitit

it's ours
and from over here it loooks likke
we'll never get tto do it evva again, unnless
itl earns anoth erlanguage
thhatw ebothu ndusttaaaand
Mark Wanless Nov 2017
I can hate you so EASILY it frightens me
                       and hurts me too       two is not better
                       than one       one is and there's no words
                       for it except weirdys that
                       confuse more than their share
                       of SENTIENT beings all
                       movers and movement perhaps a
                Who knows?       does ANYBODY know?       if
                       YOU knew it would you KNOW it
                       or just BE it?
                Does a frogs mind MEANDER?
                Did Neanderthal think shhe was
                       the ULTIMATE do we?

                Have what it takes       yes in an
                       infinite way we travel babble
                       ravel and unravel by mandate
                       till choice is caused to appear

                A concept is born!!!!

                An appendage is groaned and functions
                       bringing with it sense
                       sations      sens      er      and
                       sense plus a bit of err
                       or created by the mast      er
                       magician fooler mara satan
                       and we see
                       what it says we see
                       fill in the blanks
                But it can die!

                Oh Yah the big die-O!       eating
                       up eating up never full eater
                       upper nothin but anoth
                       er concept MAN MADE!
                Err or err or is my soul
                       i feels pain from you and
                       thinks thoughts from you and
                       can not be other than what
                       i am you change me change you
                       change me change you CHANGE YOU
                       WILL YOU CHANGE! change me
                       change you

                The never ending poem life story
                       universe is ignorance fiction
                       some say      some pray      otherwise
                       there'd be a whole lot more
                       really mean sonsabitches walkin

                Dear God
                       i hear voices in my head
                       all the time am i ever glad
                       your lips are movin
                If YOU shouted loudly enough in
                       a forest with nobody around
                       will a tree fall?
                And why did YOU put the moon
                       in a bucket of water?
Oh many call themselves Aussiepoet
But theres only ever been one
Registered started writing at 16
Now 76 and more to write be done

Of life as it was is and mostly will be
Has more on file than any ever written
Not just of aussie humor it goes on
Or a bushy on a log and got bitten

Of life the lonely our planet nature
Of this life being a class in a school
Of those that learn as lifes candles burn
Of many today still greed hearts of a fool

Of all the little things that matter so
Of being able to look deeply ever within
Of endless religions politics shallow minds
Who hypocritically invented a word called sin

Of country & outback of oringinal Aussies too
Who had it for thousands of years blood & tears
A **** site worst than many today ever knew

The first mostly un-known still Aussiepoet
Writing has been his entire life to date
Of love making love giving love hand in glove
The endless who'll all should know never too late

And despite all his own have labeled him so often
He has all a man could ask for in any form
To be loved by one who loves him endlessly
As he realizes there will be yet anoth dawn

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Oh many call themselves Aussiepoet
But theres only ever been one
Registered started writing at 16
Now 76 and more to write be done

Of life as it was is and mostly will be
Has more on file than any ever written
Not just of aussie humor it goes on
Or a bushy on a log and got bitten

Of life the lonely our planet nature
Of this life being a class in a school
Of those that learn as lifes candles burn
Of many today still greed hearts of a fool

Of all the little things that matter so
Of being able to look deeply ever within
Of endless religions politics shallow minds
Who hypocritically invented a word called sin

Of country & outback of oringinal Aussies too
Who had it for thousands of years blood & tears
A **** site worst than many today ever knew

The first mostly un-known still Aussiepoet
Writing has been his entire life to date
Of love making love giving love hand in glove
The endless who'll all should know never too late

And despite all his own have labeled him so often
He has all a man could ask for in any form
To be loved by one who loves him endlessly
As he realizes there will be yet anoth dawn

There's only one ....

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Ethel Bowmaster Apr 2019
Shards of thought
Usually in sync
A clear tone
Out of phase, though
A cacophony
One thoug- anoth- yet on-
Different waves
What abo-
Cancel out and add
A useless signal
Too much mental noise
Oh many call themselves Aussiepoet
But theres only ever been one
Registered started writing at 16
Now 76 and more to write be done

Of life as it was is and mostly will be
Has more on file than any ever written
Not just of aussie humor it goes on
Or a bushy on a log and got bitten

Of life the lonely our planet nature
Of this life being a class in a school
Of those that learn as lifes candles burn
Of many today still greed hearts of a fool

Of all the little things that matter so
Of being able to look deeply ever within
Of endless religions politics shallow minds
Who hypocritically invented a word called sin

Of country & outback of oringinal Aussies too
Who had it for thousands of years blood & tears
A **** site worst than many today ever knew

The first mostly un-known still Aussiepoet
Writing has been his entire life to date
Of love making love giving love hand in glove
The endless who'll all should know never too late

And despite all his own have labeled him so often
He has all a man could ask for in any form
To be loved by one who loves him endlessly
As he realizes there will be yet anoth dawn

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
DuBray Mar 2018
This is your introductory
_ oem
As y_ u may know
Not all  _oems need to
Practice though
And in good time
You may be anoth _r
Alexander _ _ _ _

* Complete first four blank lines to discover poet's surname.

— The End —