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Oct 2024 · 43
Love is
shedoom Oct 2024
Love is
the cool breeze tickling the tip of the nose
turning it rosy on a hushed winter morning

love is fire raging passionately through the
terrain in great stirring chaos

love is the steady billow of the bullfrog and
the sweet chirping of crickets rising together
in the swelling symphony of the swamp

love is the guttural boom of war
and the shrill cries left behind

love is what remains in wake of the storm
love is.
Oct 2024 · 62
Ode to nature
shedoom Oct 2024
Oh, Nature!
I am eternally mesmerized by your alluring elegance and many intricacies.
The radiance of your sunrise never ceases to leave me in great awe.
The sun soars over the sky scattering shimmering shades of pink and gold,
clouds of all soft and subtle shapes cascade and stretch across the landscape,
as dew drops drip over lush greenery onto the forest floor.

The many trees of your forest stand as strong as a great army, protecting a
truly marvelous kingdom of biodiversity under its canopy.
Your forest floors are a rich tapestry with each layer telling a story.
Trees and shrubs dance harmoniously with the wind.
Flowers stretch up with the grace and elegance of a ballerina.

Your rivers rush rapidly inspiring freedom and adventure for all to see.
Fish swim up crystal blue streams fighting the currents strong pull as
rocks are smoothed by the rush, weathering to the riverbanks everchanging shape.
Your lakes shimmer like glittering topaz as their surfaces mirror breathtaking landscapes.
Your oceans are vast expanses of blue that stretch out as far as the eye can see.

All of your water is carried as a beacon of life to the ends of this breathtaking planet.
Thick white clouds hang heavily in the heavens carrying rain, sleet, and snow.
Snowflakes descend dancing through the air in a flurry of soft kisses covering
your majestic mountain peaks and the deep valleys below them.
Your mountains stand watch like silent giants as old as time.

Even your deserts that might seem barren and desolate are bursting with charm.
Staggering dunes roll under the blazing sun as the air quivers from the extreme temperatures.
Cacti add lively bursts of shape and color to the monochromatic desert landscape.
A glittering oasis stands as a sparkling haven amidst the dunes.
Palm trees sway gently in the breeze as their leaves provide shade from the smoldering heat.

At any given time, a Blizzard fiercely rips through a forest in a great symphony of swirling snowflakes.
A Tornado relentlessly twists and tears through a town leaving destruction in its wake.
A Tsunami is like a colossal machine, bulldozes over a beach with the force of a great leviathan.
An Earthquake causes the tectonic plates to grit and grind until the very foundations of the earth begin to tear apart violently and convulse.
A hurricane like an enormous blender of chaos swirls and turns earth and trees with great ferocity leaving nothing unscathed.

And still in your bayou by a riverbank the only sound to be heard is the soft swish of the cypress trees.
The swamps waters are undisturbed remaining as still as a painting frozen in time.
And the sun sinks below the horizon with the same radiance at your sunset.

— The End —