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  Jan 2 Masibulele Ntsepo
Living to the full,

always searching for balance --

and finding myself.
For Maria Godschalk

Collection "On living on [1]"
I welcome the feeling
of leaving behind …
No Facebook, no Twitter
no Email to blind

Controlling the message
undigitized truth
My mind free of programs
my spirit induced

Where magic is whispered
no texting or bytes
Bespoken the voices
I hear in the night

My memory stays active
not stored in the Cloud
Rebooting what’s under
— enlightenment’s shroud

(The New Room: January, 2024)
I stand ***** , having corrected my errors
Turned my misfortunes to fortunes of wisdom
Nobody is perfect, but it feels perfect when things come together as people
With my backbone straight, I have a better view of the future ( not to say the present is better than the past)
Positive anticipation has made an optimistic out of me ( in all spheres of life. Mentally, Metaphysically, Spiritually)
The content of the matter should be the angle of perspective (or is it the other way round?)
Fed by faith, drunk by belief
I ******* progressive actions, eking out
As things happen by being done
I still have my fair share of mistakes up my sleeve, as that's how we learn (but not the same sleeve I wear my heart )
Having the confidence to face the Creator, the world and it's people , makes all the difference
I may not be different but I'm indifference
The feeling of despair, makes one feel impaired
Stuck, in the repetition of questioning rationalisation
Should I have dared to inflict more care
To what satisfaction is my ignorance
Inflated despair causes desperation, to my realisation

When sense makes no sense
When one's world is upside-down
When there is conflict between interest and intention and action
That's when despair we meet

Feeling loss of control
Forgetting, not everything is in your control
Faith broken with no hope of repair
Internal conflicting with external

I dare say being despair is feutal
As we grow we learn the wisdom that life is eternal
Life experience of experience occurs even unintentional
Emotions are there until they are there no more
The logical healing of despair is the beauty of life
I may be light in weight but I carry this heavy-weight on my shoulders
It's no-one else's responsibility but my own
So I own up to it and not call it a burden
This weight is to weigh my own strength and characteristics
So I should never let it weigh me down
And even learn to let go of unnecesity
As long as I live I grow stronger
To pain I am no stranger I am just not yet it's master
Even weight-lifting does not get rid of this weight off my shoulders
So I think through this experience and realize I have wisdom to gain
And also learnt to be a good sport
As I enjoy rugby than American-football
I acknowledge the ball is in my court
And so should have the ***** to court success (triumph and victory and conquer)
They say it's not over until the fat-lady sings
I have yet seen fat-ladies crossing marathon finishing-lines
Shoulders are between the head and the chest
So it's only natural that I find myself inbetween logic and emotion
Be the strength when I have none
Have nerves-of-steel during a nervous-breakdown
They say opposites attract and still am searching for the natural opposite of gravitational-force
And try to force it to elevate me to levitation
As this weight does not give me the leisure to wait
It's better bearable when I am in motion
Maybe it would be better if I weighed like a bear
Sometimes I cannot even bare hugs with aggression of intolerance
It's a lemon-flavoured honey taste to swallow
As sometimes I wish I was free as swallows
Even caged birds sing
To sing the freedom song you need to break-out of the cage
To break-out of the cage you need the wisdom of will and strength
And so a healthy mind needs a healthy body
As this weight also weighs emotionally and mentally
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