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Aug 15 · 20
yndnmncnll Aug 15
This year I met the most broken version of my self

The most pitiful version of my soul

And at the same time the bravest, strongest version of my well being
Aug 15 · 53
yndnmncnll Aug 15
You don't have to rub salt in my wounds
Say it to my face
Stand my feet on the ground
Leave my place without a trace

Move on, forget them
Condemn them, or be solemn
For they only gave me misery
Instead of love and mercy

I came back but ran away afterwards
Feeling scared, like the deer in the headlights
I see flashing signs, but it was what I thought it was
But isn't she lovely
Isn't she pretty

What does a pretty girl like you feel
Oh behind that pretty smile, hides the darkest secrets I was afraid to tell
Oh no one wants to know
But I'm too intrigued to show
Hey, I know, I thought it will only take me a while
I felt like I'm dying inside

Mask my pain, only anger remains
Leave thy past behind, they've been blind
But too foolish to mind
Mind games play thy minds
One wants to turn a blind eye, and a numb death
Makes me bleed, make them repent
Hollows are deadly, poison ivy
Sep 2023 · 198
unbothered bitch
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
Unbothered, fierce, and standing tall,
A force of nature, never to fall,
In a world that tests and tries to pitch,
Here's to the unbothered, the fearless *****.

With confidence that cannot be swayed,
They navigate life, unapologetically made,
Through trials and storms, they simply switch,
To a higher gear, the unbothered *****.

Critics may whisper, and haters may glare,
But they rise above, beyond compare,
For in self-love's sanctuary, they've found their niche,
Embracing their power, the unbothered *****.

They're not defined by others' words or view,
In their own skin, they proudly ensue,
Unshaken, unbroken, they fiercely hitch,
Their destiny's wagon, the unbothered *****.

So let them inspire, let them be your guide,
To live life fully, with nothing to hide,
In their audacious footsteps, you can enrich,
Your own path to freedom, unapologetically which.

Unbothered they stand, a symbol so strong,
In this world where battles can be so long,
With hearts of fire and spirits that twitch,
Here's to the unapologetic, the unbothered *****.
Sep 2023 · 255
Raining in Kidapawan
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In Kidapawan, where mountains kiss the sky,
Under palm tree shade, as time passes by,
Rain falls gently, a soothing lullaby,
In Kidapawan, where dreams learn to fly.

Raining in Kidapawan, a nature's sweet embrace,
Each drop on the roof, a tender, soft grace,
In Mindanao's heart, in this special place,
Kidapawan's memories, like a warm embrace.

In the air, earth's scent mingles with bloom,
Kidapawan's spirit, dispelling all gloom,
Rain's a blessing, in its tears we assume,
Love in this town, forever will bloom.

Lake Agco's warmth, Asik-Asik's cascade,
Kidapawan's secrets, in nature displayed,
In showers and sun, in every life trade,
Kidapawan's beauty will never fade.

In farms and fields, where farmers sow,
Kidapawan's spirit, in every crop they grow,
In the rain's rhythm, dreams continue to flow,
In this land of promise, where stories glow.

Raining in Kidapawan, nature's sweet refrain,
On rooftops, it sings, like a soothing summer rain,
In the heart of Mindanao, where memories remain,
In Kidapawan's embrace, joys and sorrows, we'll sustain.

So in Kidapawan's rhythm, our hearts confide,
Where rain and love dance, side by side,
In Kidapawan's embrace, forever we'll bide,
Raining in Kidapawan, our spirits tied.
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
I'm a single lady, in the spotlight's glow,
Heart unattached, ready to let go,
I stand tall, I shine so bright,
In the middle of the stage, under the neon light.

No partner beside me, I own the stage,
Writing my story, turning the page,
With confidence and grace, I take the floor,
Single and fabulous, that's for sure.

I don't need a hand to hold,
I've got a fire that's burning bold,
Independent and strong, I stand alone,
In the center of the spotlight, I've grown.

I'll savor this moment, it won't last forever,
Single or not, I'll endeavor,
To live my life with passion and might,
In the middle of the spotlight's radiant light.

Single lady, fierce and free,
Dancing through life, just being me,
I'm the star of my own show tonight,
Single lady, in the spotlight's light.

So here I am, center stage, it's my time to shine,
Single and fabulous, embracing what's mine,
In the spotlight's embrace, I'll ignite,
Single lady, unstoppable, burning so bright.
Sep 2023 · 567
Single at the moment
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the spotlight, I stand alone,
No partner to call my own,
But I'm loving this time, I'm free,
Living life just for me.

I've got my friends by my side,
With them, I'll take this wild ride,
No heartaches, no tears to cry,
Just laughter and dreams up high.

I'm not searching for love, it'll find its way,
I'm living my life, day by day,
No rush, no worries, I'm in my prime,
Single at the moment, and it feels just fine.

I'm building my empire, chasing my dreams,
No limitations, no boundaries, it seems,
Every day's an adventure, I'm on my own track,
Single and strong, there's no looking back.

I'm single at the moment, feeling so alive,
No commitments, no need to hide,
I dance through the night, under the stars so bright,
Single and thriving, yeah, that's my vibe

So here's to the singles, wherever you roam,
Embrace this time, make it your own,
Life's a journey, let your spirit ignite,
Single at the moment, shining so bright.
Sep 2023 · 83
hues of life.
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the palette of life, colors come alive,
Each shade tells a story, let's take a dive.
Red like the fire of passion's embrace,
A love so intense, it lights up the space.

Blue, like the ocean, so deep and so vast,
In the waves of our journey, love's built to last.
Yellow, like sunshine, on a clear summer's day,
In laughter and joy, we find our own way.

Green, like the earth, it symbolizes growth,
In the nurturing love, we take each oath.
Purple, like royalty, a love that's refined,
In the depths of our hearts, it's there we find.

