the life in the body thrives on realization,
of the path the minds workings define
what our hands and eyes seek
our destiny set into motion
while the heart lingers to reveal
its joy, cares and feelings
the opportunity of growth our path the rewards
hope dreams spontaneity of life teachings
revealing our full understanding of desires
our nature yearning to be released
from the grip of Earth survival
to live in spirit of love to know
our future to hold power over our destiny
to rule by love,power or greed to inflict our seeds
onto others demanding our way of being
this our chosen life released onto the living realm
Earth in the milky-way galaxy
traveling 1 million miles each and every day
thru the Universe a collection of elements
when joined produce life a meaning
protect the planet let us thrive
like the busy bees we are
rule your being you only know what you know
thrive.....gjmars 5/12