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 Sep 2020 Napolis
South City Lady
A student stayed online today
  to ask an earnest question:

               "Will this pandemic have a lasting
                 impact upon society, or will it, too,
                 be forgotten like the Spanish Flu?"

I hadn't thought of a reply just then;
instead, I stared through the screen
and spoke from my heart.

"I think everyone in school right now
will be fundamentally shaped
by this magnanimous event;
in prior generations, it was world wars
and Vietnam, for me it was 9/11,
but this year's tragedy will become
a fixture in your collective memory."

"My hope is that your generation
will rekindle society's compassion
and generosity,
that you will grow
from these months
of social isolation
to listen more closely,
engage in meaningful conversations
honor older generations,
your schools,
and the value
of a hard day's work."

                            "You mean to be a more kind,      
                             respectful, and responsible  
                             generation," he said smiling.

"Yes, and to show those
older and younger
what it means to be enriched
by hardship,
wise through self reflection,
humbled by uncertainties
and unknowns."
This week we read Poe's story "The Masque of the Red Death" and articles about the Black Plague and Spanish Flu to understand the role of pandemics in history and literature. I would count today as one of the most eye opening and important class discussions I have had since I first started teaching over 20 years ago.
There is always
Something someplace someone there
To inspire you
 Aug 2020 Napolis
Grace E
 Aug 2020 Napolis
Grace E
Shedding the virginal pink robes
Bestowed upon her in girlhood
The sweetness in her eyes
Stolen by fire, she could drop men
With her glances
She lifted her head
As they draped her in red
Crowned her and bowed down
Queen of the dead
The mask I wear
Says I am OK
That everything is perfect

The song I sing
Says I feel fine -
My body isn’t failing

The words I write
Are mostly lies
Of better times tomorrow

The wand I wave
To change the world
Was purchased at a dime store

The flag I raise
To greet the day
Is hanging upside down
Feeling a little down when I wrote this.  We need rain so badly.
 Aug 2020 Napolis
Grace E
Torn Apart
 Aug 2020 Napolis
Grace E
We blazed
Flames in our eyes
****** each other with words
And incinerated our paradise
Cackled like hyenas
Possessed by a strange entity
All we could do was hurt
Swept away by a gale of fiery fury
And after all the pain inflicted
After the repeated jabs in the heart
After we burned what green was left
We stood bewildered and torn apart
 Aug 2020 Napolis
Grace E
I am indebted to you sir
Thank you I must
For reminding me
Of the feeling of trust
So long I’ve pretended
To be stronger than I am
A force to be reckoned with
That is in need of no man
But you’ve changed my heart
You’ve made me see
To be vulnerable is beautiful
And it sets us free
You alone rekindled the maiden
That is within me
So thank you so much
For helping me see
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