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Gopika Krishna Oct 2018
Sitting here all alone...
Well, at least
I'm not totally alone
I hear their
shrieking voice
The voice of thirst
The thirst for me, my blood.

Sitting here all alone...
Well, at least
I'm not idle
I'm here scratching my body
Scratching like a maniac
Leaving red bruises on my skin.

Sitting here all alone...
With a rage to **** them all
**** them with my bare hands
The ones who have caused me pain.

The ones, the monsters
Gopika Krishna Oct 2018
I saw you hanging in the dusty corner
Unnoticed and unwanted
I wonder,
I wonder how you ended up in there
I wonder why you were not given a place with the mains.
For you are beautiful;
with those frills in the short sleeves,
thick folds in the York
For you are beautiful;
with those thin material that you own,
two long big strips for a bow
For you are beautiful;
as how you makes me feel good, secure.
Except for those creepy stares on me, as if they finds curves on my skinny body.
Gopika Krishna Oct 2018
A loner that kills pain,
physical pain and for some
a drug for joy, for calmness.
Magical, as a single strike eliminates all the pain.

The loner once struck me into a deep sleep,
where I was floating, like a dream
calmness or a silent blissfulness
I don’t know what this loner made me feel
I just know that it was beautiful.
Silence, silence all over
and then a sudden interruption,
my friend’s panic stricken voice
calling me, waking me up.
Looking up I found her scared eyes,
scared, as in whether I was dead.

A fear outspread that day,
people who loved me feared the loner,
there was solidarity in their fear,
fear of losing me.
The loner was banished, once and for all.

Days passed, years passed,
pain was calmed using wrapped pills.
It never gave the calmness,
the blissfulness like the loner.
He is gone for so long now.

Today, as my body starts to quiver with pain,
I heard his voice,
a soothing voice, asking me
asking me to open the cellar
“Take me and I’ll put you out of your misery”

As I opened, I saw the loner
beautiful in blue.
I took him and all of a sudden
I found contentment in this strike after so long.
Calmness flooded in me once again,
I found happiness in this silent blissfulness.
Silence, silence all over.
But this time my sleep didn’t get interrupted,
for this time it was now and forever.

Dolo, the loner,
now I’m yours….forever.

— The End —