Orange, like the sunset, a warm, gentle glow,
In moments of peace, love's true colors show.
Pink, like a rose, in its delicate grace,
In love's tender touch, we find our safe place.

All the colors of the world, in life and love,
A kaleidoscope of feelings, from below to above.
With every hue, a different tale unfolds,
In the canvas of our hearts, these stories are told.

In this world of colors, where love's the theme,
May our hearts be a rainbow, a vibrant dream.
With every shade, a different love story we'll weave,
In the tapestry of life, where our hearts believe.
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In a world of vessels, long and winding they roam,
Hypertension, a silent threat in every home.
Blood pressure, it rises, a force hard to resist,
A condition demanding attention, not to be missed.

But hidden beneath, in the adrenal's secret lair,
Lies hyperaldosteronism, a tale quite rare.
Aldosterone's excess, like a river uncontrolled,
Sodium retained, and potassium's hold unfolds.

Hypertension, the villain, in this dual dance they play,
As aldosterone's excess, blood pressure does sway.
Yet diagnosis is key, for treatment to take flight,
Medications and lifestyle, to keep it just right.

So heed the warning signs, let not your health dismiss,
For hypertension and hyperaldosteronism, they persist.
With knowledge and care, in this journey, we find,
The power to manage, a healthier state of mind.
Sep 2023 · 67
time fades
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In realms where time is but a drifting tide,
There lies a dream where we never did divide,
Perhaps in another life, a different place,
We'd find our love, a new and boundless space.

In that alternate world, fate took a different stance,
We shared a dance, a timeless romance,
Our souls entwined in a different rhyme,
A love so deep, it transcends all time.

Maybe in another life, our paths aligned,
In the tapestry of destiny, beautifully designed,
Our hearts, they'd beat in perfect sync,
In a love story, without a missing link.

In this life, we may have walked apart,
But in the next, we'd never depart,
Through the sands of time, we'd always strive,
To find each other in another life.

So in this world, where our paths may not entwine,
I'll cherish the memories of a love divine,
And hope that in the universe's grand scheme,
In another life, you'll still be my dream.
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In twilight's hush, 'twas a fateful day,
Where realms of shadow and night gave way,
I sought my soulmate, lost and unseen,
Between the underworld and netherworld's sheen.

With courage as my lantern, I strode forth,
Into realms where mystery and darkness clothe,
For deep within those ethereal lands,
I'd find the love that destiny commands.

In the underworld, where shadows wove,
A tapestry of secrets, a dance of love,
I glimpsed your eyes, a radiant gleam,
A soul as vibrant as the poet's dream.

And in the netherworld's enigmatic sphere,
I heard your laughter, so crystal clear,
A melody of the heart, so pure and sweet,
In this mystical place, where two hearts would meet.

Hand in hand, we ventured through,
These realms unknown, so strange and true,
Our souls entwined, a cosmic dance,
Finding love in this mystical expanse.

In the twilight between dark and light,
We found each other, our hearts took flight,
A soulmate's bond, so rare and divine,
In the mystical meeting of your soul and mine.

Now, together, we navigate the unknown,
In love's embrace, we've truly grown,
For in the spaces where shadows unfurl,
We found our love between underworld and netherworld.
Sep 2023 · 291
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In September's golden, dappled light,
A love was born, pure and bright.
Beneath the changing leaves so fair,
Two hearts found something rare.

As summer's warmth began to fade,
In your arms, a serenade,
We danced amidst the autumn's grace,
A love so sweet, a warm embrace.

The cool breeze whispered secrets deep,
In September, our love took a leap,
Like leaves that flutter to the ground,
Our love, in freefall, was unbound.

In every amber-hued sunset's glow,
Our love continued to bloom and grow,
Hand in hand through life's array,
In September's love, we found our way.

Through storms and sunshine, thick and thin,
Our love endures, forever akin,
In this September's gentle breeze,
We found a love that truly frees.

So let September's love declare,
That love is endless, beyond compare,
In every season, we'll endure,
September love, forever pure.
Sep 2023 · 607
Waves of life
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
Certainly, here's a poem:

In the grand ocean of existence, we ride the wave,
Life's ebb and flow, a journey so brave.
With each rising sun, a new chance to explore,
Embracing the tides, forever seeking more.

Sometimes we surf high on waves of delight,
Other times we struggle in the depths of night.
But remember, my friend, as you sail this sea,
Each wave carries lessons, gifts for you and me.

Cherish the moments, both calm and the storm,
For they shape our spirits and help us transform.
In this eternal dance of joy and strife,
We find the true essence of the wave of life.
Sep 2023 · 47
Elder love
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the twilight of their years, they stand so strong,
A lifetime of stories, wisdom woven long.
With graceful steps, they've walked this winding road,
In their hearts, love and memories bestowed.

Their faces etched with lines of time well spent,
Each wrinkle a testament to moments lent.
Through laughter, tears, and the trials they've known,
In their eyes, a universe of love has grown.

They've weathered storms and seen the world evolve,
Yet their hearts retain the warmth of a hearth's resolve.
In their gentle smiles, a lifetime's grace,
A reminder of the beauty in life's slow pace.

So let us honor those whose age is gold,
With gratitude and kindness, let us be bold.
For in their presence, we find treasures untold,
In the wisdom and love of the elderly, we behold.
Sep 2023 · 50
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
Through the highs and lows, we've always been,
A bond so strong, it can never rescind.
In laughter and tears, we'll forever defend,
This friendship of ours, it will never end.

Friendship never ends, it's a timeless song,
Through the years, it remains so strong.
In the tapestry of life, you're my guiding star,
No matter how near or how far.

In the darkest nights and the brightest days,
We've found our strength in so many ways.
Through thick and thin, you're my trusted friend,
In this journey of ours, we'll never bend.

