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Es aroma tornasol
Tus ojos color azul
Desgracia y pasión
Se unieron en mi voz

Me quiebro por dentro
De saber que invierto
Lo que más quiero
De saber que rompo
Lo que más deseo
You are the epitome and essence of beauty. Aphrodite cannot compare to your endless beauty. She envies you, the goddess of beauty and love. When I gaze into your breathtaking and discerning eyes I find comfort and warmth from life’s daily struggles. Your eyes ensnare me in an endless loop of ethereal happiness. Those eyes-eyes that can light even the darkest of times, paralyze my every thought for eyes like yours I have never come across. And that smile! A smile so bright it radiates with your brilliant and sweet personality.  Your carries with it confidence and the essence of love. You ask me, “What is the essence of love?” I reply,” It is you.”
My dear,

Spring has passed, Summer has passed,
Fall has passed, and here is Winter.
It welcomes with its cool winds, reminding me
of the warmth I lack from a longing embrace;
a longing to be one with you.

Shield me from the elements
Hide me in your veil of protection
Keep me always and forever.
Forever feeling young
Forever loving you.
We fell in love in a house fire;
a blaze that did not **** us,
but rather starve us of oxygen.
Left Breathless. Choked.

I was incessantly used to being
the inflammable result of too many
fractured stars in my "decadent"
bloodstream. I know I was hard to love.

I set you ablaze,
left wanting approval from the smoke
inside your lungs in shades of
charred throats.
You left me feeling like a
faulty fire escape.

Do not come to me when things
get too hot. I will burn,
singe, scald and scar,
until you are finally the ashes
someone forgot to love.

Dean Eastmond
Let me tell you,
how I have loved and I have loved
and I have been loved
and I have not been loved
and, ****, do I know what heartbreak feels like.

Let me tell you,
how it scares me how my legs
are stronger than my heart.
I am so tired from running from him,
so I stand and take it now.

My blood no longer tastes of him,
but my coffee does,
so I let it go cold. Cold.

I let the ice seep in as a reminder
as to what he used to keep away.

Let me tell you,
how I've learnt to fly with fractured wings.
Fear me.

Dean Eastmond.
The rain drops didn't fall when I woke up early this morning;
neither had they fallen yesterday, nor the day before.
It was ten to 8:00 and I wasn't rushing anyone for the shower.
The same old bowl of cereals, the same amount of milk,
and a bit of strawberry jam, but not the same taste.

I am hiding behind walls and trees. Suddenly,
I am no longer happy to be under the sun.
No penguin-walking or careful steps to go to class.
No “good morning” smiles, no warm hugs,
no afternoon tea and no big chocolate bars.

No sticky notes on my table saying, “I was here” or “See you at dinner”.
No other cheese sandwich for evening snack.
And no birthday parties past midnight.
The chill air of September evenings is long gone.
The starry sky and aurora borealis are also long gone.

There is only the moon at nights, so bright but yet so lonely;
my only companion, the only friend through the darkness.
There might be some rain this Sunday, or that is what forecast predicts;
maybe that, with the last “Kvikk Lunsj” chocolate bar I have;
maybe that, with a cup of peach flavored tea;

Maybe then and only then, I will feel home again.
A child cries over
a hard candy fallen
from his mouth,
little black suit,
a heads length over his chair.

He doesn’t mourn
Like his mother.
Why should he?
The world is chaos.
He cries therefore
he breathes,
he doesn’t understand
the dead are only

An ember
Drops so gently,
On the lip of your shoe.
Perceive the impending pain,
Allured to the blossom of flame.

Evening calms beside you.
Eyes like marble reflect
A fire eating its way
Up to your chest.

Comatose tonight
Are those who cherish
The ordeal of your arrival
At such a lovely culmination.

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