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South by Southwest
Trussville , Alabama    Writing poetry for over fifty years
Jme Love
44/F/Cloud9    I think. I feel. I write. Sometimes i share sometimes i dont. Im no different than anyone else. Just trying to make it in a …
Alex Teng
31/M/Singapore    Lost child constantly creating shell and barriers in front of others to avoid being called out for being weak emotionally. Trying to find inner peace …
I never saw a moor, I never saw the sea; Yet know I how the heather looks, And what a wave must be. I never …
21/F/India    “Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn” - Thomas Gray
29/M/Southern Ca    college degree, single, no kids. HOBBIES: books, guitar, health nut, travel.
Orange Rose
24/F/Under a Willow Tree    The works found on this page are my own works unless they are found in a collection, or are stated as such. Comments welcome, plagiarizers …
Tiana Marie
19/F    Literature is a symphony, and we read it for the same reason we listen to music: it makes us feel something.
28/F/everywhere else   

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