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Kafka Joint Jan 2020
The quietness of your emotions
Is chilling me,
In some unknown way.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
The rabbit society
Is worshipping carrots,
To utter amazement of bees.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
The rain is not my strong point,
I go all sentimental, I look out of windows,
My face is coming back,
My face is coming back.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
The range
Of the things, that are strange,
Is limitless,
Which is also strange,
And therefore from the same range.
Kafka Joint Apr 2021
The ray of hope
Is piercing
Through my world.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
The realism is a change in disguise,
Changing the topics - constantly, twice,
Faking itself, to avoid a fake.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
There are a lot of roads
Not yet taken
And happy to stay this way.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
There are always three possibilities:
- There is something,
- There is nothing,
- You don't care either way.
Only the third one is worth anything.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
There are concepts
That I am not prepared to comprehend,
Like not having a good coffee right now.
Kafka Joint Nov 2020
There are good days
And there are bad...
Well, years.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
There are many words,
But only one silence,
In so many worlds
So few senses.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
There are no guidelines
About a background noise,
About a chilling wind
Or a mixture of those.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
There are signals,
You just have to listen,
And you have to be very drunk.
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
There are so many cute people in this world,
As I've seen or as I've been told,
That at least one of them should be me.
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
There are so many things,
About which there is nothing to tell.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
There are thousands of poems, praising minimalism,
Admiring minimalism,
Filling up books about it.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
There are three things to burn in your fire:
to get inspired,
to get lost,
to come back to inspire.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
There are times when you can do nothing and that's exactly the only right thing to do. You recognise those times immediately, after they've gone.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
There are too many midnights
Until the next morning.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
The receding tide should let us alone,
We will shine
And be like at home.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
The red-light district
Is flickering,
Don't be very strict
And stop bickering.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
There had been too much pleasure,
Too many excitements,
With only emptiness afterwards.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
There is nothing certain in this world,
There is nothing certain,
There is nothing certain,
There is nothing certain.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
There is a door,
At the end of every doorway,
You don't have to go in,
And you can't go away.
Kafka Joint Nov 2020
there is a good coffee,
there is a bad coffee,
everything else fits in.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
there is a lot of broken hearts,
lying around.
what a mess.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
there is always
only one person,
in the whole world,
and it's never me.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
There is a range
Of things that are strange,
All other things are not normal.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
there is a silence "before",
there is a silence "after",
there is also a silence-twin,
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
There is a sky above me, moral torturers inside me, and sometimes there's a headache too.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
There is no context left,
There is just a language desert
With occasional ruins of ancient contexts.
Kafka Joint May 2020
There is no downside
To a nice backside.
Kafka Joint Jun 2020
There is no easy way to say
That I love you,
Unless I just do it.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
There is no entropy
In this world,
There is no entropy,
I've been told,
The only entropy you have,
The little entropy you have,
Is in yourself.
Kafka Joint Jul 2020
There is no good time,
Unless you have it,
There is no good place,
Unless it's yours.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
There is no karma,
There is a lot of waiting
And then a lot of coincidences.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
There is no love lost
And there is no hate found,
There is not even a sound.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
There is no selfie
Of my soul,
Without which I am somehow
Not whole.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
There is no sense in being like the others.
The others are already there, you see
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
There is no silence
Without a noise,
Without a voice.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
there is no stopping me
from doing nothing sensible,
I am quite merciless in such matters.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
there is nothing,
that could stop me
from not doing it.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
There is nothing strange
In being weird,
If you know how to.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
There is nothing sweaty about a desert,
No fears, no thoughts, no smells,
Only a dry feeling of being,
Only a dry feeling of self.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
There is no time
For the first time
Or the last time,
There's barely time
For the next time.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
There's not much at stake
During a coffee break,
Unless the coffee is bad,
Which would be sad.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
There's not much I can face before the breakfast,
But I can face the breakfast,
Yes I can.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
There is no tomorrow
In this Universe,
There is only a sorrow
And vice versa.
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
there is one haiku,
written as 5-7-5,
that answers all asks.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
There's only one bitter truth and a whole bunch of sweet lies.
And all you've got is an empty stomach.
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