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William Lowe Jr Nov 2019
You don't have to wonder
  or think that its strange
Fore time will continue to move
  so the seasons must change
First the of the nights
  then the change of the leaves
'Till we're caught in the life
  from the webs that we weave
Not being a man who will fuss
  we tend to let things roll
Until we get stuck in a spiral
  & things are out of control
It's really indescribable
  how it all happened so fast
Watching all of my dreams
  become a thing of the past
It began by attacking my joy
  slowly dimming my light
'Till it had stolen my resolve
  & the will left to fight
Having lost so completely
  thinking I must be to blame
I was ready to cash in my chips
& check out of the game
Then you crossed my path
  & took hold of my heart
Putting an end to the misery
So " true lovin" could start
Now where this road leads
  there's no way to tell
But, I know you are my salvation
  that saved me from hell
And the amazing way you love me
  that's just conformation
That I finally get my shot
  toward the dream I've been chasin
William Lowe Jr Nov 2019
I  sometimes wonder, am
I the only one to see
That there's a monster who lives
on the inside of me?
One who tends to only grow
stronger with the passing of years
steadily setting a course
straight towards my fears
He wants for nothing
but destruction & pain
Constantly tearing apart
everything that I gain
So such is my fate
to end up alone
Trapped in a mind
that's too far gone
It's slowly deteriorating
like infected with cancer
How do I **** him?
Do you know the answer?
Please don't think it's funny
like I'm telling a joke
Cause I'm caught in a war
and loosing all hope.

Lord; these thoughts that
I harbor-cant be on my own
and no way to turn back
For the chances I've blown
Here I am,again
I'm caught in a rut
and the losses I've took
Are a shot to the gut
so maybe its time
To face the man in the mirror
put this monster to sleep
and see things more clearly
Forget pointing fingers,and
the one who's to blame
pick myself from the rut
and wash off the shame
stop looking to others
I must stand on my feet
and repent of this battle
I dare not repeat!
I'll never learn nuttin'
if unable to grow
cause we fill our own plate
with the seed that we sow
so if you truly desire
a family & home
Then let go of this Monster
and stand on your own
William Lowe Jr Oct 2019
My thoughts began to churn rapidly,
looks like it will be one hell of a night.
I got my baby heavy on my brain,
so I pick up my pen and I start to write.
Unaware of a final destination,
my thoughts they start to flow.
But these thoughts ~  all have pictures,
so as I write ~ I enjoy the show.
Taken this ride through my thoughts,
cuz it's only here that I'm able~
to pull her deep into my arms,
and then gently kiss the lips of an angel.
So lost & in love with my thoughts,
I wouldn't sleep if i could,
Because with us this close together
my world becomes all that is should
running through thoughts that live free
where nothing could ever go wrong,
And even as my thoughts change gears,
still ~ I enjoy the  ride that I'm on.
I stumble through thoughts that are so subtle & faint,
yet clearly I'm recallin' ~
just the two of us standin' alone ~
wishin' on a lucky star that had fallen.
Rapture through thoughts ~ I realize ~
I wasn't just loved ~ I was spoiled rotten.
Until humbled from the weight of such gifts,
& all the other blessings I've gotten.
Finally my thoughts happen to slow, I tire ~
thinkin' of her eyes & how they shine so bright,
Thinkin' " God I love my sweet precious"
then through my thoughts I whisper good night.
William Lowe Jr Oct 2019
As I close my eyes,
& I start to pray:
Lord with all of my heart
I just wanna say;
"That I love & thank You Father~
  for the abundance of good,
that You brought to my life,
just as You promised You would...
Though I'm completely unworthy,
& without naming a price,
Still You gave to me freely,
& never thought twice...
The reason for such Grace ~
I may never understand
But it's supplied me the strength
to finally make me a stand.
To turn loose of the darkness,
& forever cling to the light
And though there's times that I'll struggle,
at least I'll put up a fight...
I know that I said it before......
  but still ; I must  say it again :
That I love You & I thank You Father
In Jesus name.... Amen"  ! ! !
William Lowe Jr Oct 2019
I believe I finally found,
the love of my life.
If she even give me one chance,
I'd gladly make her my wife.
Then live out my days,
with her by my side.
Leavin' our mark on this Earth,
just like Bonnie & Clyde.
In the way that we love,
you might call us sick.
But could I make it without her ?
And my answer is quick....
I don't think that I could,
nor will I ever.
Imagine a world lived without her,
cuz she's what I treasure.
And she will always be,
for as long as I live...
You see ~ I promised her forever,
And that's just what I'll give.
The redemption she's brought~
you just can't imagine.
Completely restorin' my heart~
through true love & compassion.
Now for once in my life ~
I think I'm finally able to see:
That I'm not all alone ,
tryin' to paddle my way up stream.
She's truly altered my course,
yeah ~ that's just what she's done...
whether we dance in the rain,
or walk in the sun
Now I'm on a new path~
without the sorrow & pain.
And for the times that I've failed~
you'll never hear me complain.
though I'll openly confess~
some of 'em cut like a knife...
But in the end they only help me,
find the true Love of My life

— The End —