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venus May 2018
honey is pouring through the window and wakes you up
of course its honey because lately everything has been going so slow. your covers are like molasses
you cant seem to get out of bed.
this should make you panic,
you panic at everything
this should make you panic.
but you have reached a sort of calm that makes you slow yourself. lead weights are in your mind-
making everything slow
its straining to think about even facing the world today.
you lie back in bed with your molasses sheets
and pray for life to be on an eternal pause.
venus Apr 2018
my life isnt poetic
yet i make poems about it
like a *******
venus Mar 2018
the moment before
its eerily calm
staring at your arm
and then
it happens
you go crazy
and end up
with blotchy
red spots
clean red lines
until you snap out of it
look down
and see what you have done
venus Mar 2018
heads pointed up
to drink or to pray
its not ours to say

eyes looking down
to shy or to cry
and no one knows why
venus Mar 2018
my anxiety is when
i have had good days
too many good days
and i think
"this cant go on forever"
shut up
"somethings going to happen"
"you're going to have an attack"

and it goes like that
venus Mar 2018
trying to be with you
is like trying to hold water
venus Mar 2018
long ago
he was my happiness
nothing could do to me
what he did.
he left me
i did not leave him
i couldnt
i held on
thinking he would come back

he never did.

i realized then
that you cannot depend
on others for your happiness
you have to look inside you.
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