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Apr 2020 · 320
What's stopping you?
Valerie Apr 2020
The empty plastic packet escapes its captor and runs down the street
Disappearing with the wind.
The horizon comes alive as trees sway with abandon.
The lone blackbird is seen hastily making its way back home.
That’s when I feel it.
The first drop,
Singeing my cheek,
Languidly making it’s way to my chin.
I look upto the sky for the first time.
Angry grey clouds veiling the sun stare back at me.
They seem desperate for release.
But something more powerful seems to be holding them back.
What is it?
What’s stopping them from unleashing sheets of rain
that will slide down from above
Hit the concrete and jump into a puddle?
“What’s stopping you?” I ask out loud
Chin tilted upwards, lips parted, eyes impatiently flitting across the scene above
I await a response.
For the longest time the clouds don’t reply
The tendons in my neck start to ache and I begin to look down
That’s when I hear it
The faintest sound whispering
At first the words seem too quiet, too incoherent
But they start to get louder, clearer
Those sounds become words that string together in a singular sentence that suffuses my being.
“You, are stopping us.”
Feb 2018 · 209
Dead Lines
Valerie Feb 2018
Do I feel like a disappointment?
Every ******* day!
Waking up in the morning
Making determined promises.
One video becomes two
And two become fifty.
Before I know it the day breaks
And so do my promises.
Dec 2017 · 670
Yellow Hope
Valerie Dec 2017
The sensation of thick honey
Gliding down your throat,
Enveloping your tongue in
A heavy, smooth numbness that warms your buds,
Dissolving into sweet ecstasy.

The smell of rain
Soaking into parched soil,
Tingling your nostrils,
Tickling your senses,
Encompassing you with inexplicable calmness.

The sound of water
Fervently gushing over grainy, crusty rocks,
Pacifying the unruly boulders with relentless patience,
Accompanied by snippets of birdsong.

Holding up your face
To the warmth of the sun,
On a chilly afternoon
Enhanced with the fresh, toasty fragrance of trees,
Closing your eyes,
Surrendering yourself to bliss.

Crushing fresh fruit,
With ruthless power,
Vibrant juice oozing,
Trickling down your hands,
Creating streams of colourful rivulets.

— The End —