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 Oct 2018 Whisper
Keyan R
Dear Love
 Oct 2018 Whisper
Keyan R
Dear Love,

I know in my heart without a doubt even if I can never find the words to say
You are the one I am crazy about
You are the one I fap for every day
When everything doesn't feel right,
I look at you
My sun, my moon, my morning light
My happiness when all is blue
With you, I am always safe and every day you make my heart race
You're my home, my friend, and saving grace
I was asked to make a funny poem about *******
 Oct 2018 Whisper
 Oct 2018 Whisper
It makes me mad when people say you’re lucky
When you can do something like take a nap
While they have to be at work
Like no, you are the lucky one

Isn’t waking up everyday and wishing it was over
Isn’t seeing yourself in the mirror and wishing you were someone else

Isn’t the crippling fear that hides itself til you try and open that door
Isn’t hoping that people don’t see the tears welling up from the constant ridicule of your own mind

Isn’t when your anxiety is so bad you are afraid to be around people
Isn’t getting angry or over protective of yourself in fear of what your friends might think

Lucky is when you are able to stand up without fear
Is when the outside world brings you joy

Lucky is when you are able to look at yourself and feel good
Lucky is waking up everyday without the thought of just ending it

Don’t tell me that I’m lucky
Just because of my crippling depression
Don’t tell me I’m lucky
Because i would rather go back to bed than faking another smile

Don’t tell me I’m lucky
Just because I know how to put on that fake mask
I wish I was lucky
Just lucky enough to escape my own mind

Lucky enough to push past the fears
Lucky enough to feel energetic
Lucky enough to be genuinely happy
Lucky enough to push through that door
Yeah I really can’t do the outside world..

— The End —