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Jun 2022 · 419
Flower bee
Reign Jun 2022
The energy of the flower attracts the bee
It’s pedals it’s scent it being itself create this need
The need to be in its presence
Pure definition of 7
What is it with this kinetic attraction
Of polar opposites that attract
While this wild flower has its garden mate
The bee still pollenates
For with out this bee the flower full bloom will never achieve
Theres a small death inside if the bee should leave
The bee see this dogwood as a creation that marvels the 9 wonders of the world
It’s beauty is the prototype of all things defined in lust
The mind is hesitant to trust but only when it’s rushed
The smile opens the heavens so summer rays reaches the earth
Smiles, convos, time is exclusive
To experience this creation almost seems abusive
For this dogwood belongs to a rose
The bee loves this dogwood but an insect is
Only a friendly companion and Thts as far as it go’s
The dogwood root is intertwined with the rose
The bee has live the dogwood knows
The dogwood likes the bee but loves the rose
The bee is aware and choose this road
To the bee this dogwood is the Bible to the Catholics
The Quran to the Muslims
The hopes the dreams and that love them
Seasons change petals whither
Feelings change never quicker
The mind n the heart battle n bicker
You love her you can’t you never be either her she loves yet another but cares for you still
Her soul sends chills
The power of the trumpets of the four horseman is real
She breath
She’s growth
She’s life
She’s pain And a puzzle to figure out but hides pieces from sight
This bee must take flight
This bee must take flight
Still n always concerned of your life
But there’s a dogwood a rose
But no existence of a flower bee in sight
Aug 2020 · 569
Reign Aug 2020
12 well my love what can I say about 12
In astrology there are 12 signs in the zodiac
Though the 5th and tenth are my favorite
When you add 10 and 5 you get 15 minus your favorite number 3 we get 12
That’s not all about 12
Jacob has 12 sons in the Bible
Jesus had 12 disciples
Moses led his people out of Egypt and twelve tribes were started
Let’s not forget In English, twelve is the largest number that has just one syllable.
While time is precious and we hold so dear the analog clock has only 12 faces to depend on
12 my dear has been the number of miracles
Phenomenons and amazement In all of mankind.
But with all of that, the greatest 12 that will go down in history is today’s 12. The twelve years I got to enjoy being married to you, the twelve years of memories we share the twelve years of me getting on your nerves and the 12 years of you not having it any other way and neither would I love neither would I
Happy 12!
Happy 12
Jul 2018 · 274
Harsh Reality
Reign Jul 2018
When life comes it speaks with daggers on its tongue and  salt to the taste....When death comes it speaks with a soft tone and sweet nectar.
Nov 2017 · 435
Ultimate Sacrifice
Reign Nov 2017
Most say the Ultimate Sacrifice is to give your life
But I look at it in a different light
To me there’s no question that this right is acknowledged as to give a life for this comes to a woman at a given price
This Alien has hijacked and invaded
Hunger increases while memories faded
Pain from limbs
Worst than any stomping of Timbs
Identities over shadowed for the creation of them
It takes a body to be destroyed
For creating a body that’s adored
I think that this should be an option under Sacrifice explored
The mental battle between your likes from their likes
Your wants from their wants
What’s wrong to what’s right
These invaders should place you on a royal throne
Instead some just **** you dry
Stretch you out
Risk your life
But never say thank you
You paid a price
The Ultimate Price
I guess someone did die for this Sacrifice
Motherhood Sacrifice under appreciated
Nov 2017 · 429
Cognitive Diary
Reign Nov 2017
In my brain I express the things I need
Her presents more beautiful then Mains autumn leaves
I say I’m independent no women is a need
If you peaked at my truth it would be lies that is seen
I need your scent to breath
I need your beauty to see
Your words to hear
You touch to feel
But I express only the cognitive way
No words I’ll say
Is it power or strength to prevent theses words to slip
Not realizing the power I’ll get with your soul in my grip
But still I remain cold as a Russian winter expecting your suburban spring
Love just is not love because I gave a ring
You need my need but that’s already a thing
I’m a man too dumb to realize your emotional needs
To strong to submit
I hope my cognitive diary makes it to you before you decide to quit
So that you know your needed and wanted
There’s no question in this
Nov 2017 · 229
Noise to Silence
Reign Nov 2017
The sound of conversation brings pain of what’s next
The bass of a lovers tone turns to frozen daggers as they pierce your ears
A question or opposition has unveiled your fears
A sound of another argument you were afraid would arrive
The sound of their disappointment comes to no surprise
The sound of the words to make you feel once again
You have issues
The sound of anger over sadness with tissues
Tonight’s a new night
So as the sound of the snots alerts their sleep
All you hear is the sounds of your feet
The sound of a chest strengthens the sound of your heart
Sound of a CLICK
Drowns our the sound of the street
Then the sound of a BANG wakes them out their sleep
But that bang was the last sound of all
That sound delivered
A silence
A peace
A calm
Nov 2017 · 432
If Her Curves had Words
Reign Nov 2017
I see him....
I’m strutting with no reaction
His thumbs on his phone just thumping and tapping
With grace and with strength like love mixed with lust
His attention I need his touch is a must
The jealousy and Envy is from a light on a screen
I wish you could hear me I plead and I scream
I know I look good in these ocean blue jeans
Just look...JUST LOOK withthat fire in those frames
Dare I say... did it work?
As he peaks with a smile
Did he hear?..... was it heard?...
Yes he’s up
Oh **** these nerves that I feel
His touch
His feel is what makes me kneel
Wheather their heard or not
These curves words said were real
Nov 2017 · 221
Reign Nov 2017
It’s tempting almost taunting how it lays waiting to be touched

Forbidden but almost permissioned to be grazed it’s a daunting rush

Is this a test is this a reward decisions I wish not to choose

The intellect, whit, and wisdom can’t save me from the destruction I’m bout to choose

Your glow, your power, & mystery is the scent of pollen to a worker bee

I’m caught trynna figure what’s what it’s  almost worth to see

It’s like a man has your body and I your heart so who’s worth more him or me

It’s almost to tempting to walk away not knowing curiosity left astray

Criminal to an artistic mind believing even chaotic body has a beauties face

Enough I’ll touch it the lights start to flicker

The rumble from the ground I can feel the earth start to shiver

In a flash happiness and pain don’t exist

But not for nothing...

At least we all got to see the effects when you push the RED BUTTON!
Oct 2017 · 243
Reign Oct 2017
There is no comparison when it comes to a diamond,and a rose. A diamond is not fully valued until mankind molds it to an image it considers an image of value.  A rose on the other hand has imperfect pedals and spikes at the shaft, yet people glow at its presents run to grab and appreciate it's original form.  You my darling are no diamond but the perfect imperfect ROSE.

— The End —