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532 · Mar 2020
Just a Beginner
gt lexicartis Mar 2020
I'm just a beginner,
I love beginnings.
They're fresh, they're inviting
and promise all things exciting.
Beginnings are just right
for variety and spice.

I'm just a beginner,
I love beginnings;
but once past the genesis
in kicks my nemesis,
and as in sets the blight -
I begin to think twice.

I'm just a beginner,
I love beginnings.
If, perchance, by some fiddle
I get near to the
220 · Feb 2020
Mole Hill
gt lexicartis Feb 2020
He’s a little blind,
His body’s stunted,
His skin is thick,
And he sometimes sticks
His pointed snout
Somewhere where it’s not wanted.

He can’t see it all,
He gets things wrong;
He rarely knows
When he sometimes throws
A pile of dirt
Up on a perfect lawn.

He’s poor with words,
Can’t stand the silent shouting.
He’s optimistic still,
And hopes his hill
Will be washed away
Before it becomes a mountain.
Maybe you know someone like this … be kind …
179 · Mar 2020
If The World Could Smile
gt lexicartis Mar 2020
I sit and I watch as the sun goes down,
The lids of the eyes of the world close –
I reflect on the sights that those eyes have seen
And I hope that its lips have a smile.

I stay past the dusk in the long night hours
And share in the peace that the world shows –
I consider the dreams that the day must cause
And I hope that its lips have a smile.

I watch as the first streaks of light hit dawn,
The pulse of the heart of the world grows –
I wonder on the thoughts of its rise and shine
And I hope that its lips have a smile.

— The End —