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Maddy Sep 2018
You can't lead if you can't fall or follow
Lessons continue to be learned daily
Get over yourself
Listening not hearing is essential
When you forgive don't forget  
It's not easy and sometimes impossible
Let go because going backwards accomplishes nothing
As you rise and the door opens the trajectory is visible  
Do your
best to embrace it and fight the fear
Choose to become what and who you are

Maddy Mar 2023
No matter what you listen to
Embrace and enjoy it
Laugh at yourself
Enjoy a joke
We are too sensitive at times
If we don't come together soon the chasm will widen and spirit will fall through
Dance and enjoy life
For tomorrow is promised to nobody
Even Republcans
Travel down the musical road and lock up Donald and  his cronies
He can't sing or dance any way.

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Mar 2023
Think carefully before you speak
Utiluze brain and tongue
Say what you think and be clear
Others nay dislike it or disagree
It is still  a free country
Truth be told,if you have nothing nice to say
Utlize trigger warnings and say nothing

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Mar 2023
Gris and Picasso both
fool and train the eye with images magnificently
They make words pop
They play with the eye
It's different shades and takes on a world some just don't see even if they are looking
As a visual learner and a writer, it captures a place I hold dear
Sometimes what stands out holds itself to a higher plane because the music of the heart, soul, and falls into the hands of those that impact the world in a way few imagine and a special few accept
Trompe L'oeil

C@ rainbowchaser2023
Maddy Nov 2022
Gris and Picasso both
fool and train the eye with images magnificently
They make words pop
They play with the eye
It's different shades and takes on a world some just don't see even if they are looking
As a visual learner and a writer, it captures a place I hold dear
Sometimes what stands out holds itself to a higher plane because the music of the heart, soul, and falls into the hands of those that impact the world in a way few imagine and a special few accept
Trompe L'oeil

C@ rainbowchaser2022
Maddy Jul 2022
Happy July
Somehow we made it despite and in spite of what is out of our control
Cancellations, hurdles, rescheduling and need for more patience
Reflect all that you want to
Giving up isn't an option
Nor is running out or moving away
Complain until you turn another's ears blue
Take peaceful and gentle action
Quietly and affirmatively in a group
Jump threw hurdles with a plan
Be selective and careful
As we continue our Troubles and Triumphs
Looking for a double rainbow in the sky
Oh my

Maddy Oct 2022
Try to be fair
Try to be smart
Even smarter
Being kind, honest, caring, and considerate are my credo
Too many hiding in the shadows
Running away fed up and annoyed
Living in yesterday suits some while the here and now wields stability
As well as some redirection
Some cant let go
Some just give in
Truth be told
History repeats herself
Do you want to be a participant or a spectator?
Do you want to be a fly on the wall?
It is painful to watch.
Respect and Truth are partners

Maddy May 2022
Dude enough with the tudes
No longer in the mood
Maddy Aug 2021
Balloons will fly to Heaven
Every shade of purple for you
Candles will mark your memory
Yizkor will be attempted
365 days will have passed and like many the world has changed
Too many losses and not much gained
We have cried tears that we have not shown
Your children are married
Your grandchildren are married
You lived to see two great grand children
One you never got to hold
The other isn't even three years old
We will tell them stories and show them photographs
2020 broke hearts and minds
Somehow it doesn't want to leave us yet
We will get through this Tuesday
Just letting you know we miss you, Mom.

Mom passed August 3 2020
Maddy Sep 2023
You really have to hear and not listen
Certain people feel the need to say it all without regards to your feelings
Their opinion reigns supreme no matter the reasons or circumstances
The caveat here is to not let it disturb your sleep or how they are making you feel
You can deal but the truth is you can tell them off or turn a deaf ear
No matter what you do you just have to let it go or let them go because they wag their tongues without self control
Your feelings don’t matter to them

Maddy Dec 2020
If I could go back there
You would know that those words of love were merely overloaded nineteen year old hormones awakening
Didnt know what was happening but wanted you
You just wanted to read my poems
That is how I loved you then
As I turn around,just know time was wasted
Undergraduate longing for what we be called a hot guy now
He was a little boy and time ket me wait to turn around
Hope you found who uou eanted back then
If I knew now what I did not know then
Maddy Mar 2020
This virus will have many lessons to learn
We have problems dealing with change
We got too comfortable and used to things
Maybe it is time to adapt and take a breath
Watching several turtles frolick in a pond was greatly entertaining whole helping a colleague on an ipad get online lesson plans
Sought out because preparation is an attribute plus helping others is too
Wonder what the turtles thought as they accompanied me today
After all,it is their point of view

