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Maddy Oct 2018
Hate is a four letter word
Used to bes should have ended
They have reared their ugly heads again
Most recently in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
A High School in Florida almost a year ago on Valentine’s Day
Both horrific and tragic events
There is a famous old song about Being carefully Taught
Begging your indulgence for a reboot
You’ve got to be taught
Before it’s too late
Before you are six or seven or eight
Question anything you like
But never hate
Learn to accept and understand
It may very well be your fate
Don’t hate all the people your relatives hate
What were they really taught?
Souls and Human life is at stake
In memory of those lost at Majorie Strowman Fouglas High Dchool last February
To those lost in Pittsburgh Synagogue on Saturday
Maddy Aug 2024
Put it all behind you
Clean out the cobwebs and detours in your head
Use your heart and mind
Easier said than done but do it
There is so much you have to share and accomplish
If you go with the flow look ahead
Give your time and listen
For now and in the future
The rest is behind you

Maddy Apr 2021
Poets and writers
Lovers and dreamers
Soul searching magicians
Special and original
Quiet and cerebral
They don't want to be like you
Sometimes they are still looking for who they are
Fitting isn't in their journey
Maybe not even standing out
The right stuff
My rainbow has shades of blue
What about you?

Maddy Jun 2022

Maddy Jun 2021
That word bleeds in my ears.
Same which rhymes with both blame and shame.
We are coming through a time that is not only unforgettable but extremely painful
We will never be the same and that word is not written lightly
Locked in a box of yesterday once more does not cut it
Savor and enjoy your memories but don't let them stand in the way of new ones
Enjoy those you love and new as well as old friends
What good are they if they are in scrapbooks with bookends?
Be the best and do your best for yourself and others.
Giving up should not be an option
The same , no way
Better, braver, and stronger.

Maddy Jan 2020
She danced along Nova Scotia's bay
Every care and thought melted away
Remnants of a dream and glistening water on the sea
That yesterday and tomorrow were carefree
He ran like a bull set free from a china closet looking for a reason
He wanted a chance to change for now and every season
It would be easier to let it be
Today was a nightmare and tomorrow he might never see
They stayed together forever and an explanation didn't matter
They never married because a soul or two could shatter
This was a story she wrote and saved
See the title was Manana was carefree
And all gratuities were waved
It was remnants of a dream for people like you and me
Today was a disaster and tomorrow was carefree
Wake up and feel the breeze on a autumnal day
Remember how the Summer caressed your cheek that way

Maddy Aug 2020
All the gray stormy clouds remnants of hurricanes and tropical storms
You came out
You went in
Just a slight reminder that sunny days will come again
Until then, may shine on through
Rainy days don’t always have to bring us down
Look up

Maddy Feb 2022
Still cries at cartoons
The female version of Linus and Charlie Brown
A little Snoopy
Has to feed hungry animals
SENSITIVITY personified
Introducing me
Deal with it but don't judge me

Maddy Jan 2022
Those of us making change
Positive and lasting kind
Taking the risk to
stand up and tell it like it is
NOT what others want it to be for  all people not select groups
The Truth is that those stuck in the past with their heads in the  sand
Must wakeup and either get with the future
Or find a way for old school and new school thinking to balance
Moving forward
That is the truth

Maddy Apr 2022
We have all had enough
Time to get the answers
Be honest, caring,considerate
Have decency and respect
Agree to disagree
Forge a real United States
A Democracy
A greater truth
Come out of the darkness and get your head out of the sand

Maddy Feb 7
Plain Jane
Echoes all the time
Her mother called her that
So when two swans joined together to form a heart today
The Ugly Duckling is his swan
Now and Forever
Maddy Apr 2022
It has only been you
Not for lack of interest but their platonic pledges
They never saw me just air brushed beauty in the media
Never thought love would find me
Never thought it was deserved or out there
Out if the blue when the search ended
You found me
So stop looking and the very best will come to call
Forty three years ago in September
The very best came into my life
Married 42 years this coming October
My treasure and joy

Hand in hand with you is where I want to be
Maddy Jul 2022
Somebody makes you a victim
Your sense of worth and well being vanishes
No matter your age
You are harmed and scared for life even though some think you get over it
You don't but with help you move on and forward
When your dignity is taken and you are never the same
People who haven't a clue want to deny your rights to terminate something that should have never been there in the first place
It is your body and nobody should tell you what to do with it
That is not the way it is now but the way it needs to be again
Children should be wanted and planned for
Believe what you want and think what you want
That is fine
When one is violated sometimes what is taken can't be corrected medically
Some women can never conceive and when it is medically assisted if it is possible when will Government try to stop that blessing
The way it is is not as it should be
Will you pay to raise the children that were not wanted until they are no longer minors
Will Orphanages be filled to the max
That is the way it will be

