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235 · Sep 2019
Ava Cullinan Sep 2019
Black and colourful
like stars in the night sky
twinkling- no sparkling
like a blazing fire
I can feel their warmth

I can’t look away
their angelic beauty possesses me
controlling my actions
dominating my thoughts
forcing me to feel

They make me
hear when I’m not listening
see when I’m not looking
feel when I’m not touching

When I gaze into your eyes I am paralized
I am lost

Oh I love your eyes
Your eyes
They are black
229 · Sep 2019
Fire and sadness
Ava Cullinan Sep 2019
I am red and you are blue
But how we are not colours
Rather something else
Oh definitely not anger and sadness
For when you are sad you are angry
And when I am angry I am sad

Oh how we are Opposites
similar opposites
For when I am visible you are not
And thus when you are visible I am not

But yet if the world was dark
We wouldn’t see you at all
For I would be the light
yet you would still fall

I am fire and you are water
Oh how my flames; they warm
And how your droplets; they cool
I am too hot for I am burning
You are too cold for you are almost ice

For when I am ablaze I crave the water
And when you are flowing you crave the fire
For it is love
Forbidden love

I am angry at this
And you sad
But if we could be together there would be no more
                                                    No more fire
                                                    No more rain

                                                       Just smoke
                                                  Purple smoke

— The End —