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796 · Jan 2019
aymen nadeem Jan 2019
The voices inside my head telling me to let it all go

They grow louder and louder the more I ignore

The judgments, the hatred, the tears I cry

Do you know about them or do you just believe what the smile hides?

The harsh words and the pointing fingers have damaged my soul

I want to get out of here, to a place unknown

This world is a dark place, they always say

But what about the darkness inside me that lingers on each day

I am slowly drowning, I need a hand to hold- Are you listening or choosing to ignore.

There is little humanity left in this world, it’s a shame

7 billion people in this world, not a single one today

Could’ve should’ve doesn’t make a difference once its too late

I don’t know much but this I know, we are all just humans and sometimes

We lose our way.
178 · Jan 2019
aymen nadeem Jan 2019
Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not good enough

Don’t let them break your strength with their harsh words

You have a fire in you that can light the whole world in flames

You have a heart of gold, oh darling, don’t ever change.
170 · Jan 2019
aymen nadeem Jan 2019
-Let me tell you a story about a girl

Short hair, dark brown eyes, wore her heart on her sleeves, I wonder why

She had a thing for lost souls, always ready to lend a hand, made bad decisions sometimes, hurt a few down the line.

You came along, broken and confused before you knew it, she had already made you her muse.

You started falling for her, that she knew- so she continued her games and broke your heart in two.

She hurt you badly, through no fault of her own, she was committed to a lover unknown.

You moved on and fell for someone new- you seemed happy, she was happier for you

Now you sit here and write about the love of your life, while she sits there and writes about the love she never gave a try

You only remember her as the girl who broke your heart, while she remembers you as someone she loved from afar.
143 · Jan 2019
aymen nadeem Jan 2019
Look at us and what we have become

Stuck between what we want and what’s expected of us

Hard to be understood but we try anyway

That’s not good enough, we hear again and again

Doubting ourselves as we turn to unfamiliar things

Drugs alcohol and Xanax pills

Numbing the pain that society causes

Breaking the rules that the world doesn’t abide

Don’t do this, Don’t do that- is a daily struggle

Hiding our feelings is our expert level

A boy who loves a boy, well that’s sinful

But a boy who sleeps with different girls, well that’s meaningful

Come home at 2 am, hear mothers say

Girls don’t stay out at night, it’s not safe

Hiding under a mask we made

Scared to speak, scared to love- is this our fate?

Enough is enough, we often say

Let them point the fingers if the may

Live life on our own terms, be whoever we want

We are the generation that will bring change

So let’s spread love and stop with the hate.
90 · Feb 2020
aymen nadeem Feb 2020
Since the day I fell for you

I have known that there will come a day when it will be time to let go

Not because you and I would want to but because no one else will understand our love

And that’s okay.

Because the love we shared is selfishly ours.

And call it a curse or a blessing, but we are the rare ones who felt something others can only dream of.

And if they could feel even a quarter of what we have, they would know why love like this only happens once in a lifetime.
Instagram: Ignoranceofyouth

— The End —