C@rainbowchaser 2020
Maddy Apr 2021
Sleepy, tired, and achy on left side
Standing and grateful
Tylenol Rapid release gel tabs my buddy
Two weeks from Saturday things will be better
There is a an alchemy between the mundane and the divine
Do what you can for others
Know in your heart of hearts that we must move forward for those we have lost so they will be remembered through our actions
It is about what is not about what was for all of us
Look over your shoulder and listen quietly for they drop reminders that they are around
Hi, Mom just saw a purple flower.
Two days post second vaccine

Dedicated to the Memory of our Mom who we lost August 4 2020
Maddy Jan 2021
Four letter words
Two letters can bring you joy and adventure
When like becomes Love
When Like becomes Love
Your partner in crime.
The person that has your back
Your soul and spirit rises
Stop looking for it and it will find you
Two letters that can make a lifetime
When like becomes Love
When like becomes Love

Maddy Dec 2019
Battered soul
Tortured because she was different
Not Barbie pretty
Not out of a cookie cutter machine
All she ever wanted to be is not what you saw or will ever see
Swans are lovely and exquisite but have a nasty temperament
Very much like the girls and boys who made fun of you
You are the ugliest girl in town to them but not when he looks at you
She was an old TV show character

Maddy Aug 2019
If you are a boomer and remember the TV show
This is real not taped for a studio audio audience
Takes one mean girl and her friends to make you feel worthless
This was before the Bullying term came to be
It was yesterday and it is gone and out of sight
Not in your heart or your nightmares
They haunt you even now when you know better
When somebody comes along and sweeps you off your feet
You remember the pain and the shame
It always stays with you
So the next time you put somebody down intentionally or not
It stays with them and you are to blame
For the Ugliest girl town

Maddy Apr 2021
Bullied kids become highly sensitive adults
Passionate and creative types
They are particular about the circle if friends they keep
Usually lifetime ones
Taking and accepting a compliment is still daunting
See when you become a Swan and you will
The Ugly duckling looms her head
Remember to be an incredible human being
Many times little kids are more than mean

Maddy Dec 2021
She stopped listening
She pushed the bullies off a cliff in her colorful dreams
Though they returned she moved forward
This is not a teenage lament
See it stays with you because it is hard to let go of
When you see another go through it and all you can do is listen
In this case Never judge
You are not like them
You are not supposed to be
You stand out in a crowd though you don't see
Better this way
Until you see the Ugly Ducking is really a Swam
Kind. sweet, patient and better than they could ever dream of being
Anything other
Quack them

Maddy Jan 2024
Plain Jane
Echoes softly
Not a princess or a Barbie wanna be
Maybe that is you not me
This Ugly Duckling became a nice swan
When a pair of  bespectacled blue eyes looks at me
How could anybody call my poet an Ugly Duckling?

ecwanna beducklinged
Maddy Jul 2020
Please don't ask the reason
Ears are bleeding and nightmares come again and again
You hear it enough and you believe it
Even when you are loved and happily married
The pity look through a mask
Cover that face, it sickens me.
The stupidity of the masses not listening to common and medical sense
We are not free yet
Time will hopefully find a cure or vaccine
You dont have to agree but respect others rights
Wear it so you dont make them ill
Wear it because you love friends and family
Tough if I am ugly because I wear a mask
Examine your heart and while you at it get your eyes examined

Maddy Oct 2019
Plain Jane
Burned into her soul
Echoes into the night decades later
She would always be defined that way
No matter what or when
Trappings are more important than heart
And so it goes
In her eyes she will always be the Underdog
Even though he saw her beauty and cherishes it
It does not come in a bottle or in a magazine page

Maddy Nov 2018
That is where you threw me
Wonder how many others
Doesn't really matter
Been there done that
Truth is yesterday is where you live in my life
There you will dwell forever more
unlike the Raven
Amazing how much you don't remember
Selective or Deductive
Under the bus

c@Rainbowchaser 2018
Drama has no place life.
Maddy Feb 2020
Not things that go bump in the night
Not nightmares that repeat with no end in sight
But rather what cant be explained
Understood or continued because what needed to be
Never happened inspite of the best intentions
In some cases used to bes cant be counted like before just like unnatural fears and never ending tears

Maddy Jul 2019
It was there but she didnt know back then
Despite her cheerleaders the message didnt get through
Maybe she knew but didnt let on
Fortunately she emerged a swan and a gem of luminescence and quality
Just being in her presence the obvious is clear
She forever shines if you get the honor to be in her life
A pleasure and a delight this gem
Long Island needs to know her
as do you
Dedicated to Lori Beth
Maddy Jun 2020
Bravo, curtain calls, eating in a restaurant near Time Square
Going out at night
Packing for a flight
Hawaii waits until 2021, sigh
Bubble baths and iced tea in pretty glasses
Sorry, I don't drink
Dreading some video chats
Hoping some special ones will come
Parks of all kinds and Arcades
Boardwalks and the smells of Summer
Thermometers, baby wipes, and cleaning way too much of that
Until then whatever Andy Cuomo says, we do.
I am not a member of Cuomogasm,love my husband way too much to be involved.

