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I have come to accept that things will change, no matter how much we try that from happening. In that process sometimes we loose ourselves trying to remain the same but this is part of evolution and growth. I am willing to accept that there are doors and paths that I must leave behind. We must be willing to accept not only the change around but the one within us. When we accept what we have the veil from our eyes and the chains in our heart will dissapear. Life will become less heavy since we are the ones that make it hard. Learn, trascend and love
A bruma carnívora e ameaçadora
Enreda cousas furiosas, degrada os rios
Em histerismo tortuoso dos campos sombrios
No relógio que encrava a besta afora

O sangue regela, crânio funéreo estoura
Entoando cânticos gemedores aos navios
Retumba meus cabelos em ais bravios
Como cristal,  febril, uma vigília fria e aterradora

Vazeia o corpo anêmico morto sob rapistro
Aos paradoxais lábios, bela vastidão complexa
Docemente sangra e chora ferida ao medo

Ó eterna! Esbravejando um fulgor sinistro
Na dualidade catastrófica da quimera desconexa
Falta às florestas como fruto que desvai cedo
 May 2018 Victor Marques
when i was 7 i cracked my head open with glass
and blood covered my head
i didn't go to the hospital
i didn't even tell anyone

i never saw the glass really coming
it happened in just a split second
i hardly even felt it
it stung
but i was too worried about the glass
and how i was going to clean it
before my parents came home
my mom always liked to keep her house clean
so i had to pick it up

when i was 13
my best friend had her first heartbreak
i was doing homework
because i was so behind
but she called me crying
and asked if she could come over
i held her for two hours
while she sobbed into my sweatshirt
and when she left
i didn't even get a thank you

i try so hard to make everyone feel content and happy
then sit in my room
and wonder why i'm so sad
but it's because
all i do is bleed for people
and they never even hand me a bandaid
As I opened my eyes
I realized my body was aching
I felt empty
Like there was a hole through my chest
I could feel the air passing through
I remember all the empty words
That came out from your mouth
You gave me all the warnings
But I never cared to acknowledge
Everything coming out from you
Sounded so angelic
You took me to heaven
With every "Hello"
It is surprising
That you pushed me away
Though who am I kidding
It is my fault for being so naive
I should've not let you gaze
Through the pages of
The book I'm still writting
Regret is not for me
But if there's something I do regret
Is not taking things slower
Not reading the signs better
I felt blessed with every second of your presence
Now i feel cursed with every second of your absence
I am so thankful
For the attention
That you gave me
To me
It meant everything
To me
It was real.
El mundo llora
Estamos ciegos
El mundo llora
Y su llanto
No se nota
Por la sequia
Los recursos se terminan
Y no prestamos atencion
El mundo llora
El hambre crece
El cambio apenas pasa
Pero no es suficiente
El mundo llora
El calentamiento aumenta
Las cosas se incendian
Y para cuando actuemos
Talvez sea muy tarde
El mundo llora y ami me duele
Porque nadie lo quiere ver
El mundo llora
Y la gente se preocupa mas por encajar en la sociedad
Que por la tierra cuidar
El mundo llora
Y yo lloro con el
Este es nuestro hogar
Nadie no lo arrebata
Nosotros lo destruimos
El mundo llora
Y nosotros somos la causa
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