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K Mae Aug 2013
We birds find food near end of day
springing from the ground
to shake wild seeds afree
See low a cat creeps now so near
We are the subject of his walk
Leap to the meager air we fly
Safe from hunter's stalk
These clever creatures I witnessed at sunset in New Hampshire
When the fifth nib broke,
I knew what she meant to me,
Realization, seeped in like a season new,
For I knew how it was meant to be.

Her eyes,
Empty, like uninhabited shores
Her tears,
Silent, like unopened doors
Her lips,
Dying, like the spirit of a centurion’s corpse
Needed, only her dreams,
Set afree,
Like an unsaddled horse.

But who would ride
A  painted shadow,
A prisoner of pride,
For that’s how I mocked ,
My handcuffed bride;
And now watch me preach ,
Of Gods and Guilt;
To the bride who shook ,
The world I built .

When the fifth nib broke,
I knew what she meant to me ,
But when her fifth nib breaks ,
Will she ?
nvinn fonia Aug 2023
i can see afree world
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
Thy girl first he loved thee
Never even cared to even talk to him
Even when he gave her everything
He had free
People thy say, "What a fool was he?
Why did he even fall in love to be"
Then came she
A girl who he had fallen for in spree
He asked her out and did everything to tell, how happy was he to tell
But after using him and giving him a dream
Madam said in glee
"I leave you to be
I don't feel anything for thee.
I had a crush on a boy, who I longed for to be
Concising everything told in that jiffy
Thou were just an experiment for me"
Thus said he to the girl who art free
"But what about my feelings for you, I proclaim thee
"Please reconsider and think properly
Relationships are never based on feelings of attraction that are always afree.
But, with loyalty,honesty,commitment and true integrity.
So come join,hands with me
Take a positive note together towards the future and let's be free "
Intent to be free the girl told him without feeling
"This be our last meeting
I leave thou in a month so thou will quickly get over all feeling.
I did not feel the same as I felt for the boy
Hence I leave thou to regret and feel sorry for me."

— The End —