In the chapters of life, as the story unfolds,
Our friendship's the treasure that never grows old.
In every adventure, in every twist and turn,
Together, forever, we'll laugh and we'll learn.

As we grow older, our memories compile,
In the book of friendship, mile after mile.
Through trials and triumphs, hand in hand,
Our friendship's a rock, forever to stand.

So here's to us, in this endless embrace,
Our friendship's a journey, a beautiful chase.
Through all of life's twists and its bends,
I promise you this, our friendship never ends.
Sep 2023 · 46
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the realm of shadows, a sudden storm,
Seizures come unbidden, a tempest's form.
Electrical currents in the brain's vast sea,
Unleash a moment's chaos, a mystery.

A dance of neurons, a tangled thread,
Innocence disrupted, a world misled.
But in this tempest's fury, courage blooms,
As warriors rise to face their inner dooms.

In the seizure's grip, they stand undaunted,
Through every battle, they remain undaunted.
With strength they muster, love to guide,
They'll navigate the storm, side by side.

In the aftermath, a journey to endure,
Recovery's path, their hearts secure.
For in each challenge, they find their way,
Shining brighter through night, embracing day.

So, let us stand with those who fight this fight,
In unity and compassion's gentle light.
For in the face of seizures, they find their grace,
Warriors in the shadows, they'll bravely embrace.
Sep 2023 · 43
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
Beneath the golden sky, hand in hand, we stand,
On a distant shore, footprints in the sand.
The world slows down as the day takes its flight,
In this moment with you, everything feels right.

The colors in the sky, a painting so divine,
As the sun sets low, our hearts intertwine.
With you by my side, love's warm embrace,
I cherish this moment, this beautiful place.

Admiring the sunset with my lover so true,
In this paradise, it's just me and you.
The waves serenade us with their gentle song,
As we watch the horizon, where the day belongs.

The ocean's gentle whisper, a tranquil symphony,
Reflects the love between you and me.
In your eyes, I see the twilight's glow,
A love that continues to bloom and grow.

As the sun kisses the sea, a fiery goodnight,
Our love shines brighter, a guiding light.
In this vacation's embrace, we're lost in time,
Watching the sunset, in this love, we'll climb.

The world fades away in this moment of grace,
As the sun dips below, in a warm embrace.
With you, my love, every moment's a dream,
In the colors of the sunset, we find our theme.

Underneath the painted sky, we'll never part,
As we admire the sunset, you have my heart.
In this vacation's glow, our love's pure and bright,
Together, forever, in the fading light.
Sep 2023 · 61
Cheating spree
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In shadows cast, a deceitful dance,
Cheating's allure, a fleeting chance.
A web of lies, a tangled scheme,
A broken trust, a shattered dream.

The cheater's path, a treacherous road,
Where promises fade and hearts erode.
In pursuit of gain, they lose their way,
Leaving pain and sorrow in their wake.

But remember well, the cost it bears,
For cheating's flame burns, but never repairs.
Honesty's light, the better way to go,
In love and life, let integrity glow.

Let's strive for truth, in every endeavor,
For cheating's grip, we must endeavor.
In loyalty and faith, let hearts find rest,
For honesty's path is always the best.
Sep 2023 · 78
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In whispers shared, secrets unfold,
A chismosa's tale, in stories untold.
From neighbor's news to rumors wide,
In hushed tones, we let curiosity guide.

Gossip's allure, a tempting delight,
Spreading tales from morning to night.
Behind closed doors and over the fence,
A chismosa's world, in suspense.

But let us remember, as we pry,
To be kind and gentle, not quick to belie.
For words have the power to mend or break,
In the chismosa's journey, let empathy wake.

So gather 'round, oh chismosa's kin,
Let's share our stories with care within.
In our little circle of whispers and grace,
May understanding and compassion find their place.
Sep 2023 · 43
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the glittering world of lustre and gleam,
There's a tale of desire, a not-so-distant dream.
A figure in the shadows, a heart led astray,
The pursuit of fortune, in a most cunning way.

They seek not love or connection's sweet song,
But fortunes and riches, to which they belong.
A gold digger's heart, shallow and cold,
Chasing the treasures, forsaking the soul.

Yet, let us remember, with empathy's grace,
That often, beneath, there's a hidden, sad face.
A yearning for something, perhaps not well-known,
A loneliness or longing, in their heart's silent zone.

For greed can be blinding, ambition can bind,
Leaving empty those hearts, in the pursuit left behind.
In the end, it's the richness of love that prevails,
For true wealth is measured in heartfelt details.

So, let's not be quick to judge, but seek to understand,
The complexities that lie beneath, in the shifting sand.
A gold digger's path may be paved with deceit,
But in love and compassion, hearts truly meet.
Sep 2023 · 43
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In a world of vibrant colors, where love knows no confines,
We celebrate diversity, where every heart unwinds.
For in the tapestry of life, a rainbow brightly gleams,
Embracing awareness of LGBTQ, we honor diverse dreams.

In every shade and orientation, identities that bloom,
We find the strength to stand as one, dispelling fear and gloom.
Love transcends the boundaries, it knows no black or white,
In the realm of acceptance, we all find our inner light.

With pride we raise our voices, in unity we sing,
A chorus of acceptance, to the world, we bring.
For LGBTQ, with open hearts, we listen, learn, and grow,
In embracing understanding, love's boundless rivers flow.

No matter who you love or who you choose to be,
We stand beside you, hand in hand, in solidarity.
Embracing awareness of LGBTQ, we celebrate the truth,
That love is love, and in its name, we'll forever find our youth.