Maddy Apr 2021
There was a time when it was over
Took all the courage and time to make things right
They were wrong and wrong never tells the full story
We all make mistakes but that is what makes us human
The heartbreak and tears go with the flow and territory
Liking it is one thing
Dealing with it is another
It is a process and you can be over and out just as quickly again
You hurt yourself more than you hurt others
Truth be told the window is so much clearer now than it used to be
More vistas and living to do

Maddy Dec 2021
Two young people being assaulted by Cancer
Both are relatives of people I love.
It could be you but hope against hope not.
So please say a prayer or wish that these two beautiful people see this Christmas, Chanukah ,or Kwanza
Hopefully next year too.
The Best of everything wishes to all of you.

Maddy Dec 2019
Two different hearts,
Looking for lifetime love while the other needs the effervescence of something special and new
No matter whom you love,love somebody
Throw caution to the wind
When you are not looking you will get the surprise of your life
Open your heart
They are looking for you

For L and J
Maddy Jun 2022
You are entitled to your opinion
We can agree to disagree
Those who don't care what happens once a child is born
They go through adoption and maybe get lucky
There is no mechanism to care or fund their lives when things fall threw the cracks
Is Society responsible for them?
Women are not going backwards
Women should have the right in all fifty states to do what they wish  as citizens
Medical and other horrible situations which are out of their control when they are victimized has been grossly and horribly ignored
Some people should look in their own backyards and hearts before they judge
There is one member of the Supreme Court that would have his marriage disavowed if we go back to yesterday
Love who you love
They don't care
My State and others near us do

Maddy Dec 2019
The Holocaust never happened?
Ask those with numeric blue on their arms
It doesn't wash off neither do the memories shoes and teeth
It is ignorance and lack of education
Or is it?
Auschwitz,Birkenau,and others
Try looking up the name of a descendant on the Yad Vashem website
They list the names and how they perished
Imagine if it was your family?
It happened and hopefully will never happen again
See Chanukah is coming and though the holiday is happy and light
There is darkness when human beings deny it ever happened
"One for each night they shed us with light to remind us of days long ago."

We celebrate both holidays because
Maddy Nov 2019
They threw caution to the wind
Where do you start or even begin
They stomped on people’s hearts and minds
They forget about today and tomorrow
Leaving yesterday behind
Being genuine,kind, and true
Just words they never lived or knew
They will never know what reality is
They live in reruns
Not the ones on Me TV
The ones they create for themselves

Maddy Jul 2022
This is how we rock the mike
Sketch a narrative on a a rainbow
Create characters and a storyline on a star
Give words life
Give words pleasure and pain
For all the writers and especially the Poets
This is how we rock the mike
This is how we rock the mike

Maddy Jun 2022
Purpose first then pay check
Read and learn daily
Learning stops when you leave this khaki coil
Make up your own mind and be willing to change it for the good
Stop narcissists and stay clear of them if at all possible
You have not been there and done it all
Life is not a bucket list to check off
Empathy not sympathy
Your life is not on hold live it to the utmost if that is what you want
Accept, expect and then bring it
The Universe is waiting
Money is what matters most and sad to say if the heart and soul came first just Imagine
Think first and understand the truth, one truth
We would be the United States not the divided States

Maddy Oct 2020
Questioning what to be Thankful and grateful for?
You are here for another holiday
Many families will have one empty place at the table
Some in their hearts
No matter how you celebrate this holiday
Find time to be grateful even this year may very well be the most difficult
Give your time or support
Make someone's day because a smile or kind word goes a very long way
Share a meal or serve one to those who have no other Thanksgiving
Be well and Safe
Memories are our most cherished gifts

Maddy Sep 2020
The curtain must rise
'The curtain must fall
Do well in between
because that is all folks

Maddy Feb 2021
Can't call her
Her presence is felt in little ways
Send flower or chocolates
There will be many first holidays this year without her
Knowing that she is with her family and my father
Love from family and friends helps
Sending love to those missing a heartbeat this year
You are not alone and we have memories of fond Valentine' days past to cherish
Rest in love

In Memory of my Mom who passed Augusr 2020
Maddy Nov 2022
You see your world flash through your mind
As you wipe the tears away in the shower so he won"t see
Watching him in pain is heart breaking
You learn how much you love someone and you battle together
Hoping this never happens again but you can never say never
It's a six letter word that turns whatever you knew inside out and upside down
Its not a been there done that situation
Dollar bills blind the cure
Three more Mondays and we bid Cancer farewell
Hoping it stays clear of family and friends
Three more Mondays