Maddy Nov 2019
Being up and down without balance makes little sense
Letting go of yesterday and what no longer works does
Some people get left behind for your own good and theirs
It is a learning process
Nothing is as easy as it looks no matter how masterfully created
That said the creativity must be honed,revamped
,polished for the next go round
You need reach towards a deeper place embrace it
See it through
Up and over

Maddy Oct 2021
Dead ends
False friends
Day Dreams
Putting you down again
Making darkness your frenemy
Nothing Pollyanna about blue days and stormy nights
Talk to me
Tell me the bad never becomes good
Dealing with it is not enough
Finding the road and easing down it
Knowing that the rain ends
The light you seek is inside your heart
Returns when it beats normally again
Dead ends
False friends
Here’s to the Light of Life

Maddy Nov 2023
Have heart
Have soul
Be careful if you lose control
Be kind
Be caring
Be considerate
The world has changed and is changing
You can change it or stay with it
You can stay true to your beliefs
Take a road less traveled
Try a different journey
It is up to you

Maddy Jun 2021
Introduced you to my boyfriend
Besides being  magical and soulful
His place in my life was unexpected but delightful
Your comment that mattered so very much was You can do better
Better became best because my beloved became my husband
Utilize mouth when brain is engaged and in gear

Maddy Dec 2019
Another soul lost to the bridge that connects Brooklyn to Staten island New York.
My poetry befriended me and protects me as it does others now.
Two days before two major holidays, we have lost another to the voices they couldn't shut off in their heads.
If you even suspect a little off kilter about a friend or loved one,
please call the suicide hotlines
There does not need to be another jumper off any bridge

Maddy Mar 2022
Find­ reason for each and every season
All the versions matter
If only you open your eyes and listen with your heart

Maddy Jun 2021
As great as Niagara falls are
They don't hold a candle to you
You are hugged by rainbows
Beloved by wildlife
Takes you to a place you have only dreamed of
Zambia, one day
Hope to connect with you in person

Maddy Jun 2021
Another wonder to be engaged and enjoyed
A waterfall hugged by rainbows
Beloved by wildlife
Takes you to a place you have only dreamed about
One day, Zambia
We will meet in person
Until then, Jameela and Amani

Swahili for beautiful and peace
Maddy Apr 2021
The troubles brought about by themselves
Phrases and ideologies
Importance, you decide
How exactly does one come off?
Does that matter?
Answers to questions
Questions to answers
The three sides to a story theory works
Whose truth do you believe?
The imbalance of choices and voices have their own agendas
When does one get invited to play with the big guys and gals?
Does one turn down that invitation?
You may not like it but it is all a game
Do you play or observe?
Do you follow the rules or break them?
They are made to be broken and bent

Maddy Jul 2020
Lost you way too soon
Others talk of our loss and losses
What about what you lost?
Birthdays,trips to places far and near that we wanted to send you on
Graduations, anniversaries,weddings and births
Two sons in-law, grandchildren and recently two great grandchildren
We know somehow you are proud of our accomplishments
But as photographs, videos. and memories are enjoyed and cherished
It is so very clear who is missing
Since there are no visiting hours in Heaven
For every rainbow overhead, we know you are letting us know you are watching over us and saying Hi.

August 23, 1973 one of the worst days of my life
Maddy Oct 2023
Yes memories are vibrant
Here and now patience must be strong and alive
Waiting to love you
Not a stand in
My one and only is the only one that will
Artificial Intelligence can’t generate or recreate it.
Want you
Count the moments
The minutes
The Seconds
The Hours
It is out of our control
When it is
I will love you again
And again

Maddy Nov 2022
Hiked it without boots
Tore my heel and learned a life lesson
Own hiking shoes now
The almost December Bluebirds greeted me appreciating the quiet
Listening is a very important skill for a writer as well as observing
Frolicking squirrels decided to have an acrobatic performance
Rocky, Skippy, Peanut, Jif and Skye had a great time
Male and female but don"t get close enough to tell
They are all a little different
Keeping a safe distance but when that roasted peanut bag of shelled unsalted nut opens they seem to come around
Some play hide and seek and climb down from their trees when the human is clear
Watching from a distance it is clear what Henry David taught me and my students long ago
When I touched his desk that day at the museum and walked on Walden Pond
I was thrilled to be an educator and to have taught Walden
As a poet, he taught me more about Father Sky and Mother Nature and I am still learning with joy and respect

