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Willard Wells Apr 2018
May the teardrops
on your pillow
turn to Stardust,
carrying you
to your love,
in your dreams.
Willard Wells Dec 2015
another day done
checking on the daily news
fewer shot today
Willard Wells Jul 2016
Sleep comes near
in the world where
I find myself at this time.

I feel pain with emptiness
for those that have
suffered needlessly in the world this day.

All that most ask,
is to love and be loved.
Rather than die a needless death.

We are all humans
on this spinning globe.
Please give peace a chance.
Willard Wells Jan 2019
A Christmas text
the only choice
to a long lost voice.

Loving her so dear,
a child so missed,
I try to send a Christmas wish.

As sweet words inked
the message link,
I felt proud to share my love of her.

About three lines were on the text
just as I write this down
and I burst in tears,
memories rushing back.

I hope she hears
or reads my words,
and knows my love.

I can take anything
she may bring to me,
cause any pain I feel,
is to not see her.
Willard Wells Jul 2016
Drawn to you like a moth
to a flame by your beauty.
I must take leave before
the heat of the moment
overtakes the future,
clouding my judgment.

Your beauty can carry you far
but your mind is the solution
to change your future.
Bringing you to a brighter place,
with a future not found
within the confines of this place.
Willard Wells Jan 2016
My life has been filled
with words like high energy,
hyperactive and
uncontrollable at times.

Now from my view
from inside looking
out my whole life,
I was just expressing myself,
sharing my thoughts.

There is an old saying
about some things are
better in small doses,
that in my mind
has always been me.

Standing on the outside
looking in,
I look out at the world
that is often surreal.

I see faces, bodies start
to twist in the wind.
As confusion,
boredom set in,
I continue with
apparently no end.

Yet even as my mind
says stop,
I continue on at a
high rate of speed.

This type of mind
leads to other actions,
just as reactive
as my mind.

Seemingly out of control
to others standing,
watching to see
what I'll do next.

So as a young man,
say around 12,
my parents took me
to visit family friends.

While the parents visit
the children would play,
stay out of the way
as children did in the day.

We were sent to the
basement, out of the way.
The boy about my age
his younger sister
heading off to play.

As was my nature
having no control,
I started to take charge.
We looked at the toys,
playthings to share.

A bow and arrow
needed my attention.
After all, I was trained
as an archer when I was 8.
Time to show my
skills and marksmanship.

Taking the bow,
I strung it tight,
checking it's pull.
Grabbing an arrow behind the quill,
loading it carefully in the bow.

Then it happened as the
arrow took flight,
straight and true.

The squeal of a little girl
her brothers fast retreat.
Arrow finding it's mark,
now protruding half in
and out the basement window.

Only one thing left to do,
which I had done before.
Stand before parents
head hung low,
explaining the flight of the arrow
that was out of my control.
Hyper child
Willard Wells Aug 2015
riding a new wave today after some cuts of a scalpel across
my lip and chin, now the adventure moves on.

with a head banger crash, as my cranium came first
as the rear glass met my face at an extremely ugly pace.

now left scarred and broken and some of the mouth,
had to step back and evaluate that life.

I healed very nicely with a bit of glass floating about
and scar tissue in lip.

which brings us to the addiction, I treat with the pain,
which may posses me.

It can be a cloud to float on or a deep dark hole
when you look up it is black, the place as I write is
my favorite place, wallowing on the edge of space.

between darkness and light, trying not to get cut,
as I slide along the edge of the blade.
Riding the Wave..............Everything is not as it seems. As Alice goes down the rabbit hole.
Willard Wells May 2015
Friendships deep enough
Are the ones that cause
The most pain

Like a marriage which
Should be your best friend
People change

We are not always ready
To take the journey
They have chosen

Every man in the end
Must travel his own path
Guided by the memories

Memories of life
That guide your path
With final arrival at enlightenment
Willard Wells Jun 2015
He was honest and loyal throughout his life
To family and friends plus stranger to boot

Grew up poor and so valued his life
Moving on to find his place in the world

From small town boy, to big city guy
He always kept his eye on the prize

He worked in the fields, then flipped burgers to learn
Before moving on to more adventures in life

He did love to gamble and did it for life
But everyone has to have some adventure rather than strife

Friends of my mother introduced them for dinner
And a romance was to be had far beyond the night

Marriage came next as he made her his wife
And they started an adventure as they planned their life

From state to state they chased the work
Farm work to pipe-fitter

On to a factory and then to a mill
Then back to a mill and a place of his own

He worked in a store and made many friends
And then moved the adventure ahead

With a cafe to run
And family to share

He had simple taste
And dressed with style

And when he did pass
I sent him in style and little of his life

A fedora for style so he'd be dressed for a date
A watch on his wrist since he never would be late

With a final good bye and a touch of his face
I slipped a snickers into the place

Cause if there's one thing he'd miss, It was the sweet tooth he'd had since he was a youth.
As father's day approaching I needed something for dad.
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Sun is blazing down
And no water to be found
Buzzard watching man
Little dry and gettin hot
Willard Wells Mar 2017
For unknown real reasons, I find myself speaking of journeys. The term transitioning seems to be slipping into my vocabulary.

