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May 2020 · 98
Love: sharing the load
The Wonderess May 2020
I don’t expect you
To move mountains for me
Just carry my heart
When it gets too heavy...
May 2020 · 99
Beautiful Mess
The Wonderess May 2020
She was deeply disturbed
Yet, poised and peaceful.
Never had I seen
A mess more beautiful...
#strong #female
May 2020 · 85
The Wonderess
The Wonderess May 2020
Love her wildly
But let her be
She won’t run
If she’s free...
May 2020 · 103
Hard to Love
The Wonderess May 2020
Her wildness is not
To be tamed
Her beauty is not
To be framed

Her courage is not
To be questioned
Her suffering is not
to be mentioned

Her wisdom is not
To be undermined
Her power is not
To be denied

Her independence is not
to be compromised
Her fervent love is not
To be paralyzed

She is everything and
So much more...
She’s not hard to love
If you know how to adore
May 2020 · 71
Search for Softness
The Wonderess May 2020
Sister do not mistake
A hardened heart
For a strong
And safe

Your soul will crumble
And be enslaved by
one who’s cold heart
Is made of
May 2020 · 83
The Wonderess May 2020
If only you could understand,
How you held my heart
When you held
My hand

Your touches travelled past my skin
They shook my soul
So deep

You moved more than my body
I shared with you
Every last part
Of me

Yet you cannot comprehend
My pain when my lover
Told me, I’m only
A friend

You could have said it before
You let me believe that
I am so much

I am broken, now beyond repair
As you continue
Without a

Although I’m angered I’ll never wish
For anyone to ever
Hurt you
Like this

It takes a different kind of cruel
To take someone who
Loves you for a
#heartbreak #lovepoem
May 2020 · 74
Left Love Drunk
The Wonderess May 2020
They sipped on
You, Sweet Sister
Like you were cheap

Then realized
You were Champagne
The day you walked
#womenempowerment #walkaway
May 2020 · 92
Angel’s Adieu
The Wonderess May 2020
May you, so passionate, rest in peace
May your humble heart be at ease
And heaven shall surely in you pleasure find
Remember me, I beg, I’m not too far behind

I pray that in your soul I’m cherished
While I’m in my purgatory, perished
Each day is a weight that I cannot bear
The load of your loss is my dispair

And as you, Saint, God’s abode adorn
Below is besmirched as I mourn
Awaiting the time we will reunite
And this darkness will turn to light

So unfathomable is my pain
Like a law that has been profaned
It gnaws alway inside, the unremitting beast
I witness myself ******* more with every feast

As my mind ponders and I gaze forlorn
A trickle of hope and delight is born
I’m certain you have God’s fondness gained
As you in my favor have always remained

Empowered I commence journ with faith/hope
And search for your colors in life’s kaleidoscope...
May 2020 · 4.2k
She will Rise
The Wonderess May 2020
Rise up my Sister
You are a daughter
Of the Sun!
Rise once more,
Like you did before
A new dawn and day
Has come.
May 2020 · 69
Words are Precious Gems
The Wonderess May 2020
Hush Sister, I know
That you are burning
To erupt...
But trust, that the sheer
Violence of your silence
Is Enough!
May 2020 · 82
Sacred Teardrops
The Wonderess May 2020
Sister, there is no need
To push aside your pain.
Embrace it, for flowers
Cannot grow without rain.
May 2020 · 126
Alone isn’t Lonely
The Wonderess May 2020
Can’t they all just learn
To leave me alone
Is it so hard to fathom
That I like being on my own?

And no, it’s not lonely
I don’t need you help
I am perfectly capable
Of loving myself...
May 2020 · 154
Phases of her Moon
The Wonderess May 2020
You are like
The magnificent

When you feel
Your power waning
Know it will be restored
To it’s fullness soon...
The Wonderess May 2020
I am lost for words,
As I am lost for love
I cry out aloud,
Seeking guidance from above

Do you hear me Great Spirit
When I painfully cry out?
Perhaps you too are deaf,
To everything I shout

Do you see my sorrow
Or do my tears evaporate
Maybe, I am scorned by you
As the others me hate

I am created from dust,
They remind me everyday
Their words like a hurricane,
Blow my hope away

Yet here I am before you,
Pleading yet again
Release me from this anguish
And from all of them

Monsters lurk amongst us
We become their slaves
We nominate them as leaders:
They lead us to our graves

Insignificant are the powerless
To the tyrants who roam around
The strong only grow stronger
Trodding the weak into the ground.

