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clmathew Feb 2021
written February 15th, 2021

the chameleon
in finding vibrant
to reflect on his
taking on one's
until the next calls like a
the beauty of each uniquely

until there is the inevitable
no one to love
for the reflection on his skin of


clmathew Feb 2021
~I look at the buds still wrapped
on the ripening kernels. I want
to be in there, unhatched and unpolished.

—Shirley Kaufman, "Poem in November", Gift of Tongues

Death's wings
written January 10th, 2021

The Angel Death
wraps his wings around me
I feel him there
when I stop suddenly
Death's wings
jostling around me
settling into place.

He holds his breath
so I won't have that proof
of his presence
or any other
reassurance in this life.

Are his wings protection?
or curse?
Their silence wrapped around
is my well known company
these many years
Death's wings my comfort in life.
I wrote this while reading a bunch of gritty urban fantasy. It is fun to try on different things. The poetry that I post as inspiration, is part of my poem also. I love that I am writing again! Thank you for reading me!
clmathew Feb 2021
written January 20th, 2021

"I've always been lucky," he says,
standing at his gate
talking to me on this dirt road,
"I survived an inoperable brain tumor, cancer
and they took one of my lungs,
but I had 2, so I'm fine.
Always been lucky."

He turns back to his home and dogs
rolling the gate shut behind him.

I am left to wonder
how does fate dispense luck?
Who gets it? What type? How much?

Is it years served?
arrests made?
women loved?
children raised?
dogs cared for and buried?

I sit in my car and watch him walk
through the trees to the house he built
with plenty of room to turn around in

I see the inexorable path
the luck dispensed and choices made
that has brought him to this moment
he and his dogs
at the end of this dirt road.

If he could choose different luck
would he?
this man who has always been lucky.
This might be my only poem about someone I actually know. I took poetic license with a few details. Sometimes I try to paint pictures, and this might be a picture that only I can see. I probably haven't shared enough for others to see it, but then that's poems isn't it? I write, and you take what you do from it. Through the lens of your own life.

I asked my friend if I could post this, and he said yes. We haven't talked about it yet, but I suspect that he would say he wouldn't change anything. I think most of us know, we can choose the next step on the path, but not where the path ends.
clmathew Feb 2021
~You hear
yourselves in them
self after self
when I leave, I leave
alone, as I came.

—Denise Levertov, "Poet and Person", Gift of Tongues

Poems and people
started January 30th, 2021

Each morning I arrive
into this world anew
with a sigh and a memory
of day before day
self before self
that has tried to take up
permanent residence in this body
each one feeling right
until one morning it isn't.

This is my record of
poems and people
page after page after page.

At the end of the day
each one perches
on the edge of the night
to fly away alone into the dark.

I sleep and wait
to see who will arrive
with the morning.
It's confusing enough for me. I wonder what it's like for the few who know me well enough to also get caught in it.
clmathew Feb 2021
~Enter now,
O bird on the green branch of the dying tree, singing
Sing me toward home;
Toward the deep past and inalienable loss:
Toward the gone stranger carrying my name
In the possible future

—Thomas McGrath, "Part One", Letter to an Imaginary Friend

Snowing up north
Started February 2nd, 2021

They say it is snowing up north
And I am back walking
over the roads I grew up on
the crunch of the snow
sings me home

past the fields
waiting spring planting
fence lines stretching off into the horizon

across the front yard
always needing mowing
now winter gives reprieve

up the front steps
mother's petunias growing riotously
ghosts from summers past

my fingers brush the doorbell
cats never learned to ring
now forever silent

I open the front door
and go into my memories
stepping on the black slate entryway

I wonder if his coat
is already in the closet or if
everyone is waiting for him to get home

in the kitchen
the table is set
the hot tea ready

maybe this is the time
everything will be properly arranged
each talisman in the proper place

so the ghosts who live here
will finally have
the longed for peaceful night

all of us keeping company
in these memories
that sing us home.
Childhoods can be complicated. It wasn't all bad, but I usually wish it would stay in the past. Then something reminds me, and I find memories I hadn't thought about since I left that home so long ago, like that black slate entryway.
clmathew Feb 2021
With each poem
written February 4th, 2021

I write
the same poem
again and again.

There are
slightly different words
but it is always

the entirety of my life
that I write
with each poem.
Third try is the charm? I've typed this in 3 times, and gotten an error message each time. The site has been doing this to me lately. I'm not sure what the problem is. Other sites seem to be fine.

Last night I had this thought, and I thought I should write it down, then I went to sleep. This morning I knew there had been something I was thinking. It took me a while to find it again.
  Feb 2021 clmathew
South City Lady
perhaps we are really
only jagged landscapes
mired in pain
disclosing our truths
inside the caverns
of written words
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