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Last night, I fell apart.
I woke up blanketed in sodden ash,
Tears saturated into the eruption's fallout
The proximity of crackling fire assaulting my senses,
I was still angry.

I felt intoxicated, drunk on words never said
But the ones that were spoken lay spiked into my head
Partners apart, but strangers together
The hawks are gone in my life, but you can still find the feathers

Questions slicing through my mind
I run away from stormy brine
These tears that fall, I think you know
Have haunted me since long ago

Buried in formaldehyde
These skeletons reflect our inside
The secrets that we made to keep
Take me before I fall asleep

Though you're my fixer and my mess
The walls echo with you less and less
I fear it's not you running from me
I'm forgetting what we used to be
"You want them when they don't want you,
Soon as they do, feelings change"
Is it Love?
There is this feeling
I get in my stomach
a certain person is around
part of me
Tries to close myself off
from the pain
of rejection
but the other part of me
opens up to let them in
will they see...
my dying inner glow of a heart
and try to fix it?
Make it bright and beautiful again
will they see
a week, pathetic, little girl
and throw her away...

Is it love?
or is it fear?
We fight the pain
Of our own
We fight the rain
Of the stones

We fight until our last bone breaks
We fight until the last one cries
We fight until victory we take
We fight until our enemy dies

We will fight on
On until there are none left to fight
We will fight on
Through even the coldest nights

We have fought many battles
But more still await
Many more bones will be rattled
But still, we will stay

As it gets cold
We won't stand alone
We stand bold
Chilled to the bone

As it gets dark
We won't be afraid
We will keep our heart
And stow it away

Out of enemy sight
Our hearts will be
At the highest height
Tall stand we

As it gets hard
We won't give in
We will walk far
Let out bones get thin

As it gets late
We won't sleep
We will keep a steady rate
Let the hills get steep

I won't back down
I won't give in
I will stand proud
I will live
Currently contemplating the meaning of what he told me.
Left in a state of eternal confusion.
Tirelessly I seek not to control but to tame.
The look in his eyes is blank.
His unblinking eyes make me paranoid.
I wait for a reaction that never comes.
My hand reaches out to touch, his body is cold, like ice.
The man I love, frozen in an eternal state.
Soon he shall awaken, to reign  in his rightful place at my side, him as my King and husband, and I as his Queen and wife.
Until then I shall wait for his return.
Eternally and inevitably.
If I jump,
will you save me?
If I run into traffic,
will you be there to push me out of the way?
If I am alone in an alley,
will you protect me?
If I was locked in a tower,
would you be my night in shining armor,
rescue me,
and share true love's kiss?
Will you be my prince,
and I your princess?
If I was kidnapped by pirates,
would you save me?
If you save me,
will you let me save you in return?
Who is this person in the mirror I see?
I have come so far, thought I was so strong.
The truth is I've just fed myself a lie for too long.
What is the purpose,
Of being young,
If we just waste it.
What is the purpose,
Of having a life,
If we refuse to live it.
What is the purpose,
Of having a heart,
If we are scared to hurt it.
What is the purpose,
Of going on an adventure,
If we don't take the time to experience it.

— The End —