In this world of acceptance, where diversity's embraced,
We find a stronger, kinder place, where all are free to chase,
Their dreams, their love, their lives, in the sun's warm, gentle rays,
Embracing awareness of LGBTQ, we'll walk in brighter days.
Sep 2023 · 45
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In a world that often judges by appearance and by size,
Body shaming and discrimination cast their hurtful lies.
But let us rise above these words, these judgments, and these stares,
For every human being, a unique story shares.

Our bodies are our vessels, they carry us through life,
Each shape and size is beautiful, in this diverse world so rife.
To judge based on externals is to miss the heart within,
For true beauty lies in kindness, in the love that's found therein.

Discrimination's harsh, dividing lines, we must erase,
Replace them with acceptance, in every time and place.
Let's celebrate our differences, the colors of our skin,
For in diversity, we find strength, a world where we all win.

No one should feel the sting of words, the pain of cruel disdain,
We must stand against discrimination, break that hurtful chain.
In unity and empathy, we'll build a world anew,
Where love and understanding thrive, in everything we do.

So, let us be the change we seek, in actions and in voice,
Rejecting body shaming and discrimination as our choice.
For in a world that's free from judgment, where love and kindness reign,
We'll find a brighter future, where all can thrive, free from pain.
Sep 2023 · 53
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the realm of schoolyard echoes, where children laugh and play,
Lies a haunting shadow, where innocence fades away.
It's the torment of the powerless, a wound that often stings,
The heart-wrenching story of those who endure bullying's painful wings.

But let us rise and face this plight, for change begins with grace,
To end the hurtful cycle, we must stand up and embrace.
With empathy and kindness, like a shield of strength and might,
Together we can make a stand, against the endless fight.

Bullying thrives in silence, in the shadows it does thrive,
But when we choose to intervene, we keep the hope alive.
For every voice that's raised, for every hand that's lent,
We can transform a world of pain into one of love, intent.

Let us teach the younger ones, the power to be kind,
To understand the hurt they cause, and leave no soul behind.
In unity, we'll break the chains, and let compassion reign,
For in a world without bullying, we'll heal each other's pain.

For every victim who has suffered, for every tear they've cried,
We'll stand as one against the storm, with love and strength beside.
Bullying's grip may weaken, as our voices rise above,
In the symphony of unity, we'll replace it with a loving, lasting love.
Sep 2023 · 37
Scary past
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the depths of my past, where shadows used to dwell,
I carried scars and burdens that I could not dispel.
A traumatic tapestry, woven in shades of pain,
But in facing those demons, I'd rise above the strain.

The memories were haunting, a relentless, haunting tide,
But in the echoes of the past, I learned not to hide.
For in the darkest corners, where nightmares did reside,
I found the strength to heal, to cast the pain aside.

With time and tender care, I mended broken strands,
Stitching up the wounds, with gentle, loving hands.
Though the past may linger, like a ghost that won't let go,
I've emerged from the shadows, with a stronger inner glow.

No longer defined by trauma, I've reclaimed my destiny,
In the chapters yet unwritten, I've found my legacy.
Through the storms of yesterday, I've learned to find my way,
In the light of a hopeful future, where I choose to stay.

For the past, though painful, has shaped who I've become,
A survivor, a warrior, under a brighter sun.
In the tapestry of my life, scars blend with threads of gold,
A testament to resilience, a story to be told.

So, let this poem be a reminder, for those who've walked that path,
That healing is possible, and you can find your strength.
In the echoes of a traumatic past, your spirit can be free,
To embrace a brighter future, where love and hope decree.
Sep 2023 · 41
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the shadows of despair, I once did tread,
A silent victim of a pain I often dread.
Behind closed doors, where scars were left unseen,
I battled through the darkness, where cruelty had been.

But now I rise, a survivor strong and free,
Breaking chains of torment, finding strength in me.
In the echoes of my story, a truth that must be told,
For in the light of awareness, healing can unfold.

No longer will I bear the weight of silent tears,
I'll speak my truth, confront my fears.
I'll find my voice, a beacon in the night,
To guide the lost, to help them find their light.

Abuse may scar the surface, but it won't define my soul,
For I am more than a victim; I'm a survivor on the whole.
In the tapestry of my life, I'll weave a story true,
Of resilience, of hope, and strength anew.

Let this poem be a testament, a promise to the skies,
That in the face of darkness, in my heart, love lies.
I'll rise above the pain, embrace the life I choose,
For I am not defined by the abuse I did lose.

To all who've suffered silently, know you're not alone,
Together, we'll find healing, our strength brightly shone.
In unity, in love, and in our voices strong and clear,
We'll break the chains of silence, dispelling all our fear.
Sep 2023 · 34
Lost hope
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the depths of life's dark labyrinth, I wandered all alone,
A heavy heart, a weary soul, with hope but overthrown.
The world around seemed cold and vast, a relentless, endless night,
And in the shadows of despair, I lost my guiding light.

The burdens of my troubled mind grew heavy, day by day,
And all the dreams I once held dear began to fade away.
The laughter turned to hollow echoes, and smiles, they lost their glow,
In the depths of losing hope, I struggled to let go.

But even in the darkest hour, when all seemed bleak and still,
A glimmer in the abyss, a tiny, stubborn will.
A spark ignited deep within, a flicker of the flame,
A longing for a better day, a desire to reclaim.

For hope, they say, is never truly gone, just hidden from our sight,
It lingers in the deepest crevice, waiting for the light.
In the moments of our deepest doubt, when we can't find our way,
It's hope that softly whispers, "Hold on for one more day."

So, if you find yourself adrift, in hopelessness's sea,
Remember that in time, my friend, the dawn will come to be.
Hold on to that ember, the promise of a brighter morn,
For even in the darkest night, a new hope can be born.
Sep 2023 · 35
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the chaos of this world, where storms may often rage,
I found a haven in your arms, a sanctuary, a stage.
With every beat of our hearts, a symphony takes flight,
In the melody of your love, everything feels right.

