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F/Malta    Merħba u grazzi, prosit kollha tax-xogħol sabieħ.
18/F    An 18 year old wanna be poet wishes to have her words heard and felt .Poetry gives her a sense of individuality and purpose that …
Jeremy Betts
42/M/Washington State   
28/F/United Kingdom    Passionate but nervous. A writer in heart and spirit. I'm someone who wants to find their way in the world, and try to do what …
34/M/South Africa    If you want to pit your wits in battle or in poetry against the best all poems composed and written by faizel farzee
🇸🇬    Wield them proud for they are your own. Words are yours to cast in stone. Unsheathe them with reason and rhyme. Reveal them so they …
John Destalo
55/M/Harrisburg, PA    I am human. I consider myself an expressionist. I explore through my words what it is to be human. I try to create depth through …
Imran Islam
31/M/🍁✓Lure Pot ✓🍁    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
40/F    I write to keep me from going insane....
20/Cisgender Female/Fort Wayne, Indiana    Writing is the nourishment of my soul!

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