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It will be well
You will remember these days as history,
thankful, and grateful for your struggles
The blood spilled will have justice

You will look back to today
Thankful for creating a better Nigeria
You will look back to today
grateful you didn't give up
This poem is dedicated to the protest and unrest currently going on in Nigeria.
So tired of thinking i
m not good enough
So tired of thing im better off somewhere else
so tired of thinking people will never understand me
So tired of being used
So tired of wanting to be expected
but as i say thing that girl got tired and she became something she do not think would happen she became a warrior
I might be a child
I might be crazy
But I think everybody deserves the same plate
Would you trade me for your life?
Would you believe me even when all evidence contradicts my words?
Tell me the worst thing you think I can do
Can you convince me that I am not wrong even when I feel bad?

Will I be able to find in you that friend that I need ……
Are you my friend in need or will you prove to be my friend indeed
If you don’t have faith in me, why then do you laugh with me
I feel scared because I am surrounded by phonies
Like though am In Hollywood
How then do I act when I have fake friends?

I had trusted but wasn’t trusted in return
I had cared but wasn’t cared for in return
You claim you love me
But behind you stab me
Why then should I love you?
Your words are like that of an experienced poet
Sweet and soothing
But in truth you are venomous

Do not get me wrong
You made me this way
You created this version of me I never knew existed
But I ask myself why then should I give you that right?
The right to mar or make me
In truth, I doubt you are worth my time
Fake friends don’t fall in my list of love

Trust when broken cannot be repaired
You lost the best thing that can ever happen to you
Now I wonder where these thoughts come from.
Are my words cruel or is it deserving?
I am in a state of confusion
Tell me where my faith lies
How then should I act with fake friends, I ask again?

One year with out your face
One year with out for laugh
One year with out your smile
One year with out your heart
One year with out your voice
One year with out your love
One year with out holding you
One year with out talking to you
One year with out your hug
One year with out your kiss
One year with out you
One year with out with me saying I love you to
One year with out growing old with you
If I could be with you I would
If god gave me one hr with you now I would tell you
How much i miss you
How much i love you
How much I think about you
How much I wish I went with you
How much I need you
But I know You  are looking after me and that will have to do
One year .

Tina lombardo
A year ago I lost the love of my life accidentally death they say I'll never really know what happen to him but I know looks put for me every day .I miss lance xoxox
He was imperfect
He was young
She loved him
She was crazy
She wasn’t so pretty
He loved her

He had doubts
He had challenges
She loved him
She was naïve
She was carefree
He loved her

He was smart
He was cute
She loved him
She got brains
She had talent
He loved her

He lied
He cheated
She loved him
He became rude
He was difficult
She loved him

He was scared
He was reckless
She cared
He was arrogant
He was insensitive
She was hurt

He ignored her
He hurt her more
She became different
He cheated more
He cheated carelessly
She ignored him

He became scarce
He cut off ties
She survived
He was addicted
He was pitiful
She had empathy

He fell
She brought him up
He got sick
She nursed him to health
She slipped
He didn’t catch her
He got into trouble
She turned her back on him

He wanted her back
She didn’t
It was too late
She felt nothing for him

She was,
A diamond he got
She was,
A diamond he lost
It has been so long
so long since I last paid attention
seems like I gave up
you have taken control
now am glad
the shortest poem I have ever written
Chances are draining and I am waiting
The line is stretching and I might give in
feed me or I might be fed by another
it is a gift you're tossing
a diamond you're losing
the best thing that is slipping

Slipping into the hands of another
Words you didn't say were said by another
Actions you didn't perform were done by another
Things you didn't notice were admired by another
It is slipping and the best thing might be leaving

The clock is ticking and you are losing
The other is waiting for the trophy
Its time for checking and you got nothing
You never remembered when you gave up the best thing

That best thing that ever happened to you is lost to the other.
Don't leave potential needs in life hanging, you might regret after it is being taken away. #regrets#pastimes
I think of you
like it what i need
I think of you
even  though it seems toxic
I think of you
like my next breath

when will my mind turn logical?
when will i become free?
when will your memories let me go?

I think of you
because i have no choice
I think of you
because i can't seem to stop
You should know me
well enough,
to know that I don't linger
where i am not wanted.

— The End —