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Some just think
It's cool
It's fun
It's right
To hide behind masks
Of leather and paper
Of plastic and lacquer
The ceramic and glass
Of half woven veils
Across their faces draped.
Bald lies, averted eyes, in disguise.
Core of apple rotten
Loyalty all but forgotten
Maggot of doubt
Seed of betrayal
Lips loose like lathered leaves
Shamefully still, do secrets drip
Like the dewfall.
Hearts painted with
The pain, the agony which
When caused to others, you relish.
Go then,
Go away
Go back to your little game
Of showing off your masquerade
How you hide your blackened face
Behind a gently painted facade.
Beware of those who claim to be something they are not, and beware of the gnawed core inside a glossy apple.
I used to think in numbers.
1: There’s one of me. Alone. Plus
4: my family. Still 1, but 5, or
4 plus 1; that’s me, alone.
I used to think in numbers.
36: That’s weeks of school;
That’s weeks of math class,
math class, calculator;
Father, Son, and Calculator.
Trinity: the holy three, the three, the
3 times 36: that’s 108.
I used to think in numbers.
Math class, algebra, room 108.
I hate, I hate, I love, I hate,
I hate the way they look at me.
They look at me like man at dog,
like planet hogs,
throw books at me like cannons cogged
at ninety-minute intervals at cinder walls
until I fault and cringe and fall, and fall
like London Bridge and crash, and fall like
Blown-out glass gone back to class. I pass the
tests and cash regrets like rent checks
bounced across the bridge that they knocked down.
Because I used to think in numbers, yeah,
but now?

        Well, sure. Abrasions hurt.
And yeah, we all want friends.
But at least equations work
and keep their balance on both ends.
So I will rock this scatter-plot of
social contract to its peak until
my hands are red meat.
I am no dead beat;
I hold the world record for blood lost
to a summer camp spread sheet.

But then,
but then somewhere along that number line,
a 6 stared down its stage fright when just
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days before the show,
I met a girl who barred my better judgment
like a cage fight,
and thank God she did,
because for once, I put away the calculator,
and I listened to her voice,
and it sounded like…
well, it sounded like it sounded.
And for once, I sat and wrote about the things
that can’t be counted.
I surrendered to the cage fight,
and I fell into a deep hole.
And to be honest,

I don’t miss spreadsheet summers,
‘cause it’s easier to keep cool.
I used to think in numbers,
but now I think in people.
 Jan 2015 Sarah Marie
The carcass was made to wait,
For nobody wanted to light the pyre

— The End —