works harder than i do
is stronger
obviously, vastly more experienced
that comes with the territory
"you get raise?"
hell yeah! $2
"that nice, they only give me ¢0.60."
"yea, ¢0.60 and they give you $2. i work here 15 years and i only make $1.60 more. how should i feel?"
i would feel insulted. to give that much of your life.
"yes, exactly. so you tell me max, what should i do?"
i don't know Jay! i understand completely where you're coming from, i would feel the same in your position. do you want $1.40 from me? seriously, i'll gladly give it to you. you tell me what you want to do
that we cannot change a thing
from where we stand
that i cannot change a thing today
from where i stand
and it kills me