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Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
"Myopic Tunnel"

Through a myopic tunnel I walk.
Stumbling upon the demons i stalk
Straining to understand their words
Yet afraid of what their message may hold
The walls and path are all ablur
As further along i do blunder
Stumbling and falling
To rise once more
Searching for a magical door
To release me from this caliginous gambit
Then the goblins and trepidation omit
To deliver me anew to the suns bright glare
And release me once more from the captivity of despair

Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
As shadows begin to engulf,
The hues that come from a well lit day.
From the multicolored palette,
Pastels turn to gray.
Shadows are forming ,
It's near the end of day.
But still,
In the eve's half light,
I spy the glimmering ,
A floret of white.
The first to catch the new mornings rays,
And the last to show through the darkening haze.
And so it cycles from light to dark.
The familar becomes unknown,
And place's of refuge,
Are now a gambit to run.
The darkness seems to lessen the gap,
That the dawn had once split wide.
But all's the same
'Cept the loss of light.
And maybe just a tiny fright
From the circuition,
This will pass.
To convert  the obscurity to comprehension.
And so reveal,
It's all a trick of the mind's eye.
Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
We fought each other,
Yet we fought together.
We are brothers,
That is our right.
To hug or to fight,
Either one still feels right.
He is my brother,
Can't you see.
The right to hit him,
I reserve for me.
Yes we do disagree,
We come to blows,
Him and me,
Yes we fight each other.
Mess with one,
And we fight together.
For my brother Thomas.You are sorely missed .
Coleman M Lowe Nov 2020
Angels walk among us,
Each and everyday.
Angels walk among us,
No matter what you say.
The Lord sends them to us,
When he's not ready for us to leave.
Angels walk among us,
Though you may never see.
And there I prayed,
Making peace with the Lord.
When I heard a sound.
The flutter of wings perhaps?
Or, Just the sound of an angel,
As her feet touched the ground.
My prayers were interrupted,
So I snuck a quick peek.
And there standing before me,
My eyes beheld an angel.
Her garb was plain,
And she had raven black hair.
I know now she was an angel,
Who was standing there.
She appeared as normal,
as you and me.
And she asked,
If she could pray for me.
But it was an angel,
Sent there to save me.
I was so very low,
And thought I was ready to go.
But the lord wasn't ready for me to go.
And had sent his angel,
To insure I did not go.
Yes angels walk among us,
In many different ways.
Angels walk among us,
And most will never see.
Yes angels walk among us,
The Lord could choose you,
Or even me.
Yes angels walk among us,
The Lord sends them to us,
In times of our need.
A child had wandered,
Much too far away.
To an unsafe place,
She should never be to play.
Yet the Lord chose a passer by,
Who'd never gone that way.
To spy the young child,
Who was in a dangerous way.
To inform her parents,
Of where, She'd gone to play.
To insure she'd survive,
Yet another day.
Angels walk among us,
Despite what you say.
Angels walk among us,
Pray they never go away.
Angels walk among us,
Though you may never see.
Oh yes,
Angels walk amongst us,
One came and saved me.
Written while hospitalized after a remark by one of the nursing staff with the VA.
Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
I made a promise to you.
And you,
Made promises to me.
I never asked you to keep them.
And, you're totally free.
Perhaps I was wrong,
Not to hold you to them.
Or at least one.
And probably not the one,
You might think.
Not one for me..
But instead,
One for you.
But you made a promise,
That you haven't kept.
One that could take you,
And from my life you'd be swept.
I'll endure, the unendurable.
I'll do whatever it takes.
I'll quit whatever need be.
Can you do the same for me?
Coleman M Lowe Oct 2020
Sometimes I wonder,
If you are foolish like me
The familiar is easy,
That I can see.
The new and unknown,
Can be scary I can see.
Something that fits..
Can be hard to throw away,
Even though it doesn't work the right way.
With trepidation, we fear the unknown.
And cling to what, we have known.
If it's not broken,
Don't throw it away.
Or at least, that's what they say.
But sometimes,
Doesn't that cause,
Us to overlook,
That should cause us to pause?
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