I've found peace in your love, like a calm and gentle sea,
In your tender embrace, where my soul longs to be.
Through the trials and the storms, your love's my guiding light,
I've found peace in your love, every day and every night.

In the hustle of our days, when life's burdens weigh me down,
Your love's a soothing balm, a respite I have found.
In your laughter, in your touch, in the way you understand,
I've discovered a tranquil place, where love's forever planned.

With you, I've found a refuge, where serenity does dwell,
In the warmth of your affection, I've found a peaceful spell.
Through all the highs and lows, your love's my constant star,
A beacon in the darkness, no matter where we are.

So, let us cherish what we share, this love that's pure and true,
In your arms, I've found my peace, in every shade and hue.
With you, my love, I've found my home, a tranquil, loving shore,
In the serenity of our hearts, I'll find peace forevermore.
Sep 2023 · 35
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the shadows where I'm dwelling, under skies so gray,
A heavy heart, a weary soul, in darkness I often sway.
The weight of life upon my chest, it's hard to breathe, you see,
But I'll sing this song of hope and pain, for those who've walked with me.

In the silence of my solitude, where shadows tend to creep,
The whispers of my troubled mind, they echo in my sleep.
But in this darkness, there's a strength, a courage to be found,
I'll rise above the depths of despair, break free from sorrow's bound.

Through the stormy nights of my despair, I'll find a guiding star,
In the depths of my depression, I'll search for who we are.
Though the clouds may gather 'round me, and the world may turn to gray,
I'll sing this song of healing, to light a brighter way.

For there's a resilience in my soul, though it may seem concealed,
A flicker of hope that burns within, a love that's unrevealed.
In the struggle, in the pain, I'll find my way back to the light,
And sing this song of strength and grace, through the darkest night.

In the battle against depression, I'll hold my head up high,
With resilience as my armor, and hope in every sigh.
Though the journey may be arduous, I'll face it come what may,
And sing this song of courage, to bring a brighter day.
Sep 2023 · 36
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the twilight's gentle embrace, we all must someday rest,
In the tender arms of eternity, on life's final quest.
The journey's end, a mysterious shore, where mortal paths align,
Where every heart shall find its peace, in the grand design.

Fear not the shadows that approach, for death is but a door,
To the unknown, the great beyond, where we wander evermore.
In the tapestry of existence, it's the final stitch we sew,
A transformation, a new beginning, where the soul may freely flow.

Though we may grieve, for those we've lost, and tears may freely fall,
Death is but a part of life, the common fate of all.
In the silent hush of twilight, we find our deepest grace,
As we embrace the cycle of life, with love in every place.

For in our memories and stories, in the love that we've bestowed,
We live on, immortalized, in the hearts where we have glowed.
So, let us cherish every breath, every moment's fleeting grace,
As we journey towards the unknown, to find our resting place.
Sep 2023 · 39
Ill feeling
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the shadowed hours of night, beneath a moon's pale glow,
I wrestle with a silent foe, in sickness's cruel throes.
The fever burns, the body aches, as I lay in bed alone,
But I'll find the strength within, for I am not overthrown.

Days may pass in shades of gray, with weakness in my frame,
But in the depths of illness, I'll kindle hope's bright flame.
Through the dark and stormy night, I'll hold my head up high,
For I know that dawn is breaking, and I'll soon touch the sky.

In the battle against this illness, I stand with all my might,
With hope and faith as my allies, I'll conquer through the night.
Though my body's weak and weary, my spirit's strong and free,
I'll sing a song of healing, as I find the strength in me.

In the quiet of my solitude, I'll mend what's torn and worn,
With love and care, and tender prayers, a new day will be born.
For sickness may be temporary, but the spirit's ever true,
I'll rise above the shadows, with a heart that's strong and new.

As the sun breaks through the clouds, with renewed vitality,
I'll sing this song of triumph, for sickness shall not conquer me.
With each note, I'll rise above, and in my heart, I'll see,
The power of resilience, and the strength to truly be.
Sep 2023 · 40
I loave thee
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the garden of my heart, a love does brightly bloom,
A fragrant, vibrant rose, that dispels all sense of gloom.
With each passing day, this love does gently grow,
A river of emotion, in its graceful, steady flow.

Your smile, a beacon, in my life's darkest night,
Guiding me through storms, with its pure, radiant light.
In the tapestry of my soul, you've woven threads of gold,
A love so deep and boundless, a story to be told.

In your laughter, I find the sweetest melody,
A song of joy and happiness, that sets my spirit free.
In your eyes, I see a world of dreams come true,
A universe of possibilities, where love forever grew.

With every heartbeat, this love does beat in time,
A rhythm of devotion, like a sweet and tender rhyme.
In your embrace, I've found my home, my sanctuary,
A place where love is endless, and hearts beat in harmony.

So, let this love be a testament, to all that we hold dear,
A bond that's everlasting, overcoming every fear.
In loving you, I've found my purpose, my reason to be,
For, in your love, I've found my soul's truest destiny.
Sep 2023 · 35
My adiel ♥️
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In your presence, I find a radiant sun,
A beacon of grace, second to none.
With each passing day, my admiration grows,
For the way your inner beauty brightly glows.

Your kindness, a river, so gentle and deep,
In your compassion, my heart takes a leap.
Your wisdom, a compass, guiding us right,
In your brilliance, there's a radiant light.

In your laughter, I find the sweetest melody,
A symphony of joy, a soothing remedy.
Your strength and courage, an inspiring sight,
In your resilience, there's a fearless might.

In every gesture, your grace does shine,
In your company, life's colors intertwine.
With admiration, I cherish all you do,
For, in every way, I truly admire you.
Sep 2023 · 35
Realm of melody
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the realm of melody, where emotions freely flow,
Music is the language that the heart and soul both know.
It weaves a tapestry of sound, a symphony of dreams,
A universal poetry, in every note, it gleams.

