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A constant battle
of fight or flight
as a breath turns around
calming our panic
for just a brief moment
before it happens again
Religiosities -
We find our knees.
In many instances aware of our weight
on and under our caps.
Connecting with all around through what echoes from the hollows
Universal is this language detested,
denying what's to be discovered existed and shall persist
whether eyes blinded or opened wide.
Expanded or retracted, heat burns as isolation may freeze,
successors and failed inevitably finding their knees.
Feb 23 · 26
Stiff Binding
You were my Gray
Your eyes held blue,
Or brown - I don’t recall.
Much love and laughter dawns and dusks but sunshine’s deep of all
Feb 22 · 98
Sir Henry
What’s behind your eyes has always brushed your lips
"People are very fond of giving away what they need most themselves.“
For you it’s mindful ‘tips.’
On what we agree I can say it is about that Juliet,
but I fear what’s to discover about your overall epithet
Feb 14 · 25
Little Lindsay lied a lot,
to anyone with ears.
Twisting, turning every thought -
she’d used others for years.
One day she thought she’d pull the wool
over a well trained eye;
forgetting all that would be felt,
through face or words can’t hide.

Up in the air, in blinding clouds, she’d wrinkle at the nose.
For her best mate, her trusted friend
had dried up at the hose.

Riddling lips, grasped one last time,
she tried hard to save face.
But little Lindsay played so poor,
embarrassing disgrace.

For could one trust another who could hate from the shadows?
You’d never know if love and care was being kept in tow.

Letters writ, with seeming guilt, though through those lines remained
the little lies of which every relation would be strained
Feb 12 · 31
Are Barns Noble?
Stepped into the page store today,
The rain is making my brain throb.
A stroller pass as I drop my keys,
A wet stain in my sweatpants.
Grabbed two books that many have read,
Will I ever? Perhaps not, yet I buy.
I ask for help to find what’s staring at me
From an upbeat older guy.
The second unread, but committing to the third;
Maybe this is where motivation will arise.
But as for now, I humbly pray, for the throbbing to exit my eyes.
Jan 8 · 152
"A gentle nudge,"
that made me cringe
and want to puke a bit.
Through lock and key, many walls with cracks,
we never speak of it.
But you saw light, and gravitated,
urging openness.
Fear choking, punching, caving, thrashed -
let's finally begin.
She saw through the distractions, and now I might find out what the splinter is, but I'm scared and don't like how my nose runs when I cry
I will go back tomorrow to the place we knew
so well.
You’d squat in boots and skinny jeans
I’d glance, my heart would swell.
But now I have my sights set on some papers bound in glue.
It doesn’t hurt so bad today to reminisce of you.
I’ve figured what I’m looking for you never could provide -
Though what you once did long ago I wish will again be mine,
But from a mouth that doesn’t hold such sharp hostility.
For all I tried to do was the best of my abilities.
Not your fault, or mine, perhaps
That really is the truth.
A waitress follows to the door as you fled from the booth.
You introduced me to situations that didn’t hold my care,
It’s a new year and optimism is fragrant in my air.
I know it now, what it may mean to truly wish the best,
But here on out I know what’s safe to keep close to my chest.
Your morals slipped as did the mask and finger pointed wrong;
resentment beginning to blossom where I see it took so long
For me to understand that I was nothing but a kid,
Objectified as flowers, mothers, sunrises you could rid.
Arms wrapped tightly around myself, I whisper in her ear,
“You didn’t deserve that, baby. It will be better on from here.”
Dec 2024 · 43
Holding Up The Table
Cheekbones hot,
Tears shockingly cold,
Anger is consuming.
A disguise for the loneliness that is
Suffocating me.
Christmas Eve solidarity.
Exhausted doesn’t begin to define
What’s felt behind my sternum.
Screaming, fighting, running -
None of it works.
The bigger person never feels big.
I feel so, so small.
Dec 2024 · 273
My eyes are blurry
Painful lump in my throat
You would never
But most wouldn’t I guess
Worse before
I feel more now
My cheeks are hot
Dec 2024 · 46
At The Mechanic Again
Coolant pooling on the ground
A pinhole in my tank
If anyone is making tiers
Put Chevy in lower ranks
Nov 2024 · 53
Choppy Waters
I invited you platonically.
And what I said was true.
I’m not in the business of asking others to do what they can’t do.
But I would not lie,
I’d try to find some chartable avenues;
Because as I touch myself in certain spots
The name I think is you.
Nov 2024 · 59
Ferry Fella
Shaking hands struggling to
get him to his feet.
My heart pings painfully,
following the pull.
“May I help you?”
He agrees.
Reminded of my former days,
Grasping his soft, warm hand.
“I just need to get my feet under me.”
My heels slip on the ferry’s tile,
two others are urged to assist.
Wishing him well into the elevator,
my mind feels heavy until we dock.
Wondering who he used to be, and
how something so harsh can overtake a human
I’ll never understand some’s disdain for the elderly
Nov 2024 · 120
Through the clouds, above the fog,
the greatest mountain to witness.
Around and around, this enclosed pod,
it starts to rain - it would.
A few lonely tears kiss my cheeks,
I’m proud, and brave, and alone.
Nov 2024 · 47
Potassium Sassium
I recall sitting at that wooden table,
The grain memorized by my fingertips.
I took a bite of a fruit once ripe,
Yet no longer and I began to gag.
For decades, I’d slander this slender snack,
Giving anything but a chance;
Yet today, somewhere new,
Surrounded by berries,
It happened to be my favorite part.
Nov 2024 · 45
Sandy Surrender
You look up at the sky
and squeeze your eyes tight for a wish.
Not fame, nor fortune, dreaming for change;
you spot bathysidus.
Suddenly you realize the horizon you see is not.
You’re plenty deep, hundreds of meters,
you cannot see the top.
You claw and thrash at water,
your energy depletes,
Until a monstrous wave rolls in,
and shoves you towards the beach.
The sun has started rising,
and the moon suddenly feels far,
but not without time for you to pray
to the lonesome northern star.
Nov 2024 · 69
An eye for a lie
He went blind
Nov 2024 · 53
He put the pack upon his back
to begin a journey.
He’d never be back.
Enamored by potential,
and driven by grief.
On the dirt with the beetles -
creamed corn and beef.