I read of finding enlightenment, but where is it found. Really, I never knew I had anything like enlightenment that was missing. Happiness seems to be what I want to add to life, whether my life or that of another. Life, meaning, another human, which is not a color, culture, political, religious or anything, just a human as in all Gods children.

So, is my happiness, my enlightenment? If not, it is of little matter to me, since my joy and happiness is at a level that I do not find the need to do more than continue in my journey and transition.

Peace be to you all and great blessing in your journey of life.
Willard Wells May 2015
Laying in bed with a book
Reading to bring me relief
At peace with life
Feel so relaxed, I know I will sleep

The hour grows late
My love comes to bed
Truly at peace with life
Feel so relaxed, I know I will sleep

She moves up close
Snuggles up tight
At peace with life
So relaxed, I know I will sleep

As she touches my body
And drifts off
Now truly at peace with life
So relaxed, that I drift off to sleep

She's my angel in life that brings me peace
Did some minor changes to this piece
Willard Wells Dec 2015
will you be happy
giving love another chance
or will you be sad

don't let it slip past again
love coin of the realm
Willard Wells Jan 2016
Heard the news today, not much new,
but when they give the body count each day.

I feel there is just a bit more sadness in the world.
Tomorrows another day our humanity will suffer even more.
Willard Wells Aug 2016
Sun rising slowly
over the Philippine sea.
Many hungry mouths to feed.

Only 10 pesos for food this day.
Noodles or rice to share if lucky,
will be the only food.

Smiles all around
as a meal is shared.
We will not go to bed hungry this night.
" Many Philippine friends going without food. "
Willard Wells Aug 2015
Abuse around the world
Gun fire around the world
Bombs around the world

Mutilated bodies around the world
Wounded around the world
Death around the world.

Sadness around the world.
Willard Wells May 2015
Morning sun peeks
Over the horizon
Dew drops cover
Blades of grass

Birds early morning Song
The rooster crows
Small creatures stir
As night owls sleep

Another night has passed
With moon
And stars
Crossing a darkened sky

Awake now
Humans of earth
Take count of your blessings
Blessings for eternity
Willard Wells Jul 2015
searching for a word
to describe my love for you
those words don't exist
Willard Wells Dec 2015
fog lifting early
as the sun brings a new day
and beachcombers play

sand wet from wave washed
shores squishing between toes as
children run and play

waves crash over rocks
as sea gulls float on light breeze
searching for a mate
Willard Wells Sep 2015
The beat of my heart,
may just be
in my head.

But when in the dark
lying quietly,
by your side.

The sound I hear
so loud, I expect,
it would wake you.

But the sound
is loud,
there in the dark.

Because you're near
and close
to my heart.
Willard Wells Jan 2017
First seeing her vision made my heart skip a beat.
In awe of the beauty before my eyes.
Years have passed but my heart still skips a beat,
Holding her close makes my life complete.
Willard Wells Jan 2016
Do you see the beauty around you
as you wander through your day?
Maybe it's time to stop,
view the beauty,
that is set before you.

Before you plunge into the media driven
world of your day, stop!
You have time to view
the beauty of the day,
see the world, as it really is each day.
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Do you see the beauty around you
When you are going through your day?    

It may be time to stop
View the beauty that is before you

Before you plunge into the media
Driven world of your day

You have time to let go
To see the world

As it really is each day
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Say good luck my love
Because you came to my life
Just sweet talk she said
My love inspires my writing. And makes me laugh.
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Our colonies die
Mother nature is in charge
Adapting to supply
Mother nature adapting ahead of our climate change
Willard Wells Aug 2015
blind date and it starts
her eyes bright and smile so cute
maybe I found love

meeting for dinner
discussing our lives each one
finding common ground

coming together
making a home and a life
never be apart

finally words said
bringing joy and happiness
love you forever
Willard Wells Feb 2016
It's expected that the level of
medication needed to maintain
the level of sanity found in writing.
Would be found to be cost prohibitive to sustain.

Going forward, the prescription that
will be prescribed first,
will be for pen and paper
or any source at hand.

