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  Aug 2015 Sue
If only memories were like the ink of a pen.

They'd start to change
From jet black to grey
Until they'd completely
Fade away...
// I wouldn't mind that change.
I wouldn't mind at all! //
  Aug 2015 Sue
I've written 64 poems about you.
Let this be the last.
I plead and I beg you,
Become a thing of my past.

If you love me
Then leave me
Like you left me before,
When you left me for dead on our ***-tainted floor.

Get out, get out of my brain and my head,
Out from under my skin and the sheets of my bed.

I'm not asking for our memories to be all erased,
Just asking to ease the pain of lovesick and daze.
I'm asking for my thoughts to be clear of this haze,
And to find love easier than in the paths of this maze.

Is it too much to ask to come down from your high?
To remove the imprint of handprint from my hideous thigh?
To fall down from something which once made me fly?
This rhyme scheme's a mess and I can only guess why.
It symbolises the chaotic and desperate tears that I cry.
And I cry off my makeup only to reapply
Mascara tears that give me another black eye.
And I cry and I cry till my eyes are run dry.
Want to know something else I hate about I?
I said this is the last but I know that's a lie.
I promise I'm going to stop writing repetitive poems about love and relationships soon...
  Aug 2015 Sue
Kimberly Rose
I swear to God, I could be the best **** thing you have ever had.
I want nothing more than to drink coffee with you while tangled in sheets and to grab your hand while it is still warm from the cup, and feel it wrap around my small and dainty fingers. I want your bare skin against mine in the most innocent way. I want to stain your cheeks, hands, and lips with the prints of my favorite shade of lipstick. I want to dance around the living room and laugh as we trip over our own shoes because God knows we were both cursed with two left feet. I want you to be the one that fills the empty void that has been created by all of those that have run away in the past, taking with which they have touched. I want to listen to your heartbeat until it becomes my favorite lullaby. I want to find adventure with you in something as simple as going to the grocery store. I want to fall in love with you the same way I fell in love with the moon when I was only ten years old. I want to hear I love you’s in the tune of your voice so many times that I begin to believe it. I want to make your hair a mess while doing the opposite with your life. I want to be the lucky one that gets to kiss your neck and hold you close when you’re silently falling apart. I want to show you that the sparkle in your eyes shines brighter in my world than any star in the sky hanging above our love-drunk heads.
Just kiss my cheek and twirl my hair while I write poems and novels and love songs about the ******* beauty of your existence.
  Aug 2015 Sue
Forgotten Heart
Now that
You are gone,
don't expect me
To miss you,
To wipe and weep,
To cry and yearn
For you....

You are gone
And that's it,
No worries
No tears
No missings

I don't  want
To hold on to you
If we are meant to be
We will never be
You are gone forever
and that is so real
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