The ground barely shook,
as he climbed up hillside.
It’d rain, sleet and thunder -
He maintained his stride.
Until she crossed his path,
destination less clear,
and you could bet all your fortune
he stayed for a year.

She taught him of tea tree,
the joy in a tithe,
and he grew a new glisten in his once downturned eyes.
On the wrong side disheveled bed,
what was actually the right,
he grew fearful of her,
and left in the night.

She awoke and reached out for the morning embrace,
when her brow bone grew wrinkled at the loss of his face.
The sheets were smoothed neatly,
coffee brewed just the same,
but she started using creamer
and choked on his name.
Nov 2024 · 61
Wallflower in Miami
You launch your car through tunnels
with flashing rows of lights.
The bulbs maintain their static,
but the speed overwhelms your eyes.

She burnt a disk of songs for you,
the consideration makes you freeze.
Is this beginning of the end,
or are you being teased?

You follow in sprint, stars lighting the beach,
and engulf her in your hug.
She cranes her neck, and kisses deep -
**** me it felt like love.

You start your chain of lying here,
both aside her and to your kin.
Soon she’d learn
she’d never conquer
trusting you again.
Nov 2024 · 99
Purple Heart
The loss of you was more than one or two.
Quite a few actually -
As you were the glue,
And all you’ve left is disheveled
In various ways.
People drop
All of their ****
At my doorstep
And expect me
To not turn my nose up
At the smell
My mom my mom my mom
Nov 2024 · 36
Emotions Wheel
My brain knows more
Than my body does
Which is unfavorable and makes me ignorant
To what feelings and emotions go together
But I somehow always wake up in time
To make it where I need to be
On very few hours of sleep
And that productivity
(The illusion of such, rather)
Keeps most afloat
As we drown
Nov 2024 · 172
Broccoli Cheddar
crock *** located
my favorite season is soup
couldn’t be better
I always kinda hated haikus
edit: I think I pronounce “favorite” wrong, ****
Nov 2024 · 40
My Scorpio Bestie
Someday mine might think of me
when times are good, not low.
I worry and wonder all the time,
for who or what, I'm no longer sure.
It feels as if I'm filled to the brim,
with all for others I wish for myself,
but I was never trained to self sustain,
or cause a ruckus while I wait.
Celebrating big and small, I bring flowers to the brunch.
I'll remain pretty, and patient,
generous and kind,
and wait for someone who has the capacity
for mine.
It took five months for you to remember we used to be best friends, and I'm sorry you lost your job, but even sorrier I didn't tell you that it hurt me to get that 4am text where you wished me happy birthday on the wrong day and didn't ask once how I have been.
Nov 2024 · 42
Committing to wed, before one is able to drive.
Reliant on each other,
complete disarray
if tragedy suddenly arrives.
And it will, you see,
your claim to fame being all you can ***** about.
Both parents have passed by 50,
before self care you'd choose to shout.
Though I can't say much,
I suppose as a single,
with admittedly much to lose.
I just find it sad
when two will settle
not knowing what's out there to choose.
Nov 2024 · 52
Flighty and Fighting
I search for you in places that I know you’ll never be.
Assured the last thing you would want to find unprompted? Me.
Though I know that’s false, and love has ways of making far seem close,
And the beauty in the vastness makes me think of you the most.
Guaranteed your time is filled with goals both big and small.
I’m proud of you, although I’m sure that means the least of all.
Perception is a fickle thing, mine never sold to trust.
But the memories are palpable,
And on those? I’d bank or bust.

