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 Jan 2019 Bea Autumn

Touching a leaf, holding a flower
Feeling the rain as it falls on our skin
Breathing the air, dreaming forever
Now is the time that my life does begin

Blowing a kiss, watching it float
Softly a’ whirl as it seeks to find you
Wearing a smile, feeling quite happy
Lost in a world where my heart knows it’s true

Holding your hand, knowing your wonder
Taking your arm as we walk through the day
Singing a song, hearing the thunder
All that this world has now put on display

Sharing our life, loving eternal
Having a friend sent to me from above
Living this dream, here ever after
*Knowing the joy that is always your love
**** you stupid boy
For making me queasy and shy
I've got butterflies in my tummy
And stars in my eyes

**** you stupid boy
I've got this stupid grin
I cant wipe off my stupid face
And now I've got goosebumps on my skin

My head is up in the clouds
And my heart has bounded to space
Today I put on my t-shirt in reverse
And set my pancakes ablaze

Today I walked into a wall
From giggling at my phone
I got hit by a bus
Instead of walking straight home

When the bus hit me
I was still smiling and did not move my feet
Now I have to explain to my terrified parents
How I broke all my teeth

The puzzled doctor was astonished
He said I’m sorry there’s no prescription I can give
That can cure your chronic state of love-sickness
And hopefully let you live

**** you stupid boy
You’ve got me on a thrill
My hearts on a roller coaster ride
And quickly going downhill

**** you stupid boy
you make my face go red
when I read your stupid messages
when im supposed to be in bed

**** you stupid boy
You've got me in complete reverse
I mopped the dog and walked the mop
Please break this silly curse

The other day I was walking
and suddenly the lights went low
then I realized I had walked into an open sewer
that was left unclosed on the floor

I’m wrapped around your finger
And there's not a single trace
Of a sense of focus
On my absent minded lovesick face

**** you stupid boy
You’ll be the death of me
Next time the bus won’t break my teeth
I’ll just be history.
 Jan 2019 Bea Autumn
Her branches hung low
to the ground
They brushed the dirt
that they sat upon
How beautiful is pain
when it grows
It has a way to hang
those gentle woes.

See that tree all alone
yet so full?

Her shadows weep
in the bristles of doom
Then the sun comes to play
in the cold bushy monsoon.
As gusty sighs sway her eyes
to greet the galloping moon.
 Jan 2019 Bea Autumn
Pagan Paul
Feel my stream of passion,
it flows only through you.


© Pagan Paul (17/01/19)
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