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Britni Ann Apr 2019
“You.” She said with tears in her eyes and exhaustion in her tone.
And even though she only said one word
I knew
That it carried the whole weight of the world.
Britni Ann Apr 2019
God knows you deserve it.
And if, on your journey, we meet again.
I won't be hostile
I will give you a warm smile
I will offer some encouragement.
If we are meant to be, then honey we will be.
Britni Ann Apr 2019
I rip a sheet of paper from a stolen notebook and quickly scribble my number on it using a borrowed pen. And shove my engagement ring in my pocket. So tempted to approach you after so many years and give you my number. I imagine it, confidently strutting over to you and handing that piece of yellow lined paper saying, “I would love to go for coffee.” Knowing how ****** of a person I’d be to do it. But so lonely and desperate enough to not care. “Just do it, just walk over and give it to him. He can decide what he wants to do with it.” But then your friend comes back and how he broke me I couldn’t do it. I watched you leave with my ring still in my pocket, and that stolen piece of paper in my hand. “Next time.” I promise myself. As I put my ring back on, and my number in my pocket.
Britni Ann Mar 2019
We lived for sparkle eye shadow that lasted through harsh thunderstorms and our broken-hearted tears.
Claiming if the sparkles could make it, we could too.
I never thought that the sparkles would outlive us though.
They were just sparkles, after all, we put them on expecting them to work like glue,
Glue that could hold your broken together just enough to make it through another day.
But you can't expect sparkle eyeshadow to hold a friendship together.
I had to wipe mine off at some point.
I left the makeup remover wipe on the counter filled with sparkles, to let you find the glue that you needed.
Britni Ann Mar 2019
You fell to the bottom of the sea,
You expected me to save you.
I told you I couldn’t.
Sometimes you do everything for someone and it's still not enough.
I didn't want to drown trying to save you because I knew,
That we would have both ended up dead.
At the bottom of the sea.
Britni Ann Feb 2019
I didn’t want this.
I didn’t want him to leave but he did.
I didn’t want her to break me but she did.
I didn’t want him to take advantage of me but he did.

What I wanted was a dad who would stay.
What I wanted was a friend who would be there for me no matter what.
What I wanted was a man I could trust to keep his hands away from me.  

I am afraid of getting my hopes up.
And yet I still feel saddened when people don’t come through.
I’m so tired of living in fear.
But my mind revolves around what ifs,
And memories,
And brokenness.
And what if, when I try to think differently, and I get my hopes up, it’s all for nothing? And I am left alone again?
I feel empty again
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