From the gentlest lullaby to a thunderous crescendo's roar,
Music paints with vibrant colors, emotions it does implore.
A timeless force that binds us all, transcending worldly strife,
It's a refuge for the weary, the soundtrack of our life.

With every chord and lyric sung, it tells a timeless tale,
Of love, of loss, of hopes and fears, in every vibrant scale.
It dances through the airwaves, a magic in its flight,
Eliciting a rainbow of feelings, in the depths of darkest night.

In a melody's embrace, we find solace, joy, and grace,
As it mirrors life's complexity, in a beautifully woven lace.
A symphony of human hearts, a language all can share,
Music is a gift that shows us how deeply we all care.

So, let us celebrate this art, this universal song,
In its harmonious embrace, we all do truly belong.
For music is a living bridge, that binds us hand in hand,
A timeless, ageless masterpiece, that helps us understand.
Sep 2023 · 39
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the classroom's hallowed halls, I stand with open heart,
A guide, a mentor, and a friend, from daybreak until depart.
With a chalk in hand and wisdom's key, I unlock each eager mind,
For being a teacher is a role that's truly one of a kind.

I sow the seeds of knowledge, in fertile minds they grow,
Nurturing their curiosity, helping dreams to bud and flow.
In every question asked and answer found, the world's mysteries we explore,
As a teacher, I'm the beacon's light, on education's boundless shore.

I witness every small triumph, and every stumble along the way,
Encouraging perseverance, as they face a brand-new day.
In the tapestry of life's grand design, I weave a crucial thread,
For being a teacher means I'm part of the paths that lie ahead.

Through laughter, tears, and endless hope, I watch my students soar,
As they spread their wings of wisdom, like eagles, they explore.
I see the world through youthful eyes, with dreams both big and bold,
And being a teacher means I help them find their stories yet untold.

It's not just lessons in textbooks, but life's values that I teach,
Empathy, resilience, and the stars they're meant to reach.
For in my role as educator, I sculpt the minds of youth,
Guiding them towards the light of truth, in their eternal quest for truth.

So, I stand with pride and gratitude, in the classroom's sacred sphere,
Knowing that as a teacher, I make a difference, year after year.
For shaping hearts and molding minds, in this noble, timeless art,
Being a teacher is a calling, a gift, a work of heart.
Sep 2023 · 31
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the velvet sky so high, a beacon of gentle grace,
The moon, a distant silver pearl, in its tranquil, sacred space.
I gaze upon its tranquil glow, from a world so far away,
Admiring its celestial dance, as it waltzes through the Milky Way.

Oh, moon, you shimmer in the night, with secrets yet untold,
A guardian of countless dreams, a mystic story to unfold.
From afar, I send my wishes, like whispers on the breeze,
Hoping they'll find their way to you, carried by cosmic seas.

You wax and wane, in phases clear, a celestial lullaby,
Guiding sailors through the dark, as the constellations sigh.
Though you're distant, cold, and silent, your beauty is profound,
A silent muse for poets, in your silvery gown.

From afar, I contemplate your mysteries, a world beyond my reach,
A place where ancient tales are woven, in lessons that you teach.
I'll admire you from a distance, in the stillness of the night,
Knowing that your radiant glow will forever be my guiding light.

So, moon, keep shining brightly, in the vast, celestial sea,
For though I'm far from where you are, your beauty comforts me.
In the quiet of the midnight hour, under your gentle star,
I'll continue to admire you, from this world, both near and far.
Sep 2023 · 34
An untitled poetry
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the garden of our hearts, a delicate bloom once thrived,
A love so bright and beautiful, in your eyes, I once dived.
But now it's time to set you free, release your gentle hand,
To let the winds of change embrace, as we both understand.

With every whispered promise, and every shared dream,
We painted skies of wonder, beneath a golden gleam.
But paths diverge, as they often do, in this life's complex play,
And now, I must relinquish you, let go and find your way.

Our memories, like fragile petals, I'll treasure close and near,
As I bid you farewell, my love, without a single tear.
For letting go is not the end, but a new beginning's start,
As we journey forward separately, but forever in my heart.

In this act of parting ways, may you find your own light,
And may your days be filled with joy, in the sun's warm, gentle sight.
Though our hands must now unclasp, and our destinies unfold,
Know that in the story of my life, your chapter is pure gold.

So, go and spread your wings, my dear, to horizons yet unknown,
In the tapestry of life, your vibrant thread is beautifully sewn.
I release you with a hopeful smile, as our paths begin to mend,
For letting go, though bittersweet, can be a precious gift, my friend.
Sep 2023 · 35
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the stillness of the night, I search the endless skies,
For the one who once was here, with the laughter in their eyes.
But now they're gone, so far away, a star that ceased to shine,
Leaving me with memories, a love that's still entwined.

I remember every moment, every smile and every tear,
As I walk this path alone, wishing you were here.
Though you'll never hold my hand, your spirit's by my side,
Guiding me through life's rough seas, in you, I will confide.

Oh, I'm singing this song, a melody of tears,
For the one I held so close, now gone beyond my fears.
Though they'll never return, their love forever stays,
In the echoes of my heart, through all my darkest days.

In the quiet of the night, I whisper to the stars,
Sending all my love to you, no matter where you are.
Though you're gone, you'll never fade, in my heart, you remain,
A love that's strong, eternally, in sunshine and in rain.

As the seasons come and go, and time continues on,
I'll cherish what we had, until my days are done.
This song of love and loss, a tribute to your grace,
In my heart, you'll forever live, in this sacred, silent space.
Sep 2023 · 34
My Chloe ♥️
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
In the golden glow of sunset's hue,
I remember the days when our love was new.
A furry friend, by my side so true,
My puppy, forever, I'll cherish you.

