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274 · Apr 2019
"Hey Mam.."
F Apr 2019
Inside out,
Upside down,
Tarnished by your words,
Seeking refuge in the colours that outcast me.
How bitter sweet does this have to be?

If coming clean with myself
In turn looses you,
Then why do I still breath?

My flesh torn,
Blood staining the floor,
Shrouded by cloth,
The pigments set us apart.
How can six words change a life?

My head nodding,
Each silent breath,
Strikes with no warning.
In your soul,
Do you wish me dead?

But this can't be true,
For all I said,
"Hey mam,
I think I'm gay."
I wrote this poem after I told my parents I was gay, they didn't react like this (thankfully) but I know far to many people who's parents did x
231 · Apr 2019
The Ways of the Mountains
F Apr 2019
There's shouting now,
Up there,
On the mountains.
There's shouting.

The wind beacons her,
Tugging at her flesh,
Bringing life back to the girls face,
The rocks urge her,
It's just one step,
One step and the pain stops,
Her mind is in agreement,
But her soul is left divided,
Her thoughts push her to the edge,
Her memories keep her feet firm to the ground,
The voices command her,
Her eyes glazed over in conflict,
The tide crashing to the sand provides comfort,
Whispering away her sorrow's.
There is just one thing to do in return.
She let's the wind guide her,
The voices in her head,
And emotions drowned by liquor,
She let's the rock's take her life,
The sea take her body,
And the mountains take her spirit.

It's silent now,
Up there,
On the mountains.
It's silent.
This is my first poem to be published, I hope you like it x

— The End —