I'm spirialing faster and faster
I need to rid the demons that are taking over my head
Please call over a priest or a pastor!
DeNts dEnTs...three dents in my car
If only I looked behind me
My mind had traveled too far
One bite...just one bite
I want to eat but my brain always puts up a fight
One, two, three,oh God theres more,four five, six
STOP COUNTING!!...the lines....red lines
I cant hold it back anymore!
Drip,drip, drip...tears stream down my face
I shouldve been there for you
I was the one to put u in this place
The world is black, the world is good
Cover my eyes and rock in place
Just like an unstable person would
Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap
It's not working, I need my headphones
I open the plastic ....the sharp plastic
Pressing my finger to the point
The pains feels good.....
I put on my headphones
"They are empty, they are worn
Tell me what we built this for
On my way to something more
You're that one I can't ignore!!!
I'm gonna miss you
I still care
Sometimes I wish we never built this palace but real love is never a waste of time."
Close my eyes and listen .....
But they're are still pouring
Through tears is the only way the world finally glistens
Red ....red...I see red
I see blue eyes
I dig my nails into my thighs
to remind myself I'm not dead
My 1 yr old niece crys
and for a brief second I'm out of my head and I can actually stand up and try
Try to be normal, try to hold it in
But when I am alone once more
My depression once again lets panic and anxiety come in