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 Nov 2014 Ugo
People like you always fascinate me.
Mercurial, distant, unfathomable, sometimes harsh,
You remind me of cold waves crashing on cliffs-
Separate, guarded, a depth so icy it calls, hypnotic,
At once the grasping fingers of a brutal undertow,-
And the punishing fists of the swells that batter the rocks,-
"Stay away,
Violence and gentleness wrapped up together.
Are you lonely in there?
I wonder if an ocean swirls beneath your skin,
If the pent up power of it ever presses out and strangles you,
Demanding a freedom your bones cannot give.
Sometimes I see you staring out at the rain.
I don't mean to, but I pause and study your profile silhouetted
And for a moment I think I recognize the look on your face-
A longing for that kind of release,
A private, hushed need I've felt in myself a thousand times when the clouds have broken and flung rain at the earth.
A craving so heavy and urgent it becomes a wound, precious but aching.
The silver of the sky got all caught in your eyes today for the barest second, and I knew I was right to search your face for pain:
I've rarely seen a storm reach inside a person like that and grab hold.
I tried not to intrude, not to witness it, but...
You were so still, gazing out into the cold.
So isolated, so contained.
You strike poses like a cut stone, almost hostile, almost fragile-
"Do not lay hands on me.
They will leave no mark,
They will find no purchase.
They will change
When I look at you, motionless as a marble statue [if just as chiseled]
I can't help but think of every time I've ever truly suffered,
How it stilled me,
How the more chaos roiled in my veins the more the little humanities of me slipped away-
Breath, blinking, the fidgets and shrugs and sighs that make life apparent-
Until I may as well have been made of porcelain,
Brittle and hard and
I wonder what turns you to stone.
Pain? Wariness? Apathy?
When I see you, arms crossed, face closed,
I look at your eyes
And they reach.
As the rest of you presses into itself, crushed into hard lines by a mesmerizing desire
To push the world away,
Your eyes betray something slight inside of you that seems to ache for contact, for escape.
It is that part of you that bids me look.
That little, desperate glimmer of yearning that makes you a hurricane on the sea,
A wild, frustrated, chaotic force of nature
Barely held inside a marble body.
You're like a play, did you know?
Caught in amber, caught in ice,
The push and pull equal, opposite,
And tragic
Because they are impossibly and flawlessly matched.
It is this tension that makes you beautiful,
Not your sculpted face or smooth chest:
I can never be certain if you feel trapped by the very loveliness that brings things to you,
More vast than it allows you to be
And more complex.
I know only that when my porcelain lips clinked against your marble ones,
I recognized you
As something a little bit like me.
Title is a quote from T. S. Eliot's The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock.
 Nov 2013 Ugo
Abbie Argo
every man is a drop
of salt water
in the great body
of humanity

(land is far too sure
too solid
to ever be equated
to any man)

we simply move
with the moon
and burn
the unguarded eyes
of those who dare
come near

(there are creatures below
our surface that one dare
not try and discover
they may eat you alive)

but oh, how beautiful we are
from a distance
tranquil and endless
 Oct 2013 Ugo
The sun masks the darkness of the earth,
just as her beauty masks the darkness of her soul,
blinded by the light, she cowers away in fear of reality,
******* the life out of her by rejecting what's true.
There is no balance that she seeks,
heavy shadows are cast over her eyes,
blocking the world from seeing her soul,
refusing to let in the light.
She let's herself be free,
takes off her clothes to be caressed by gloom,
dances by herself with ease,
and in the dark, illuminates.
Without the light she learns her way,
finds herself within her soul,
sees what's true, blindness succumbed,
she has become completely devoted to darkness.
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Victoria LaRochelle
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Victoria LaRochelle
Times are tough and thoughts are dim,
aren't you glad you yelled at him?
He spends his time with brooding thoughts
and forgets the things he once was taught.

He likes the way he spends his time,
Is that really such a crime?
Just let him be, he'll be fine.
He has this big heart of mine.
 Jul 2013 Ugo
/ deux
 Jul 2013 Ugo
sweetheart, what have you done to us?
you may have broken me
I've enough pain to last the rest of my life
all that's left to linger is meek wind through my wild hair
you used to call me lover
and now the sunshine doesn't touch my skin
and my cursive is just as sloppy as my thoughts of you

sweetheart, strangers watch us through the night while we're sleeping
poets have a certain touch of sadness in their eyes,
a certain touch of sadness that only another poet could understand
my violet lips taunt draw nearer
the sapphire in my eyes warn keep your distance

you want to hear the words that separate whom I was to who I am
but darling, it's not that simple
I prefer to dream in silence
there's a past I've never known and it reels me to this same place of
searching without finding, of lonesome noon's of writing

We made love in your car once
on the rooftop of a thirteen-story parking structure in Los Angeles city
the faint smell of liquor warm on your breath
the full look of night-sky ablaze in your eyes
you mended my skin with soft parted lips
sewing my wounds shut one kiss at a time

It’s been six months since and now I sit here, alone
in the parking lot of a train station some miles away from town
observing the dismiss and arrive of lives I'll never get to be a part of
my insides are still bleeding just as much as that night in the city
when you held my naked skin in your mending arms
/ /
sweetheart, you used to call me lover
when I didn't know what love meant
 Jul 2013 Ugo
from afar their judgement is pronounced,
their foes enmassed,
as their woes crawles to them.
Ensnared in rageous mobbing.

No attention given,
Brutally abased at fraternities delight,
Blood splitting,
Blood gushing,
sands soaks in blood,
as of mud from heavy downpour,
fraternities yelling,mobs cheering.
As their lynching delights them all.

No saviour!
No mercy!
They rants in accord,
from their chamber miserable voices screams.
Only but whispers heard,
in cold fatique voices.
One said i am
not guilty!
another said we
only came
to collect what
he owed me!
Another said i
live in heaven
where milk and
honey flows
i lack nothing,i
am innocent
another said
i paid my
tuition,i paid my
dues i am

In cold blooded,
lynched them

their hell fire
came to them
they were burnt
they were
as of unwanted
oh! Aluu what
have you done?!
Who were those
innocent 4 you
Don't you know
the pain of
mothers labour
at birth?!
They are not
different from
they feel pain!
they feel torture!
they feel torment!
wont you
scream if i club
won't you flee if
i burn you fire?!

They sought to
they sought to
they pled for
but you were
their miserable
You were there
foes ragging in
woes massacre!!!
The boys were
your children
they were your
oh! Merciless
What have you
done to the
futures untold?
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Katelyn Knapp
I miss the call to prayer of my heroes town
The slow, mournful, writhing rings
that reach toward the black-cloaked beauties with
heads bowed over their smiling eyes

His voice trills and bows
And I remember the chills it sent up my spine to hear the intensity and sense the powerful devotion
that one man
one voice
one word can bring.

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