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  Aug 19 Aslam M
CJ Sutherland
It’s sad
      how the people
             you were once
                 so close with
                        can become
                       just another
you don’t know

Inspired song
1) You’ve got a friend by Carole King
Written 7-21-24 posted 8-16-24
I have been friends with Peggy for over 40 years.
I have been friends with Cindy since third grade she married my older, brother(, it didn’t work out.) But still we remain friends. The thing that changed the relationships with both of these people  is
Trump derangement. syndrome.
Even when I suggested let’s not talk Politics, it didn’t matter. I was no longer their friend. Because I voted for Trump.
I wonder now if I ever truly  had a friendship with them.
Aslam M Aug 17
Heavy rains fall,
No shelter in sight,
The only path forward is to walk,
Each step soaked in the downpour,
Clothes cling, hair drips,
Drenched, with no escape.

Nature whispers its lessons,
In the rhythm of the rain,
Sometimes, there is no avoiding,
No resisting,
Only acceptance,
And the quiet strength to move on.
Aslam M Aug 16
It’s a blessing to have this space,  
Where we express without disgrace.  
Unfortunate are those who hide,  
Feelings their loved ones can’t abide.

They get irritated, turn away,  
When you repeat what you must say.  
Don’t blame them, though it's hard to deal,  
When you can’t control the way you feel.

Worse it gets when sickness stays,  
And ridicule darkens your days.  
In the end, you choose the quiet,  
Keep it in, avoid the riot.

Yet silence fuels the growing strain,  
Till it erupts in hurt and pain.  
Confusion stirs within your mind,  
To speak or leave your voice behind.

Live your life, or live their way,  
This turmoil grows with each passing day.  
You wait for peace that never comes,  
Bearing the weight till you’re undone.

Financial burdens press you down,  
Your health declines, their voices drown.  
Nagging echoes, constant fight,  
How do others bear this plight?
Aslam M Aug 15
Darkness all around,  
Silence echoes through the night,  
Each heart stands alone,  
In a world of self and shade,  
Where their own path takes the lead.
  Aug 14 Aslam M
I loved you with my entire heart
my entire soul
my entire existence.
Every broken part of me
belonged to you.
Found this one kicking around in my journal. I can't tell if these poems sound unhinged...
Aslam M Aug 13
Seeking our likeness,  
In moments of dire need,  
Do we lend a hand,  
Or turn away, indifferent—  
The choice shapes who we become.
I am sick and tired and frustrated when people help other only if they belong to their community , caste or beliefs. There seems that there is hardly any humanity left out there. Justifications are given at length not to help some fellow being when they are in need. The thought also come to me and honestly I get disappointed with my self when it occurs.  Of course the world still has some good people left and may they be blessed with all the happiness and peace.
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