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Jun 2019 · 107
The Wind
Liam B Jun 2019
Jealous of the wind is what I've become,
for it can do what I'll never be able to-

To softly touch her cheek,
to weave gently through her hair.

To whisper her name through the trees,
amidst a field of wildflowers in spring.

To be a warm breeze on a moonlit summer night,
to make her smile.

For if I were the wind it wouldn't be wrong,
to wrap myself around her and show her my love.

But forbidden I am to ever tell her,
how I really feel.

If only I were the wind,
I could lift her wings and make her fly.
Sep 2018 · 125
How Long......
Liam B Sep 2018
How long? How long I ask.........
must I suffer this unending torment
everyday, I can't escape
the thought of you
You're there when I wake, when I fall asleep
when I wake at's you

Betrothed to others we shall never
taste one another's kiss
but I have felt your sweet arms as you pulled me close
and made my heart your instant captive

I have seen the look in your eyes
and what you said to me
I shall never forget either
for you showed me what I wondered was even possible
in my own heart or in this earthly life

You made me believe
but then walked away
making me wonder if it would have been better
to have never known at all
the most passionate love I have ever felt

How long I ask.......
til I breathe no more.
May 2018 · 174
The Chamber
Liam B May 2018
An uninhabited chamber resides within
Found by no one ever, until now
I have let you in
And  sealed the door behind you
For I desire no other
To ever find it
Your name I have written
Upon the doorpost
And to you only I have given the keys
To the heart shaped lock upon the door
Where I can forever be with you
In my dreams
My love.
Written for the 'one'.
Mar 2018 · 255
My Heart's Thief
Liam B Mar 2018
As ships pass in the night
I still tremble upon your vision
morning and night your beauty never escapes
your smile melts me as a cutting torch renders the steel
and the warm rush fills the void

My soul pants for thee,
for you, O thief of my heart
my heart that waged a secret war within my chest
waving the white flag of surrender
you have won for I cannot fight it

The battle was as if
sending smoke signals from adjacent hilltops
a wordless struggle trying to search
finding two hearts that beat as one

As in the spoils of war
I am your secret trophy
if just only in your heart
where I hope you keep me

For my life is forever changed
just knowing you exist
a beautiful dream
I shall never forget.
Jan 2018 · 252
Liam B Jan 2018
The silence
is deafening

Volume increasing
by the day

The prisoner awaits
word that never came

His sentence he fears
his fate apparent

A prisoner,
life without parole.
Jan 2018 · 217
I See
Liam B Jan 2018
A delicate little flower
waiting in a garden overgrown

For her gardener's gentle touch
pushing out the shade

With loving care and warmth of the sun
her colors and glory slowly return

New life springs forth from neglect
so that once again she will blossom

Showing those who admire the garden
what true beauty lies there within.

— The End —