Running through fields with the wind in your fur,
Every moment with you, a beautiful blur.
The warmth of your cuddles, your tail's joyful twirl,
In my heart, my dear pup, you're my forever girl.

Oh, memories with my pup so dear,
Through laughter and tears, you were always near.
In your eyes, I found a love so pure,
These memories with you, I'll forever endure.

Though time may pass, and seasons change,
The bond we shared will never fade.
In the tapestry of life, you're a treasured thread,
Forever etched in my heart, where our memories spread.

With each passing day, I see you in my dreams,
A loyal companion, in the sun's gentle beams.
Though you're gone, your spirit's here to stay,
In the memories we made, in every single day.

So I'll hold onto these memories tight,
In the canvas of my heart, you shine so bright.
My puppy, my friend, I won't ever forget,
The love we shared, a bond unbroken, no regret.
Sep 2023 · 168
Better luck next time
yndnmncnll Sep 2023
There is no more next time for me
For you and me, I thought we would be
More than what we imagine or see
But we used to be the life of the party

There's no more words to rhyme, to say
But you pushed me away
It washed me away out to sea
In us, there is no more we
Aug 2023 · 54
ezsurie. (8/31/23)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
Everyone might not get it,
Too many times I rather give up or quit
There’s no one else to commit
No one else to admit

Being bullied many times, sometimes
Feeling like a pantomime
I ain’t a shifted paradigm
Feels like my life is a movie in a primetime

I’m an outcast to the world
Felt like I belong more in the netherworld
Seems like their minds are gnarled
Every time I say I hated the world

Unwanted to the family I never belong in
My worth felt like a trash bin
I prefer not to lose but to win
Even when I get drunk, the solution to everything is not a tonic gin

I see life in ropes and knives
Are they even horrified with their own lives?
When they chose to summon a welcome- hope kicks in and revives,
I see myself sinking instead of choosing to thrive

I see death in this situation I’m in right now
When I send help to thee, then come thou
Said he, “you reap what you sow”
Grab me my arrow and bow

I’m not myself when I see flashing strobe lights
When it’s half past midnight
I know I don’t wanna fight
Even if I’m not right

It got me stiff, jerking, lying on the floor
Once it got me knocking in someone else’s door
Waiting for my turn to get sober
It rots the hell out of my core

I feel delighted in medicines and hospital beds
I wish I could just forget everything what’s inside my head
I wish I was lovable enough to be heard
Unknowingly dumbfounded me, unaware of what lies ahead
Aug 2023 · 154
Sinisinta (11-8-2022)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
Lumalalim na ang gabi
Malamig ang simoy ng hangin
Ikaw lamang ang nais kong makatabi
At ang aking gustong makapiling
Oh, paligaw-ligaw tingin
Ikaw lamang ang tanging minimithi

Ayoko munang umuwi
Dito ka muna sa aking tabi
Ayoko nang sa iyo ay mawalay pa
Huwag mo na akong iwan pa

Huwag muna tayong umuwi
Kay sarap pagmasdan ng buwan ngayong gabi
Hawak ang iyong kamay at lasap ang preskong hangin
Ngayo'y nadinig na aking panalangin

Kay sarap pagmasdan ng mga tala
Singkislap ng iyong mga mata
Hawakan mo lamang ang aking kamay
At tayo ay nakatingala sa alapaap
Ikaw lamang ang aking sinisinta, aking pinapangarap
Ang aking minahal ng tunay

Sapagkat hanap ng puso ko'y ikaw
At wala nang iba pa
Dahil mahal kang talaga
Ibubuhos lahat ng pagmamahal at oras sa iyo
Habang ako ay nandito pa sa mundong ibabaw
Ako ay nangungulila sa tuwing tayo ay magkalayo

Sa iyo lamang ako uuwi
Sa iyo lamang ako mananatili
Ikaw lamang ang aking nag-iisang, sinisinta
Aug 2023 · 213
6-13-22 (10-10-22)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
Ikaw ang simula at ang wakas
Panahon man ay lumipas
Sa iyong yakap ako’y walang takas
Aking pag-ibig sa iyo ay wagas

Ang ating pagmamahalan sa isa’t isa
Lumiliwanag nang parang mga tala
Hindi ko ninanais na ikaw ay magtaka
Huwag ka nang mag-abala pa

Ikaw ang kinang sa ‘king mga mata
Ikaw at ako’y iisa
Ikaw ang laman ng bawat pahina
Ang pamagat sa aking tula

Ang musika sa aking kanta
Kung ang pag-ibig ko sa iyo, sinta
Ay magiging isang sumpa
Habangbuhay akong manunumba sa dambana

Ayokong lumayo sa’yo
Ikakalungkot ng puso ko
Ika'y aking naging mundo
Sa iyo, mahal ay ako'y natutuliro

Hawakan mo lamang ang aking kamay
Ikaw lamang ang aking pipiliin sa habangbuhay
Ang aking minahal ng tunay
Ang makamit ka ay isang tagumpay

Ikaw ang aking biyaya
Ang dumating nang kusa
Ikaw ay mahalaga
Huwag kang mag-alala

Ikaw ay minamahal kong talaga
Ang aking puso'y sa iyo mas sumasaya
Ikaw ang aking dinalangin sa Poong Maykapal
Ang hinintay ko nang kaytagal
Aug 2023 · 57
My moon (7-28-23)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
The sky is breathtakin’
I feel like stargazin’
Capturing moments of you
Observing every move of you

Looking at your smile
While relaxing in the isle
I got this kind of healthy love
No one could ever get enough

When tough times arise
Like waves they fall or rise
Just know that I will always be here for you
I will always love you in all shades of you