I’ve seen so many places,
Faces, held the far and wide.
Mass amounts of *******,
You’d never believe what I took in stride.
Though another lie, as you taught me to take things and show strong -
If only I’d determined what was right and could be wrong.
Yet here I sit, stationary at last, the hardest challenge to date.
Dissecting the most convoluted,
Acceptance no easy feat.

So I’ll allow myself the guilty pleasure
Of looking for your head,
In crowded rooms and maybe sometimes laying in my bed.
Nov 2024 · 79
Family Matters
A **** in my ribs,
It burns in an electric feel
unlike love.
Who kicked me in the chest?
The consistent prodding is nothing but
the opposite of what you advocate for.
How are you so blind?
How blindsided could one really be?
Not very.
Yet the wind has been taken from my sails,
and the humidity creeps in
to choke me.
Nov 2024 · 49
This mushy couch,
I’m clammy and warm -
Crying about the wrong dad being taken
When suddenly
The therapist turns,
A knock is heard,
Many - rather.
A ladder appears
And a dude with a belt
Far too big for his stature.
He climbs and cleans
And makes me laugh,
And my asthmatic therapist
Takes us on a walk instead.
Uphill! It is humid
We both pant and sweat
I haven’t ditched the juul
The way the rug was pulled
Back we go
To the mushy couch
With the clammy pillow
This one *****, but I need the memory to exist that in the midst of this therapy appointment, I was temporarily locked in on some stranger in baggy jeans from the waist down.
He didn’t get a percentage of my copay, but he should for giving me the giggles
Nov 2024 · 261
You Were There
And you chose me
All of me
As I am
And I tried my best
To stay asleep
And soak it in
But the alarm always goes off
At an inopportune time
I guess you’ve worked your way back into my subconscious - though I did it for you.
Nov 2024 · 254
Made in House
Enter and grab a menu,
Handmade bowls line up the walls.
I scan the room for seating,
Very cute, but rather small.
Take a seat after a man
Who left The Times for me.
Sports and Stocks,
The pages stained,
It could be eggs - or tea.
S&P 500 has dropped,
The election roaring in.
I glance around at smiling faces,
The community for the day begins.
Love fills the space, hints of criticism,
Peach Pit playing under the air.
Polarity between the preppy woman,
And the men with unkempt hair.
My mocha comes, sandwich aside
Foam pulled to the shape of a heart
Conversations engulf my brain,
None of which I am a part.
A new bulk store going up downtown,
UAE cutting back on gas -
A glass of water poured from a keg,
Wooden seat flattening my ***.
A couple near the bathroom,
Swirling and kissing in an embrace.
If you were here, I’d imagine a furrow
On your beautiful, focused face.
Last I was here with company
Who would not lead the way -

I think I much prefer
That I came here alone today.
Nov 2024 · 70
Lip Biter
You pull me in
And grab my face

You plant a kiss
It tastes like pennies
Nov 2024 · 59
AR Test
For many hours,
Two or three,
Pages flipped by too dry fingers.
Lick the thumb,
Flip and balance on my chest,
Neck angled oddly.
Training and straining
My scarred retinas
Begging for some timely fatigue
Nov 2024 · 187
The Thing You Made Me
Is nothing tangible,
But to be enjoyed
And dissected,
Experienced by some
You’d love,
And hate,
But nonetheless
Through loving me
They’ll know parts of you -
Which is beautiful,
And sad,
Like a muddied Monet
With gorgeous ponds and
Yet the water is ice cold
Waiting endlessly for the plunge.
Nov 2024 · 49
Self Serving
i struggle to not use
i in every poem
i write and at some point
i feel like it throws the perspective off. but
i also think maybe it feels right to
you, reader.
i'd love some insight, or something else to think about, but
i also think if
i don't let some steam out, the campbell's can that is
my brain will start to overheat like the hershey's
i used to leave in the center console of
my honda accord, but it wouldn't take long to solidify if
i shoved them in the air vents bc for some reason
i had a ton of fun sized bars? and if
i think hard enough,
i believe my first bf stole a giant bag of halloween candy and
i, the bonnie to my clyde, ate that **** for months. now all
i have are some stale tootsie pops, but luckily
i didn't get any trick-or-treaters this year.
Nov 2024 · 41
hot red flames
pour down my cheeks;
my chest hurts,
you are here.

you can't be seen -
nor felt or heard,
but somewhere you
see me.