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Aug 2023
Gentle syncopated breeze in the trees
Remembering your family giving you a hale and hearty farewell
Your infant great-granddaughter, great-grandson, grandchildren and children hurt and annoyed about the damage Covid start and brought you to an end
Rest in Love, Mom
Say Hi to DADDY
We miss you both more words than I can ever write

Maddy Jun 2021
History and research are incredible but not for everybody
You have be a detective and care enough to search deeper than you would think possible
with all the Technology and information available there is so much more to find and comb through
Some discoveries will delight you and others will keep the search until you find what you are looking for or seek out discoveries beyond your grasp
You had little or no knowledge of the past and those who carry your DNA
The maze of research and work is exhilarating. sometimes fruitless, and then the awe when you find out more than you bargained for
Still going through the maze to find out completely who I am and where it all began
In some ways, on my own

Maddy Sep 2020
Too many cliches
Hyperbole and reality got mixed up
Where is peace and calm?
With all people and things lost
Why can't we get found?
There is so much more for all of us
Do we still have time to get it right with all the wrong surrounding us?
Maddy Jan 13
You judged someone without talking with them
The disregard was rude and cruel
The disrespect unjustified
Your excuse of being too busy no longer works
You just dont want to make time
You judged someone based on bias and one side of a story
You are loved and wished the very best in life
For now Time for Goodbyes
The door is open but suggest you wait to be invited before you walk in
Maddy Mar 2021
The door was slammed shut
No ceremony or party
An email after many years of devotion and dedication
That said,please don’t say stay in touch
You don’t mean it
The your way or the Highway speech has gotten old
An incomplete pass is more like it
This is not about baby steps
It is about control
One door shuts and another opens
Farewell, Adios,Goodbye
Severed and cast away

Maddy Jan 2024
Some hold on
Some lose their flavor
Some don't go they stay static

Maddy Feb 2022
Only three today
Sometimes they work together
Others separate but aligned in a galaxy we have yet to encounter
A positive democratic world in which we live as caring human beings
Is this a dream that won't come true
Ask that Orange colored clown and the January militia he rules
Does everybody have a different truth and kindness
Even Bill Maher has a negative view of the future
Some live in fear like chicken little the sky is falling
They are afraid of their own shadows
Are we so imbalanced after two years of uncommon ground?
We are so out of whack and can't come back better than before?
We can't have a conversation
We forgot how to think,share,and listen
Some live in yesterday
Some today
While others hope they have a tomorrow
History is repeating the sixties
John Lennon lyrics ring true
For me,aspire higher and creatively use my imagination for the greater good of one nation

Maddy Dec 2023
The happiest
The most memorable
Good Health and Joy
Last year was difficult and this year is so much better
We are Survivors but not free for five years
We are grateful and kindness is by far the very best gift
No matter what you celebrate Enjoy!
The Very Best of Everything in 2024 and Always!

Maddy Apr 2023
Listen to them
My dad would name them as they scooped found out of the unknowing hands of people on boardwalks
Flying over the blues and waves of the beach and the shore
How much can we learn from them?
Sometimes I am envious of their lives
They touch the blues of the skies and the light
To be that Seagull flying high

Maddy Nov 2019
You both asked for thoughts and prayers
You have them
We check in just to let you know we are thinking of you
Hoping for laughter and no sorrow
You have seen us through the latter
Make everyday special even when that is the last thing in your mind
You can smile through tears
Today and everyday

Maddy Dec 2020
Tonic for the soul
Those broken need to be made whole
Before they do more than lose control
Toxic entities all around and abound
Their greed is a new level of profound
They're not listening
Deafening sound
Tonic for the soul
Take a shot, your choice what kind
What is good to go?
Much is on the shelves
Or on  Delivery trucks
Not sure about the stores

Maddy Nov 2020
Stop and take a real look
You are too busy?
Are you too busy?
Not really
The world keeps spinning and somehow you missed it
Facebook, Tick tock and all other forms of social engagement can wait
Mute that I phone or cell phone
What did you do before they existed?
Open your eyes and really look around
You might be surprised to find what you have been missing
Remember you keep right on learning until you leave this Khaki coil
Too Busy?
Stop making excuses and live your life nobody else can do that for you!
Unless Alexa can do that too.

