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Aslam M Jul 24
Protects you
Day and Night
Makes you Unique
Share all the Information.
You are always appreciated
While I am discarded
  Jul 24 Aslam M
"When will you leave?" I asked.
"When you use me to grow yourself,"
replied the pain.
Aslam M Jul 23
With heart and soul, I ventured forth so bold,
To climb the peaks and reach the distant goal.
Dreams carried high, I faced the tide so cold,
Through paths so tough, I played my destined role.

Through nights of doubt and days of endless strain,
I chased the light through sun and pouring rain.
In every fall, in every step of pain,
I found my strength, a fire within to reign.

And though the stars seemed ever far from sight,
My spirit shone, a beacon in the night.
For in my quest, no fear could take the light,
I lived with grace, embraced my inner might.

Though victory may not have been my prize,
I lived with courage, and at least I tried.
Aslam M Jul 23
Mirror on the Wall.
Endless Talk …
  Jul 22 Aslam M
Anais Vionet
The grand ambition of love is to find “the one.”
and, of course, to be the one.

It’s a hard combo.

Finding someone amiable, who’s the best lover, your best friend,
confidant, emotional companion, intellectual equal and soulmate.

And, of course, it helps if ‘the one’ likes to dance
and has a little piña colada money too.

And when do you know you've been successful - in year 50?

It’s the holy grail, the age-old dilemma of love and desire.
A song for this:
Bullet and a Target by Citizen Cope
Wait Another Moment by The Bingtones
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Amiable: someone  friendly and agreeable.
Aslam M Jul 18
It’s strange, we say we’re in control, but nothing’s in our hands,
We live in a grand illusion, following life’s hidden plans.
We think we guide our journey, but the script is written deep,
In endless loops, we walk, as fate its secrets keeps.

Do you not ponder on the loop, the endless, hidden dance,
Where only when conditions meet, we glimpse a second chance?
Do you not wonder why some souls align with yours so true,
While others drift apart, their paths not intertwined with you?

A piece of bread, a bit of wealth, possessions we attain,
The clothes we wear, the loves we choose, all part of fate’s refrain.
What’s meant for you will find its way, what’s not will pass you by,
So flow with life, accept its course, beneath the boundless sky.

Break free from these routines, seek answers to the hows and whys,
In silent moments, find your peace beneath the starry skies.
Embrace the journey, trust the path, let mysteries unfold,
For in the flow, you'll find your way, as destiny is told.
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