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undefined spine
so close, in lordosis

will gravity win tonight?

around a fountain

she's curving toward
rebirthing cisterns
about the recesses
of her question mark


privately electrified
in beautiful confusion
the brain is lost

innately she takes
another drink from my hands
Hello everyone at HP,

Starting this month, we hope to bring something new to Hello Poetry: a spotlight on our fellow poets here in this community.

Each month we will highlight one poet by posting an interview with them complete with a little background, how long they have been writing, what inspires them, etc. We will also highlight a few of their best or favorite poems (with a link to each one).

If you have any thoughts or questions you would like us to include in these interviews or would like to participate, please feel free to let us know via the comments section or direct messaging.

We hope this will be well received and provide a way of getting to know one another better.

Thank you,
Mr. & Mrs. Timetable
Okay Country green and faire,
the rival feathers of America,
the soft shells of Siesta Key
Beach, the roar of the freight
train as it turned belly up in
the anxiety of a post qualude

Marriage was the script of
the Land and grass the dress
the smaller stately Maples
wore spitefully as the red and
black Muscovy waddled up

looking for the crisps of bread
that Jim threw out every day.
The gospels of Sand Hills
displayed in the Red hills

The citizens of the Back Yard
smoked the tender joint while
I ran to the top of the hill, Jean.
The score my devastation wrote
on the billious worn sofa.  Green
toile soldiers armed with the
nets of armaments.

Toile was the pattern of my
tru loves coat.  Green were the
dresses flirtatiously spilling my

Then you lay my sorry self on the
deck of the ship Wisconsin.
My chair was missing and
we made clumsy love in
spite of the sway of the

Oh feature with me,
man of sorrows, to
the end of the play.
I will dance at the middle
and musk the top of my old

Bare my top and I will,
be the selfsame

sinner after all.

Caroline Shank
 Mar 2023 Chuck Kean
 Mar 2023 Chuck Kean
We can hide behind the clouds
In summer storm
When flight feeds
Opens love
But not the way I wanted,
Then I realised my expectations were selfish,
And his love was simple and straight from the heart.
And should the darkness reach you
Seeping around soul
Be ever still
Silent too
I will lift you from that hole

For wakening stifled sin
Soft and weary sighs
Heal this wound created within
Make it numb with lies

The sand burrowing deeper
Every grain burns like fire
Fears fed to the grim reaper
Spirit growing tired
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