Maddy May 2023
Heard every excuse in the book
When I let go I leave the door ajar but never expect anything or anyone
I just don't expect
I accept
Easier to say than learn
So much for listening.
Hugging or putting a band-aid on what hurts
Sometimes you can't fix it
Sometimes you can be too good so you need to be better than that and stay clear until you know you are needed and wanted

Maddy Jan 17
Maybe this time
You hurt enough
Realize what you failed to see long ago
Even though a loved one tried to steer you straight
Is it easier to hurt than to decide you deserve to live your life happier and whole
They broke you down
Pick up the pieces
Discard what does not work
Find a direction that feels right
So you are a do Gooder
So you care more than others
So you are sensitive
They don’t have to like it
What about you liking yourself?
Enjoy your life
Maybe this time
You can be you
Let them be who they are
Even if they are family
Ever family has people like this
You are on the right side
Right side
Too sweet
Too kind
Too good for your own good
Maddy Sep 2021
Those blue eyes
Hidden under gold glasses
Touched my heart
Filled my soul
Made me lose control
Love you more
Love you still
Under and over
Love of my life
My Best friend
Now until beyond the end

Maddy Oct 2021
My friends other than a select golden circle and are far and few between
My words
They calm me
Befriended me as a child
They challenge me and bring me great joy
As for the cliche that action speaks louder than they do
They work in tandem as a dynamic duo
For too long my Thanks dearest friends
Without you lifelong companion
I would be off this khaki coil long ago

Maddy Jun 2021
You are missed beyond measure
No matter when the hurt subsides
Rears its ugly head when one least expects it
Tears flow behind masks or dark shades
Just when it gets easier
Grief is horrible company
We will never forget or completely let go
Too many cliches to count yet more to create
The last said goodbyes need to be kept as Hellos
Turn around they are always looking for you and you them
Angels appear in different ways and forms
You might just recognize them

In memory of those we lost
Maddy Mar 2023
Another gun shot
Another goodbye said way too early
Doesnt natter where or when
Needs to stop and end
Too many tears

Maddy Mar 2024
She will be loyal
She will always be true
She will always be loving and kind
That smile of hers that melts your heart
Even when you know her a short while she stays with you
Joy and kindness personified
She will be greeted at the Rainbowbridge by a handsone Golden Retriever naned Skippy
I can hear him calling her name
Tori  accompanies him and watches over us
We love her forever and always

Tori passed away in February.
Our cousins had to put her down
Her photo is on under blog section
Maddy Jul 2021
Haven't been loved by many
The first one I wanted didn't want me
Grateful for the second time around when he found me
Written about what it might have been like
There is my one and only
My prince still and forever more
He is gentle and sweet and incredibly generous
Patient ,kind ,and tender
If you enjoy that and find it then you are a lucky woman
It has nothing to with the many but the one that rocks your world and
loves you like you are the most special one
The touch of my man doesn't compare
His touch is my one and only love

Hope I met challenge ,Brett
Maddy Dec 2020
We lost her and her fight has ended
A mentor, role model, teacher,and friend
Simply one of the very best
Her like may never be seen again
The tears still fall as all the memories flood our hearts
A Touchstone in all of our lives and especially in the world of Media Literacy
Our heartfelt Thanks and farewell
In Memory of Marieli Rowe
Maddy Jan 2020
Cold isn't a problem
Snow and ice are
Walkers now they are the enemy when your fitness is interrupted
In door fitness takes it just so far
Being alone works better
No judgment
No fashion faux pas
No mindless chatter from somebody you could do without
Never rude or unkind
Just need the time to take care of myself which isn't easy when you put yourself on the back burner
Don't judge, just my nature
Never come first
Looking towards Spring and hoping for more outdoor days
with little explanation

Maddy May 2022
You put it to bed
You move on and forward
For good or bad doesn't matter you just do it
Then Friday the 13th comes and you get a call
Cemetery rates have risen
You have to step up to the plate again
No winners or trophies
You do the right thing again even though they didn't
You tuned into a better life while they tuned out
Happy that narcissism won't touch you again
You moved on with your adventure
Still walking in the rain

Maddy Nov 2019
Vent if you will
Let somebody know that before you utter words you can't take back
It is a lot more than only words to some
Apologies seem difficult for you
Try harder
The energy in your field is so negative that it chokes souls
In one ear and out the other only goes so far in this case
Can't listen any longer
This time you may lose me and not even sure how many times that has been uttered
Toxic Tizzy or Tom there may no longer be any more moments for you to ruin the air around others

Maddy Sep 2021
Once you drink from it
Digest it
Live within it and around it
One fine precious day you wake to find it is not you
You bid it and the person that is a fond farewell
Set yourself free
No matter how hard that is
Even if you love them unconditionally
You know what to look for the next
Toxic Tonic comes to call

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