I still want you
I still love you even if you hurt me
I still want you even if you are mean to me
Nobody’s perfect and we aren’t perfect, love
Aug 2023 · 272
The man I loved (7-20-23)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
I will tell the whole world about him
He feels like singing endless hymns
He has been so good to me
He is all I ever wanna see

He has sparkling madness, brown eyes
As if time flies
He was anxious and traumatized, like his dark unforgettable past
He wishes it never last

In the back of his mind
Why was he left behind?
He sings ballads and praises
All his days, he never fazes

He was rejected by many
Since others’ motives are too shady
Out of all the people, only one girl favors you
She is the only one simping you

Loving him is too crucial to hate
Seems like having him is really my fate
I admit it, he is the man she loves
He was indeed God’s gift from up above
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
I have loved you enough
Not to pursue you yet
Cause not all that I see
Is what I get

Oh, I don't want to regret
So, I'd rather forget

Ooh, the words you said
Keeps on messing in my head
Ooh, the things we both did
Keeps on running in my head

But if you would ask me
I would answer right away
I would be yours
I'd like to be called yours

Ooh, this time is ours
This love is ours
If you would ask me
I'll be here to stay
Aug 2023 · 53
AC <3 AD (10-15-21)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
I like it when you smile
I get so happy
When you talk to me
Even just for a while

You remember little details of me
Your Mom was so much closer to me
I wonder how you would feel
That this feeling I feel is real

I have prayed so hard to God
That You would come along my way
I knew it was the will of God
For me to hear you say

Just stay, stay here with me
Even just for today
I want you to see
That you're the only one for me

Your eyes were like stars
Look how they shine so bright
When you look at me
When you stare at me

Your voice is like an angel I long to hear
Right now, I wish you were here
Who knows what I fear?
To slip you away, my dear

It was like my whole world's already in front of me
It was like my answered prayers' already in front of me
You are like a distant star
Look how you shine so bright

Save me, save me from drowning
I'm slowly falling
Falling deep into you
Falling deep into an ocean of love

And I am deeply in love
Deeply in love with you

I'm afraid to lose you
Even though you're not even mine
But I'll be fine
It's just that I am missing you

Every love song reminds me of you
Loving you was like breathing
But never interested enough to stop breathing
Cause every beat of my heart is calling you
Aug 2023 · 51
Serendipity (10-15-21)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
You, you look like the rest of my life
And I want to have you, you for the rest of my life
But if I am everything, I want to be your Queen
And you are crowned king, and we will have to come clean

But If I am anything, I would be everything
Just for you, just for you
I want to be yours; I am yours.

You are my reason behind my happiness
behind my loneliness
You are my cure after every pain
You are my gain
Aug 2023 · 40
Childhood (10-23-21)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
Like a shadow, you’re always stuck with me
Even if I push you away
You always keep coming back to me
I guess, this is where you’ll stay

We were inseparable
You know you are adorable
Our parents were best friends
Maybe we can be more than friends
I am about to reminisce my childhood
Us playing hide and seek
Us taking a bath in the rain
Us playing tag

But now that we are experiencing adulthood
Yet this feeling is some kind of a magic trick

You were my favorite topic
You were always this meek
Just know that I love you
And nobody else know

I didn’t feel that this would be so much pain
My heart felt a little jet lag

Oh, we were neighbors since birth
Our age gap is only three years apart
Since we became friends from the start
I never planned to flirt

With you, I found my happiness
With you, I found also loneliness
Loving you was like living and dying every day
But letting go was like living in hell every day
Aug 2023 · 49
Love lots (10-23-21)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
I want to have you
I got to have you
I want to have your last name
Though we’re different and the same

You never knew how much you mean to me
How much I love you so
How much you were so special to me
How much I miss you so

Loving you was red
I cannot get you out my head
With you, I found clarity
In you, I found sanity

Loving you was blue
How I wish you knew
That I want to say this to you
That how much do I love you so

Oh, I have been searching for someone like you
Long before I knew you
Long before I hear your name
I know I am no longer the same
Aug 2023 · 46
Dead man. (10-24-21)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
He is a dead man walking
A dead man crawling
At the end of the night
On the edge of glory

He was a hunter
And I was his prey
Now let us bow and pray
So that we will once again be together

Ooh, all I see is bright lights
Bright lights up here in the city
I could be this pretty
No need to worry

I feel so immortal
Freed by your kind
I feel so immortal
Let this be our daily grind

I think I; I think I
I am falling in love again, I
I think it’s you
You made me smile

When I think of you
For a while
I get so nervous
It felt dangerous

When I hear your name
I’m no longer the same
No one will be put to blame
I never live in fame

You got to pull the trigger
Let the bullets fly
You got to have a fuel for the fire
Let it burn in flames

I will always come running back to you
I will rise up high coming for you
I was born a dead man walking
A dead man crawling

I’m as cold as a freezer
I just want to see you cry
Come walk with me along the wire
But baby I am untamed

I could be so numb
Then you could be this dumb
I can do possible things
Which no one could ever do things

I never knew I could do
I was once a mortal
But I was freed by your kind
And made me be like you

Now, I am one of the other immortals
But I never needed your wings to fly
At least I bet on it to try
And You are all always on my mind
Aug 2023 · 48
Him (10-24-21)
yndnmncnll Aug 2023
His eyes were color brown
He is tall, dark and handsome
His hair is colored black
But I cannot look away

I smile a lot when he looks at me
He was beside me all the time
My heart beats faster from time to time
When he is talking to me

I was in a shotgun with him
Listening to the music playing in the radio
While talking to him
And reminiscing to what we had before

How I wish we took a photo
But I realized it all after
It was too late
Too little, too late

I have always longed for you
But I have no guts to tell you
Long enough I got tired to pursue you
Ooh, I am the best one for you
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