C@rainbowchaser 2023
Maddy Aug 2020
Carlos,Mrs.Timetable,Joey and company.
Hiking Walden Pond .
Maybe we will soneday
Touching  Thoureau 's desk.
Marveling as his cabin is gently hugged by the Massachusetts sky
Henry David is listening in the wind and sky
I know because I was there and forever changed by the visit
Maddy Jan 2020
Looking up and ahead
Amazing what you can notice when you are not fixated on your cell phone or ipod.
Sky colors change and have nuance
The wind rearranges depth and scope of everything it touches
You can take your time and take it in or not

Maddy Jul 2023
Good Morning squirrels
Stay safe and happy today
Dear Sky, You have to rain but can it wait for me to finish today?
You soaked me through a few times already
Trusty umbrella and a bottle of iced diet green tea at the ready
My miles help animals and me with an app that measures my distances.
They help me get on with it by walking

Maddy Nov 2023
Walking has become a healthy means to reframe and enjoy every day or start that way.
No music, no podcasts only nature's sounds and music
It's healthy.
It's calming.
For the last four years of battling diseases of those close to the heart and Dear Friends, pain, hurdles, and sorrow
It has become a great friend
It doesn't read my poetry
It doesn't promise to write book reviews that have yet to come to fruition
Walking for hope, and charitable causes and to see what the world can be
Walking for and with Hope

Maddy Sep 2023
Friends are running a marathon in it today with raingear handy.
Ducks were racing and splashing without a care.
How waterproof are their feathers?
Others walk their dogs soe dogs wearing their fashionable raincoats and booties.
Many drive to their Saturday plans which are now indoors.
Hearing lyrics to every song about rain from film to rock to theater.
Left tunes home since umbrella and hood get in the way and impossible to get a clear signal.
Rain brings drop zones.
Walking in the the rain.

Maddy May 2022
One door shuts and another opens
Many goodbyes and an unexpected Hello comes out of no where in particular
You were not looking and then you got found
Robins come out of nowhere at your feet
Eagles never usually seen fly over head to greet you and show you the way
After you have dealt with or jumped a hurdle
Perhaps you will be walking towards the sun

Maddy Nov 2023
He reminded me of my visit to Walden Pond and how I tore my heel because I didn't own hiking boots.
Since corrected.
I touched his desk in disbelief
My thoughts on the Civil Disobedience book and how I much prefer Walden
We stopped as the ducks sat on a log in the pond and waited until the Goose march ended with the geese taking flight
Thinking he is one of my muses and I am grateful
He lived long ago but never far away
Walking with Henry David
Maddy Jun 2023
Walking with yesterday
It is company and silent
On rainy days and humid ones
Think about it
Digest it
Grateful for what was, what is, and what will be
Those who lived yesterday will be forgiven and still questioned in my heart for comments and stupidity
It won't be forgotten but needs to be filed under been there and Done that
Thanks for the memories but we won't be making them any longer
Walking with yesterday
Walking with yesterday
When I arrive home they are put away
and there they will stay

Maddy Mar 2020
They won’t tell you
Their words are not shared
They carry on existing
Usually going unnoticed
Their differences eventually will see them through
Until they grasp the reins of life they won’t know
Somebody needs you to listen
Maybe a kind word or a smile
Maybe more than ever before
The Walking wounded are everywhere but invisible
Until their game faces fade away
My membership expired

Maddy Jan 29
Walking is the best excercise especially when it clears your head, heart, and mind
One can focus and reflect quietly
Being caring,honest,kind,and sweet are assests
Given the current world,
One can be abused and used easily
Even by those they love
Being taken advantage of is hard to swallow and accept
Still recovering from that
So Nature and her children have befriended me
Walking write
Maddy Jun 2021
Water and walking app accompany them
Quietly observing the community
Count the pets, their humans, trees, flowers ,and weekend warriors Serenity
While others go to their house of worships, down the shore, to the mountains or ready themselves for the weekly Sunday meal at at relative's or potluck at friends
Things one might not encounter driving by
Walking writers

Maddy Mar 2024
No matter what it was
Or is it , that it reached you in ways you never expected.
It capttured your heart,soul,amd mind
Many likes between someday and today.
Enjoy your journey every moment and as much as possible,
Was it speaking to you?

Maddy Jul 2022
You are peacefully napping
Wondering if your dreams are pleasant
Where will you wander and travel ?
Revisiting the past
In touch with the memory of those you have lost
So when those blue eyes open
Quietly, I will await you.
Sleep well baby

C@rainbowchaser 2023
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