Find you voice, speak out,
sharing what is fun for you.
What drives you, your passion.
Then move on to the next project.

Be your own force,
Even if just a voice of one,
you were meant to be heard.
Willard Wells Jun 2015
ride into the wind
feeling the breeze on my face
it renews my life
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Moon circles the earth
Earth revolving around sun
Floating flecks of dust
Willard Wells Nov 2015
The opening of this day is early,
as I rise to wash my face and
have that first cup of coffee
and check in on the world this day.

This day in history many years ago,
I started out my day much the same
as I have today, though much younger.
And not as knowledgeable as today.

My day was filled with classes
which was just to **** time.
The excitement today was
my test to have a license to drive.

The day progressed and the excitement
grew, as I thought of my test
that was looming
and having the freedom I saw ahead.

Suddenly the world seemed
to stop as the word went out,
the President was shot
and we were all in shock.

Birthday or not, presents
didn't matter and license forgot.
From that day forward
this has always been part of my birthday thoughts.
Willard Wells May 2015
Awake now humans
Take count of your blessings now
                   Be thankful you woke
Willard Wells May 2015
Spent many years
But not knowing
What for

Thought that
Happiness was mine
But did not know
Life like love is blind

Saw signs of trouble
With subtle hints
She was colder than
Most fish

Knew it was coming
And had no regrets
As the door closed
Behind her she left

Rethought the future
Went on with life
Searching for new love
To light up the night

Asked friends
And acquaintance
To find
Me a date

I waited for her
At Starbucks for a blind date
And then she arrived
How do I rate

Her porcelain skin
Dark brown eyes
Long dark hair
She caught my eye

Found new love
After a few dates
Now life is fine
New love sublime
Willard Wells May 2015
Time moving faster
Yesterday I was a boy
       Today almost dust
Willard Wells Feb 2016
inside my own mind
looking out, then realizing
my loves like this life
it can be destroyed by me
or saved by blink of an eye
Willard Wells May 2015
You hear BB King
And you love the blues
You have Buddy Guy
And he can make you fly

As **** and the boys
Scream again once more
When you hear the blues
It's a soulful ride

It's memories
Of pain
Of love
Maybe lost or won

But with the blues
Love, ***** and drugs
It may be a blur
Or a faded memory

If you remember at all!

But no matter
The pain or
Loss of love
You'll always have the blues
Sitting listening to BB. RIP
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Learning about life in school
To educate and help us find our way

After many years in class
Educated with knowledge and rules

Yet with all the knowledge and education
They failed me as they failed you

All the time and years spent learning
And still no one is teaching about love

What happened to the book of Love??
Apparently the School of Hard Knocks
Willard Wells Oct 2015
Mom was working late at night.
The car was not available,
she would walk home.

I was 12 at the time with a paper route,
which took me all around town.

My bike was of a sturdy type.
It had a place for my bag,
which held the papers.

Mother could sit on the rack,
I would give her a ride home,
as she was a tiny thing.

It was late, as I headed to pick up
my mom from work.

The sun was just setting,
as dusk came to the sky
in the summer night.

Mother had to ride side saddle,
due to her skirt.
Off we went to home.

As I rode with great joy
at helping my mom,
I heard whistles and cat calls to my mom.

For a boy of 12 with his mom,
it was time to learn.
Things of life, men and woman.
Willard Wells Oct 2015
she's easy to spot,
long dark hair,
eyes like dark
pools of chocolate.

skin with the
softness of silk,
with ruby red lips,
that beg to be touched.

she walks the shore
beside the sea.
stealing all the
beauty there is to see.
Willard Wells Dec 2016
The time of year to praise our Lord.
Give thanks for the gift.
We celebrate this time of year,
the birth of our savior Jesus, Apostle of God.
Willard Wells Sep 2015
As the shadows
grow long and
the days become short.

Winter approaches
as the leaves of color
fall from the trees.

Flowers disappear
as the light of day
fades to shortened time.

Wrapping plants
in blankets
to protect from incoming cold.

Gathering wood
to pile by the hearth
in preparation for a cold stormy night.
Willard Wells Jul 2017
In years past, young boys became men early. Women were quiet, demur in their outward image.

Today, watching the actions of so many young men, they seem to have trouble developing into grown men, continuing in their youthful ways. Women have taken on a more commanding roll. Slowly gathering the wealth of the world from the young men who failed to become men. Hopefully in the long term, women will also help bring peace to the world.
Willard Wells May 2016
Near the appointed
time chasing a dream to make
a reality
Willard Wells Dec 2015
smooth silky and rich
chocolate delight and iced
it's this cheesecake gift

take just one small slice
as it melts in your mouth then
brings smile to your face

take just one small slice
as it is so rich your mouth
gives smiles in return
patty m. aske me to write and low and behold I may have got it right.
Willard Wells Dec 2015
I was only 9 years old and I lived in North Vietnam where I was born. My family is Chinese, but work was in Vietnam so my father had moved us there long before I was born. I had 5 brothers and I was next to the youngest, but my younger brother got sick while we were hiding in the mountains to avoid the bombings. He did not go home with us and mother was very sad for a long time.