We are meant to be equals
Everyone, you and I;
Being born and raised
Under the same sky

Yet we are treated
So differently...
Tell me, where is the
Human in Humanity?
To quote Jimi Hendrix, when the power of love overcomes the love of power then the world shall know peace.
May 2020 · 64
The Irony of Intimacy
The Wonderess May 2020
Something powerful lingered
Between our interlaced

I was ever so softly shocked
When our hands were

Your kiss like a lightening bolt
Struck my heart to a

I was electrocuted by your eyes
When I at last removed my

And finally I resigned to my urge
, to feel this current through me

Two bodies fused into one...
But the current did not

And empty was the ecstasy
That belonged only to my

I stared at your blank face
And realized what was
Taking place

You were devoid of feeling,
This had no deeper

You had extinguished our flame
My sacrifice was all in

I sought a golden shine
And let you enter my
Soul and shrine

Now I’m left tainted and torn
I wish you’d have me

That you never intended to ignite
Our love with your false

I was fooled and gave my trust
To a devil derived from

Love is indeed blind
Unable to recognize
It’s own kind

*** and intimacy are far apart
You wanted my body
Not my heart.
Sometimes we are mislead by people who pretend to love us in our entirety when indeed all they’re after is our body. In my life I’ve learnt some hard  lessons and one of them was to distinguish between love/intimacy and ***. I was tricked and payed the price, so I thought I’d try and describe this experience to you.
The Wonderess May 2020
i wrote You a story,
with meticulous care
praised your great glory
with  flaws,so blatant, there

i drew You a picture
with such precision
magnified Your stature
according to my vision

You wrote me a story
with malicious intent
what i failed to foresee
i could not prevent

You drew me a picture
dedicated to your desire
i didn’t recognize her
the witch  in Your fire

i told myself our story
The one You wouldn’t hear
what a fantastic fantasy
that seemed so sincere

i admired our picture
the one you wouldn’t see
an angel, called Lucifer
stared back at me

I’m writing myself a story
incase it interests you
a kind of an allegory
to get the message through

I’m drawing myself a picture
in case it crossed your mind
always confusing sin with scripture
I wonder what meaning you’ll find

I’ve written myself a story
and drawn myself a picture
where  I’m freed from your purgatory
and have emerged a victor...
Sometimes people make as though we are unable or unwilling to love yet  they and others have treated us in a way that has made us so apprehensive to lend our hearts out. Love is a two way street...
May 2020 · 56
You are not the Sun
The Wonderess May 2020
I existed without you
I do not need you that is
For sure
Although our love was
And it may be trying to
With my life, all on my own,
there is a difference between
Lonely and alone.
You played with my heart like
A yo-yo
In a painful game of
You could not love me
Or let me go
But I am gone now
You undermined my incredible
But you are not the sun, and I
The Earth
I radiate my own powerful
I possess incomprehensible

Out, out your evil is
Your kind of darkness will
May 2020 · 79
For my best friend
The Wonderess May 2020
Through thick and thin
Loss  and win
We were glued together
As we will be forever

We cured each disaster
With goofing and laughter
Quite the doctors we were
With life’s essential cure

Adopting Peter Pan’s
Most Brilliant Plan
We refused to grow old
to grow bitter and cold

We were so powerful
We were so invincible
Two fragile little girls
Taking on a cruel world

Now we are older
and debatably wiser
Trapped inside adults
despite our revolts

Yet, we bring magic
To a world so tragic
With the ‘faith, trust
And pixie dust ‘

Of our
everlasting friendship...
This poem is dedicated to my best friend and describes how a the sisterly bond that we shared is the kind of magical live that brightens up the world on the most dull of days.
The Wonderess May 2020
I wish someone
Would give me
That Look...