shows of affection,
scenes aiming towards my rocky foundation;
like that puny pebble to the giant.
i fall.

if squeezed hard enough,
eyes clenched until there's stars,
it's felt that you are proud,
or would be,
wherever you are.
grief is beautiful because the bursts of pain is almost all that's tangible
Nov 2024 · 55
Dodged a Bullet
The adrenaline when facing the gun
Feels a lot better than pride lost
Walking away,
But realizing discomfort in safety
Benefits longer than awaiting the
Unsure -
Rather the less likely,
Putting a target on my back heavier
Than I was ever destined to bear.
Wishing the shooter well
Knowing someday I’ll be held by one
With pillow arms
And a softer heart.
Nov 2024 · 128
A message sent
At a crafted time.
Manipulative, maybe…
Best luck be mine -
Not you, likely never
Truth stained in the sand,
But one last time
Let me shake your hand
I don’t know if you ever made it, but I can imagine you really wanted to and something probably came first that you love a lot and that’s special though not for me -
Nov 2024 · 46
Zero Proof
The weather
Sports, and your beer.
Non alcoholic? Why are you here?
“Tonight’s the night”
No, sir, time for bed.
Closer to my mom,
Mr. Salt and Pepper head.
The ‘tenders as inmates
Some lager with lime,
Expressing cheeks clenched
The duration of time.
“The ladies are splitting rations,”
They giggle and pour.
The crowds coming in
Time to head for the door
“Where’s your costume?”
Nov 2024 · 68
Probably Hungover
How did I
Make it home
And what’s the throb
Within my neck
From my brain or hips
Misaligned pings
Pain telling me something
Yet I can’t translate
Oct 2024 · 102
The Dance
Meet in the middle
Swirling each other
Two birds earning their wings.
The light somehow always beaming behind
Silhouettes now etched to memory.

Fingertips trailing my back
From one wrist, across the arms, down the elbow,
I lean in.
Rather than stop, or a crowd pleasing dip
You’ve waltzed away from the two step.
When did the time signature change?

Your left, and mine, we pass and part
Leading, you are no longer
Transition to a solo performance.

Leaving the floor, we exhale focused breath.
Shoulders still back,
Heads high - not subconscious.
Left, right, intertwined;
Now learning that even the steps backward,
Are all beauty within the dance.
Eternally longing for knowledge.
A jolly laugh at my Christmas list
For a book with more pages.
**** and Jane, it is.

May one who understands
Identical puzzles will seldom link,
And gaps to be filled is the beauty.
A lapse is an opportunity,
Not to rejuvenate but construct new
I will find you and know by conversation alone

I should stop watching love is blind
Oct 2024 · 53
Expensive wood and brass
Traded for ego
A cry to be seen superior
But alas,
Claiming businessmen support
You’re a *******
Oct 2024 · 84
your heart was
heavy, yet held
mine, and my arms
were weak, but
the sponge never
filled and when
I wring it out
there’s shades of you
Oct 2024 · 83
driving you home
your passenger seat sits empty
thoughtless tears fill the page
scribbling as shading
messy derives definition.
where the wind has taken
two longing souls we may never know
but longing for that eggnog grin,
flannel wrapped yellow rose
two toned raincoat and not
pinky gold
opal, no, maybe emerald.
you’ve remained the most
beautiful, you’ll not
understand, but
hopefully at last
you see.
It seems I’m always taking them home
Oct 2024 · 139
In the trees
I feel you.
Broad branches,
Tough bark.
Potentially a sculpture,
Or page,
Or foundation.
You were always beautiful
Idk how to deal with these emotions but I’m not ready for them to leave yet so I think I’ll sit in them and remember what it feels like to be held by someone who truly believes they care
Oct 2024 · 53
Everything’s Crunchy
Never as verbose,
Frankly couldn’t get close
But lord knows one’d yearn to try.

Tree bark wrinkles,
Decorating the curves;
Leaves vained and beginning to dry.

Throwing feet down a path;
Faux catches in photograph,
Pondered properly, one’d silently cry.

Your namesake echos;
You’d never accept nor believe,
But lord knows I’d yearn to try.
Oct 2024 · 33
Al Dante
I’ll reach to you
When the clock is right,
Which is twice a day
In this instance per lifetime.

I’ve swung and missed
Could’ve sworn you cared
I hope by February
It’s something else in the air
I realized what I need to chat with my therapist about
Oct 2024 · 54
Trifecta Plus
An unforeseen fact
You’re in love with an archer
What luck!
Oct 2024 · 32
Is bubbly,
More lore than the louvre.

Yet her eyes are sad,
And the tales she tells
Makes me think
About my therapist.
Oct 2024 · 39
If you think of me
What you think
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