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Karissa Jul 2015
Spontaneous dancing
Up all night
Making memories
Messy rooms
Everyday Adventures
Road trips
Karissa Jun 2015
After you left,
I fell ******* the
sharp edges
of my own
shattered heart.

And as I poured out the remains of my soul
for you,
You bleached me from
your memory.
Karissa Jun 2015
My soul brims on the verge of tears,
As I now face my biggest fear.

A number that I strongly hate
Its double digits dominate.

Paper: Shavings from a tree
How then could it conquer me?

I clench my fists with sweet revenge.
My grade, I promise to avenge.

For nothing gives me more remorse
than tests in my English 1 course.

This result truly hurts my brain.
Ninety and six. Oh! Such a pain!
The rantings of a perfectionist
Karissa Jun 2015
Go collect white feathers,
and tie them up with strings.

I'll be your guardian angel
if you'd only make me wings.
Karissa May 2015
I saw her yesterday
and I knew
I knew her bloodshot eyes
her scarred body
and her mangled hair
just as if they were my own

I felt the pain
endured that day
because she was different
and alone.

I wanted to shout to her
"I'm an outcast too!
You're not abandoned anymore!"
But when I looked through her glassy eyes
straight into her dejected soul
I knew she couldn't
hear me.

So with the same broken look,
we parted ways

I woke up today and saw her again
but instead of the frail bones
and ashy skin I knew so well,
she looked different.

Today she had washed her wounds
and braided her hair.
She walked with confidence.

I held my breath

unsure if I saw clearly.
She had been hopeless for so long,

But as I let out my breath
and smiled
for the first time in years,

she mirrored me.
And then I knew I was going to be okay.
Karissa Apr 2015
You’ve tried to teach me what’s right to believe

And I appreciate that. Really.

But the way you’re going about it…
I feel annoyed to call you “family”

Your heart is in the right place.
But your patience,
Your kindness,
Your understanding,
Where are they?

I feel as if,
Though I may have strong morals,
That the only things you have taught me

Are how to be

You could have taught me better
Before I fell off the deep end.


I’ll remember your parenting always,
As guidelines for how not to raise children.

Or help people.
Or save lives.
Karissa Apr 2015

And take this test


I guarantee you will be stressed.


To all of his dear students.


Determined by your weakness.
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