You know the one
Where they read
You, like
You’re their
Favorite book.
This was random, and not at all an indication of my literary competence but I think I’m done showing off my vocabulary for the day. I want my last piece for today to showcase my feelings, to which I hope you all can relate. If I ever meet the love of my life I want him to admire me and be intrigued by my every detail, the way a person is mesmerized by their favorite piece of literature.
May 2020 · 78
The Wordless Writer
The Wonderess May 2020
Crumbling beneath
The boulders,
Of the burdens
On her shoulders

She sits collapsed
On the cold concrete,
Curled up under
A blanket of defeat

Between two kneecaps
clamped head,
Whilst leaning against
The lonesome bed

Tear stains
Mark her face
A painting of
Sheer disgrace

Silent screams
Over her plight
Echo through
The empty night

Knowing that No amount
Of pills and potions
Can cure her of these
Horrid emotions  

She clasps a knife
gasps for breath
Clings onto life
dreams of death

They have sight
But refuse to see
That writing is
Her remedy

Unable to fulfill
Her purpose
She feels utterly
When I am unable to write I feel as though my life has no purpose. Can of my fellow poets relate?
May 2020 · 67
The Wonderess May 2020
She has been my greatest lover
My truest companion
My safe haven
My everything
Without her
I am no one,
May 2020 · 74
My biggest fear
The Wonderess May 2020
That the one I love most finally wakes up from his perfect illusion of me and sees me the way that I see myself.
May 2020 · 102
A lighter life
The Wonderess May 2020
Let go of all the pain of the past and feel how much lighter your journey to the future becomes.
Apr 2020 · 79
The Wonderess Apr 2020
I’d rather you tell me
That you hate me to
My face.

Because I know you
Don’t give a ****
In any case.

So what’s with the chit-chat
And wasting of

Would you come to my
Funeral, pretend-cry
At my death?
Apr 2020 · 174
It comes as a shock
The Wonderess Apr 2020
They say that I’m
Too much to

Yet they never seem
To handle me with

They say that I’m
Unable to

Yet they break it the
Moment I’m not

They say that I’m
Far too

Yet they won’t
Help me

They say I’m
Cold and

Yet they ignore
What I

They say that I‘m
unable to

Yet they are the
Ones who can’t

They say I’m
Afraid of

Yet there is
so much to
Sometimes people make as though we are unable or unwilling to love yet  they and others have treated us in a way that has made us so apprehensive to lend our hearts out. Love is a two way street...
Apr 2020 · 74
I wonder who wounded you
The Wonderess Apr 2020
I wonder who wounded you
For you to be this way...
For you to be so callous
And cast love away.

I wonder who wounded you
For you to be this way
I will no longer despise you
But for your healing pray.
Sometimes people hurt us and we regard them as monsters. We harbor hatred and anger for them because of all of the pain they have caused us. Yet something or someone caused them to be this way, so we should pity them instead and pray for their healing.
Apr 2020 · 74
The Wonderess Apr 2020
I gave you an  
Accepted your
So who really
Is to blame,
If we both treated
Me the same?

You said you
Loved me...
And it set
Me free

Only to later
Lock me up
And throw
Away the

Yet it appeared
Quite fine as I
Had been
Locked up

The difference being
That I was the
Warder of my
Own prison

Tell me, who is to
When we hurt
Me the same?

You saw me suffer
And worsened
My existing
The Wonderess Apr 2020
Don’t build me up
To break me down
Don’t make me smile
To make me frown
Don’t me make laugh
To make me cry
Don’t make want to live
To make me want die...
Apr 2020 · 103
Back To Earth
The Wonderess Apr 2020
she paints

her mind
onto paper

worlds with


lose and find
herself in...

forced to
break her

her sacred

she returns
I wrote this poem as an expression of how lost I sometimes feel as a writer in this world. I am in my element when I am producing work and writing poetry, this is how I escape all the problems I am faced with in reality. It is my save haven and through poetry I am able to discover my true self in the alternative reality She creates for me. This is when I am at my most powerful, when I write I become the ‘Avatar’ version of me, can any of you fellow writers relate?

— The End —