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Kafka Joint Feb 2021
The situation is difficult,
We are still gathering information
To know exactly, why it is best to do nothing.
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
The situation is difficult,
But only you can make it desperate.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
The situation is getting difficult,
Which is good,
Because it was desperate.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The size doesn't matter.
The dimensions do.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
The sky isn't responsible for your feelings and stuff,
For all you know, the sky has its own issues,
And therefore, you have to be tough,
Without using too many tissues.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
The sky is blue or dark,
The fish is shark or probably not shark,
But you still have to leave your mark.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
When we are are forgetting
To look at the sky,
The sky is getting desperate,
And begins to cry,
And so it rains.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The sky is elusive,
It escapes me,
It shows only cloudy shadows of, well, clouds.
Kafka Joint May 2020
The sky is hurting,
The sky is in pain,
The sky is healing itself with a rain.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The smallest possible unit of me
Is a timid glance
Towards you.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
The space is full of people lost in space.
Kafka Joint May 2020
The spider on the wall
Is planning something,
It's going to hunt
And then to do some knitting.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The stage was set.
We were both born. Our rather happy childhood in this blissfully forgotten by the usual disasters country could begin and be rolling throughout the years ahead.
I know the current outcome of it now, but anyway nobody's eager enough to go back to change a thing.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
The story begins with a coincidence, develops through a chain of absurd events and unexpectedly ends by a happy marriage. It's really weird.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
The strangest things can happen,
And then unhappen,
On Earth and even in Heaven,
In Christmas time.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
The street is falling on me,
I am going up the sky,
I am free, I am finally free,
Oh my.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
The summer will come and you'll be sorry for whatever you are doing right now.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
The sun came up and went down,
The sun came up and went down,
The sun came up and went down,
The sun came up...
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
The sun is shining, smiling, collecting likes,
Putting everyone in favourites,
Truly a biggest influencer this morning.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
The sun will rise,
And the birds will be chirping again,
Non regarding the fact that you will now eat
Or not eat this last piece of pizza.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The supernatural power
To stay at the window, looking at the rain outside,
And enjoy the moment.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
The tenderness of a tsunami
Is gathering in your eyes,
I don't dare to look in them twice.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The things went wrong
And then came back,
Still being wrong.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The time will heal or ****,
The choice is yours,
The timing is not.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
The truth is there,
The truth is always there,
And that's the only thing, that is fair.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
The unexpected outcome
Is knocking at the door
To be let in.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The Universe is full of black holes and ants.
The black holes are more famous, but we see mostly the ants.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The Venus flytrap
Is sleepily green,
A spot on the map.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
The void is kind of security,
A safe place for scared being,
It only it could allow somebody
To get inside.
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
The warmth of earth,
The cold of sky,
And me, in between,
Aiming for a room temperature.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
The welcoming party was late,
I stumbled and sat down to wait,
The silence was entertaining me.
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
This white handkerchief
Of a new snow,
Has fallen to stay,
But will probably go.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
The whole afternoon I walked through the fields,
Looking at the occasional birds
And thinking about the Universe,
And then I watched TV.
Kafka Joint Jun 2020
The winds have changed directions,
But I wasn't sailing,
I was asleep.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
The word "never" has five letters and four sounds.
It is pronounced in less than one second.
It's quite pretentious, somehow.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
The world might well go down,
The giggling should go on.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The world is a place with a lot of single beds,
But just a few single rooms,
Besides ones in prisons.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The world of half-cooked spaghetti
Is closing up on me,
I want to get out.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
The worst part is always over,
As long as you think about it.
Think about it.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
They are not burning bridges,
They are not burning castles,
They are burning themselves.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
The year is fine
If we'll draw the line,
As it's time.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
They told me
That there was no sky without me,
But there is now.
So I jumped.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
They told me, I should be concerned,
Not worried, but just concerned,
And I'm very worried right now.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
They want me to say clever things,
They all are looking at me,
Thanks God, I am so drunk,
Otherwise I would be just dead.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
Things keep happening to me.
They are telling me, that's life.
Maybe, but why the life is happening to me?
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
Things are slipping through windows
And are coming back,
In another shapes, at another times.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Things, that aren't silly,
Are strange,
Which is also silly,
At a closer range.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
There's nothing to understand,
But there are a lot of things to
Live through,
To live with
And to live for.
Kafka Joint May 2020
Things to do,
Thoughts to think,
Times to be late.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Think about a lemon.
Think about a blue elephant.
Think again about a lemon.
Is the blue elephant thinking about a lemon, too?
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