There was really nothing to do for entertainment. My day was made up of sleeping late in the morning and school in the afternoon. We only had about three classes, which was giving us a very basic education. I had many friends in school and good number of relatives.

My older cousin and I played together often, just spending time together. Over loudspeakers songs of the people were played to encourage hard work and loyalty to the Communist Party. Everything in the country still ran as it had under Uncle **. You never speak bad of Uncle ** or you might not make it until tomorrow.

Since we had so little entertainment we found our own. She and I would go up during the day and sometimes at night to listen to the workers in the factory sing praise of life, progress and Uncle **. Now I was very small, but crime was not a factor and so even with me being so young, my cousin and I were always off on an adventure.

A big event where I lived was a marriage. It was a beautiful event with the bride and groom dressed in wedding clothes. A long high necked dress for the women and the man in his best white dress shirt. I know this because when my cousin and I were out one night we saw a wedding party walking down the street. It was so beautiful and exciting that she and I joined at the end of the procession.

I expect our age helped as we were welcomed to the celebration. Eating candy, cookies and sticky rice, special treats for the wedding party, but a special treat for a poor little girl and her cousin. Both welcomed by the bride and groom.

My cousin and I did this twice that I recall and the songs still resonate within my head of a beautiful moment in time and a break from the bombs dropped almost daily from the sky.
A child of '70's Vietnam.  Stories told to me by my muse and love. This story mostly made me smile, but many bring pain to my heart of the suffering she lived and saw. But she has a very positive view to the time and I hope to share more.
Willard Wells Dec 2015
Traveling down
highways, byways,
causeways and boulevards.

I find in reality,
this place,
my mind is a
never-ending maze.

Of spinning wheels
of little boxes,
compartments all.
Stacked quite high.

Well above my eyes,
I look up and see
the flashing light,
reflected off
the cold dark wings.

I envision them to save
some time,
the monkey flight,
on Dorothy's night.

I pay them no mind
like they are bats
after fleas.
To clear the air.

They can be such pest.
some beautiful thoughts.
As they think of their real intent.

It's time to get in
their face
and make something
quite clear.

When they came here,
it was not my choice,
but I gave in
at first in fear.

Time was short
and I observed
their fate if
I refuse to care.

So in the end,
I give them their due
in a limited space.
And share that space.

As I chase these words.
But if they get in the way
no matter the condition I'm in.
Just kick'im aside.

Cause they only thrive on fear!
What a ride. Where did all that come from.
Willard Wells Oct 2015
her skin so soft
like a porcelain doll.
dark eyes cast down
in shy repose.

hair long and fine
to my touch.
Arms reaching out
to draw me near.

to feel her touch
and hold her close,
making my life
full and complete.

My China Doll!
Willard Wells Oct 2015
Milk, semi and white
flour, sugar, eggs and then beat
yum cookie taste treat
Goof for the day
Willard Wells Dec 2015
A knock on the door
and a package is received
unexpected since it's for me.

Lover from the past
sending a sweet treat to me,
mixed with a bit of love.

Many years ago
my fathers favorite treat
for the holidays to be complete.

Only a box of chocolate drops
that bring tears to my eyes,
as memories of my dad, flood my mind.
Willard Wells Dec 2015
A Christmas text
the only choice
to a long lost voice.

Loving her so dear,
a child so missed,
I try to send a Christmas wish.

As sweet words inked
the message link,
I felt proud to share my love of her.

About three lines were on the text
just as I write this down
and I burst in tears,
memories rushing back.

I hope she hears
or reads my words,
and knows my love.

I can take anything
she may bring to me,
cause any pain I feel,
is to not see her.
I always ask for a Christmas gift. I believe, I believe.
Willard Wells Dec 2015
I have nothing to wish
for Christmas cheer
as the world is in tears.

The only thing I will ask
and wish for you and for me
is peace around the world.

For all humanity.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Winter Solstice, ***-hi Day ,Hanukkah , d al-Adha , Kwanzaa.

I am sure I have missed some cultural, ethnic and religious celebrations at this time of year. But the idea I want to express and project is we are all humans no matter what and I wish you all the best and peace and happiness in your present and or future life.

God Bless and Peace Out.
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