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I used to read your poems
but lately you don't write
you're silent and aloof
you know that isn't right.
You can't close a door once opened
you can't abolish all your dreams
you're a poet of the heart
mustn't fall apart at the seams.
Say what you can in words
they speak the message true
spoken from the heart
the poems will see you through.
A hermit's not your style
a recluse, you are not
never give up writing
of things that you've been taught.
I used to read your poems
I'd read them once again
if you would send them out
(this one's from a poet friend)
I will write for you
one more poem
I will sing for you
another love song.
If you like them
and think of me again,
then forget your pride, darling
Say goodbye to your pride!

I will smile at you
if I am hurt
I will sit next to you
and forget my sore
If you like it
and feel my heart
then forget your pride, darling
Say goodbye to your pride!

I will be the evening star.
I will be in your eyes.
I'll come in your dream
and brighten your face.
Even if you don't love me
then smile a little bit more
and forget your pride, darling
Say goodbye to your pride!
My latest book "Love Falls With Tears" is live on amazon.
 Nov 2018 Darline Gelok
Those silly songs;
so sad but true
With lost feelings
of me and you

I played it on
with the tape's side A
Felt like blossoms of dawn
and flowers of May

I flipped the tape
Found side B's empty
The same thing I get
Every time you look at me

"You'll get over this."
You once confided
That's what our love is;
Too one-sided
I wrote this three years ago and I'd love to share it here with you! ♥
I am so not ready for this cold
And the dreaded curse word I call snow
**** it I see some flurries
I better get inside in a hurry
The air is bitter and it’s cold
Did I ever mention I hate winter
Sorry for being so bold
Oh it’s beautiful when it falls
But once it’s over, I wish I have a magic wand
To remove the snow from all around
Bring up the sun and warm the ground
I am so not ready for the cold
And the dreaded curse word I call
Here’s to the first snow fall
Of the year. Just a little rant lol

Hey you....

Yeah you reading this.....

You are loved
You are amazing
You are beautiful
You are worthy
You are blessed

Your welcome
Hope you have an amazing day!

A friend
 Oct 2018 Darline Gelok
the words spilled from her mouth

here i sit,
as my best friend,
tells me
you have another.

i shouldn’t care.
but i do.

no matter how hard i try,
the poetry for you in which i write,
never ceases.
it just keeps pouring out of my soul.
it sometimes seems as if,
the poetry i write for you is what keeps my heart beating.
what keeps me breathing.

but now, what am i supposed to do?
do you think she will love you?
do you really think she will love you?
please tell me.

it’s hard to think of you with another
because we used to be so in love with each other.

it’s been a long time since we last spoke,
but it feels as if all the memories of us i have were just made yesterday.

you have another.
who will never,
love you in the way i could.

but my question for you is,
will you love her in the way you could towards me?
Sometimes unspoken words
Are a bigger action then spoken words...
*      *      *      and you are      *      *            
   *           *  just­ like the moon *      *          
*        *   *      -----so, alone-----      *      *    
   *      *    but you shine bright  *      *    
*     *            at the darkest  *      *     *
   *      *      *     of times  *      *      *      *    
*           *           *           *         *          

— The End —